Population aging and international migration are two of the most critical social trends shaping the world today. As a result, scholars across the globe have begun to investigate how to better incorporate ethnicity into gerontological research. The integration of insights from life-course theory, post-colonial, and feminist theories have resulted in valuable attempts to tackle issues related to ethnicity and old age. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/pf429242.html Inspired by these bodies of research, this paper explores how decolonial perspectives can strengthen social gerontological research at the intersection of ethnicity and old age. This theoretical paper advances four key insights drawn from decolonial perspectives that expose some current blind spots in gerontological research at the intersection of aging and ethnicity. Through a process of awareness and resistance decolonial perspectives reveal that 1) colonial thinking is deeply embedded in research; 2) critical reflection about who is considered the "knower" in research is warranted; 3) alternative ways to generate, analyze, and publish knowledge exist; and 4) the places and systems of knowledge production are not neutral. To address these issues empirically, decolonial frameworks call us to actions that include decolonizing the conceptual underpinnings of the research enterprise, scholars themselves, research-in-action (through "epistemic disobedience"), and current knowledge systems and structures that reflect and reinforce colonialism. Potential applications of these insights are explored, but acknowledged as an essential first step on a nascent path. This paper concludes by arguing that decolonial perspectives offer a more genuine gaze by demanding nuanced reflections of contemporary realities aging persons embodying the intersection of aging and ethnicity, like racialized older migrants and ethnic minorities, while simultaneously revealing how historically-rooted power hierarchies that are often invisible constrain their aging experiences.Studies on older adults' civic engagement have been dominated by a win-win narrative, which assumes that the activity is beneficial both for the individuals involved and for communities. However, civic engagement may also be a source of negative experiences. The aim of this study was to understand these experiences in greater depth through an analysis of older Spanish activists' narratives of negative episodes of political participation. We also aimed to contribute to the methodological literature on narrative research by highlighting the strengths of analysing not just the content but also the structure of older people's stories. Life story interviews were carried out with 40 members of Spanish political organisations aged between 65 and 86 years old. As part of the interview, they were invited to narrate a negative event related to their stories of political participation. Answers were analysed both for their content (using thematic analysis) and for their structure (using Christopher Booker's plot typology). Participants recounted many negative experiences of political participation, which challenged the win-win master cultural narrative around civic engagement. These stories, which often reflected Booker's plots of 'tragedy', 'overcoming the monster', 'the quest', and 'redemption', recorded political defeats, conflicts with other members in the organisation, feelings of loneliness associated with engagement, and undesired consequences for relatives and friends. The results highlight the importance of providing a more nuanced understanding of what it means to be politically engaged in later life. This understanding would integrate the positive aspects assumed by the master win-win narrative with others that clearly challenge its assumptions.Providing care to people with Parkinson's disease (PD) poses challenges for family carers, including experiencing stigmatic beliefs -i.e., family stigma. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is no empirical study examining the stigmatic experiences of family members of people with PD. This was the aim of the present study. Three focus groups with 22 Israeli spouses of people with PD were conducted. Data were analyzed using theory-led thematic analysis. Overall, the spouses in our study shared mainly experiences of the stigma attached to the illness and/or to their loved ones, and not to themselves as carers. Three major themes emerged the stereotypes that typify PD, stigmatizing behaviors towards the person with the disease, and structural stigma. Our findings highlight the profound stigma confronting carers of persons with PD, particularly when it comes to structural stigma.In recent years, a multitude of intergenerational contact programmes and interventions has emerged to counteract ageism among young adults. Research on these programmes and its supposed effect on ageism often start from the assumption that intergenerational contact follows a largely linear process in which a high level of encounters, in the right setting, decreases ageism and negative stereotyping. The purpose of this article is to critically examine this assumption by focussing on the underlying process of intergenerational contact, rather than examining the positive or negative outcome. Using in-depth interviews with 35 young adults, we found that although conditions and mediating factors during the contact do play a role in the outcome of intergroup contact, the process of contact is rather varied and does not follow a linear path. The results reveal that whether or not a positive contact experience translates into a changed group image of older people is related to the positioning of such experience within the young adults' personal frame of reference. We found that this has to do with the young adults having diverse and both positive and negative previous experiences, their grandparent-grandchild relationship, stories from others and personal characteristics. With this study, we point to the complexity of intergenerational contact and highlight potential pathways leading to varying group images of 'the old'.According to a 2018 report by the Alzheimer's Association, an estimated 250,000 children help support a family member with dementia, but few studies exist that describe their experience as family carers. This qualitative descriptive study sought to understand the perceived psychological well-being of adolescents who assist with providing care to family members with dementia. Eleven adolescents ages 12 to 17 caring for older non-parental family members with dementia in northwest Ohio participated in one of three focus group discussions. An adult family member was surveyed about family background and level of assistance provided. The data from the two questionnaires were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Focus group transcripts were analyzed using thematic content analysis. Thematic analysis revealed six themes related to psychological well-being 1) Feeling compassion for the family member; 2) Finding connection through fun, humor, and mutual affection; 3) Helping even though it is not always pleasant; 4) Feeling good inside about helping family "do stuff"; 5) Believing no one can do it like family; and 6) Reflecting that it is just something that they do.