How to Upgrade Items in World of Warcraft Always upgrade your top-of-the-line slot equipment first. This includes chests, helms, and legs. Upgrade your weapon the next time. After that upgrade your belts and shoulder guards. Upgrade your boots and gloves last. Glyphs are upgrade elements that can be slotted into weapons and gathering tools. Unlike other upgrades glyphs are easily removed and replaced. Glyphs Glyphs can be used to increase your character's power in certain areas. They can be used to boost a character's secondary stat or primary stat. Certain glyphs also come with fixed bonuses that are available when specific stat requirements are satisfied. Examples include increasing the critical strike damage by 10% after casting an offensive spell. These bonuses are often worth the cost of upgrading Glyphs's tiers to higher. Glyphs were upgraded in the April 10th update to allow more flexible upgrades. Before, Glyphs gained experience by being upgraded to a higher rank. Players could only respeccing their Glyphs after they had reached the end of their upgrade path. Glyphs now have a ranking, and with each rank, you'll have more chances to upgrade them to the next level. These attempts are dependent on the number of Pit Tiers you have completed. A glyph is an encoded symbol in a font, and it has a unique code that allows it to refer to it across all of the fonts that utilize it. A glyph may represent symbols, characters or even concepts in whole, such as flags and arrows. There are a variety of glyphs in various languages across the globe. You can search for and create glyphs using the Glyph Panel, which is located in the bottom left corner of the game's window. Move the lower-right corner to increase or decrease the size of the panel. You can also choose from several different views to display the glyphs in. For instance, choosing Entire Font shows all the glyphs of the font. Selecting Punctuation or Math Symbols narrows the selecti