Little is comprehensively known or understood about giant panda fecal and serum metabolites, which could serve as important indicators of the physiological metabolism of giant pandas. Therefore, we determined the contents of fecal and serum metabolites of giant pandas based on an untargeted metabolome. Four hundred and 955 metabolites were detected in the feces and serum of giant panda, respectively. Glycerophospholipid and choline metabolism were the main metabolic pathways in feces and serum. A significant correlation between the gut microbiota and fecal metabolites was found (P less then 0.01). Fecal metabolites were not greatly affected by the age or gender of giant pandas, but serum metabolites were significantly affected by age and gender. The majority of different metabolites caused by age were higher in serum of younger giant pandas, including fatty acids, lipids, metabolites of bile acids, and intermediate products of vitamin D3. The majority of different metabolites caused by gender included fatty acids, phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylserine (PS), and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). A separate feeding diet should be considered according to different ages and genders of giant panda. Therefore, our results could provide helpful suggestions to further protect captive giant pandas.The exumbrellar surfaces of six pelagic cnidarians from three classes were ultra-structurally compared to reveal their structural diversity in relation to their gelatinous, transparent bodies. We examined two hydrozoans (Diphyes chamissonis and Colobonema sericeum), a cubozoan (Chironex yamaguchii), and three scyphozoans (Atolla vanhöffeni, Aurelia coerulea, and Mastigias papua). The exumbrellar surfaces of the mesoglea in D. chamissonis, Ch. yamaguchii, Au. coerulea, and M. papua were covered with a simple epidermis; the shapes of the epidermal cells were remarkably different among the species. The epidermal cells of Ch. yamaguchii and M. papua possessed an array of microvilli on the apical side. The array possibly reduced light reflectance and provided some other surface properties, as seen for the cuticular nipple array in tunicates, considering the length, width, and pitch of the microvilli. The reduction of light reflectance on the array of microvilli was supported by the simulation with rigorous coupled wave analysis (RCWA). Microvilli were sparse and did not form an array in metephyrae of Au. coerulea. The mesoglea matrix beneath the basal side of the epidermis was loose in all of the species. The exumbrellar side of the mesoglea was exposed only in the mesopelagic species, At. vanhöffeni and Co. sericeum, and electron-dense layer(s) covered the surface of the mesoglea. It is uncertain whether the exumbrellar epidermis is absent in these species or the epidermal cells are completely exfoliated during the sampling and handling processes. In the latter case, the electron-dense layer(s) on the mesoglea surface might originally underlie the epidermis.Pesticide use is known to have a negative impact on the habitat use of birds. The decomposition of residual pesticides causes a drastic decrease in the biomass of wildlife food sources, indirectly affecting the ecosystem. In this study, we investigated the effects of pesticide use on the distributions of grey herons (Ardea cinerea) and great egrets (Ardea alba) in rice fields in the Republic of Korea. From early May to mid-June in 2015 and 2016, we recorded the abundance of these birds and their prey (loaches, other fish, tadpoles, and benthic invertebrates) and investigated their dependence on rice agricultural practices (eco-friendly vs conventional) and field types (harrowed, plowed, or transplanted). We found that both grey herons and great egrets preferentially used transplanted fields. Grey herons were observed more in conventional rice fields, while great egrets were observed more in eco-friendly rice fields. This may be driven by the distribution of their preferred prey types; we observed a higher density of tadpoles (the prey type favored by grey herons) in conventional fields and a higher density of loaches (the preferred prey of great egrets) in eco-friendly fields. Pesticides drive these patterns both directly and indirectly; pesticide use in conventional rice fields directly suppresses the abundance of loaches, which frees the tadpole population from predation pressures and indirectly boosts their abundance in conventional rice fields. Our findings suggest that the distributions of grey herons and great egrets vary depending on food availability and are directly and indirectly influenced by pesticide use.We investigated the geographic diversification of Plestiodon finitimus, which occurs in the central to northern parts of the Japanese Islands, based on a time-calibrated mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) phylogeny and external morphological characters. The mtDNA phylogeny suggests that P. finitimus diverged from its sister species Plestiodon japonicus in western Japan 2.82-4.63 million years ago (MYA), which can be explained by geographic isolation due to the spread of sedimentary basins in the Pliocene. The primary intraspecific divergence was that between P. finitimus lineages in central and northeastern Japan 1.58-2.76 MYA, which could have been caused by the upliftings of major mountain ranges. In the northeastern lineage, mtDNA and morphological characters suggest a geographic differentiation between sub-lineages of the northwestern Tohoku District (α) and other areas (β). Although the sub-lineage β occurs in a disjunct geographic range, consisting of Hokkaido and the central to south of Tohoku, these areas are bridged by populations with intermediate characteristics along the Pacific side of northern Tohoku. Overall, the geographic variation in P. finitimus in northern Japan can be explained by an initial allopatric divergence of the sub-lineages α and β at 0.71-1.39 MYA, a recent northward expansion of the sub-lineage β, and subsequent secondary introgressive hybridization between the sub-lineages.Symbiotic associations with beneficial microorganisms endow a variety of host animals with adaptability to the environment. Stable transmission of symbionts across host generations is a key event in the maintenance of symbiotic associations through evolutionary time. However, our understanding of the mechanisms of symbiont transmission remains fragmentary. The deep-sea clam Phreagena okutanii harbors chemoautotrophic intracellular symbiotic bacteria in gill epithelial cells, and depends on these symbionts for nutrition. In this study, we focused on the association of these maternally transmitted symbionts with ovarian germ cells in juvenile female clams. First, we established a sex identification method for small P. okutanii individuals, and morphologically classified female germ cells observed in the ovary. Then, we investigated the association of the endosymbiotic bacteria with germ cells. We found that the symbionts were localized on the outer surface of the cell membrane of primary oocytes and not within the cluster of oogonia.