ling of health from education where the shared object of preparing the future workforce is fragmented. Successful re-coupling requires a partnership that is founded on a shared commitment to preparing the future workforce; recognises that learning and practice are inseparable; and understands that both activity systems are fluid and that collaboration to stay focused on the shared object of preparing the future workforce is complex, challenging and ongoing work. To assess the efficacy of dexmedetomidine (DEX) on the intravenous moderate sedation (IVMS) regimen, while treating patients of the special patient care (SPC) population. This study aims to incorporate DEX into the typical IVMS drug regimen in order to reduce the amount of benzodiazepines (BZD) and opioids administered and as a result reduce the amount of unwanted side effects. A retrospective study was performed in the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) SPC Clinic, where 42 patients were seen with and without DEX for dental treatment under IVMS. Medications administered, vital signs, and complications were recorded at 5 minute intervals over the first hour. All BZDs and opioids were converted to their IV midazolam and IV fentanyl equivalents, respectively. An opioid conversion equation was developed to summate the total amount of anesthetic agents administered. Data were analyzed by t-test. The amount of BZDs administered was reduced, however the decrease was not statistically significant (P=.066). There was a significant reduction in opioids (P<.05) and total anesthetic agents (P<.05) administered. The addition of DEX to the anesthetic regimen results in a reduction of overall medications administered. The addition of DEX to the anesthetic regimen results in a reduction of overall medications administered. Emergency cesarean sections (EMCS) are associated with subsequent preterm birth, particularly at full dilation (FDCS), which is a cause of bo