Adherence to asthma medications is a significant problem among pregnant women. Objective. To evaluate asthma medication adherence in pregnant women and to determine the factors that may predict non-adherence in a real-life setting. A cross-sectional study was performed with pregnant women with asthma followed in a specialized asthma consultation at the Pulmonology Department, between 2014 and 2019. Sociodemographic and clinical variables were collected. Structured telephone interviews were conducted to determine regular medication use during pregnancy. Multiple logistic regression was used to identify predictive factors of asthma medication non-adherence (cessation or dose reduction). A total of 82 pregnant women were included mean age of 31.3 ± 6.5 years, non-adherence was detected in 29% (n = 24). Multivariable logistic regression analysis revealed that mild asthma during pregnancy (OR, 4.8; 95% CI 1.4-17.1, p = 0.015) and single, separated or divorced mothers (OR, 4.0; 95% CI 1.3-11.8, p = 0.014) mean age of 31.3 ± 6.5 years, non-adherence was detected in 29% (n = 24). Multivariable logistic regression analysis revealed that mild asthma during pregnancy (OR, 4.8; 95% CI 1.4-17.1, p = 0.015) and single, separated or divorced mothers (OR, 4.0; 95% CI 1.3-11.8, p = 0.014) were independent predictors of poor adherence to asthma medications. Conclusions. Asthma severity and marital status can strongly predict the asthma medication non-adherence in pregnant females. These findings may help improve asthma education strategies to promote. Chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) is a common and treatment challenging disorder which may involve about 2% of normal population and in 50% do not respond properly even to the second line therapies. We aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a synbiotic (prebiotic + probiotic) named as LactoCare in treatment of CSU in the RCT for the first time. This blinded RCT conducted on 42 patients (21 patients in control antihistamine group and 21 in intervention antihistamine + probiotic group) with CSU during 8 weeks. The efficacy assessed by Urticaria Activity Score (UAS7) and quality of life measured by Persian validated Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI). Before and after UAS7 score in control group was 35.33 ± 7.81 and 16.86 ± 13.54, respectively. There was 53% score reduction in control group. Before and after UAS7 score in intervention group was 32 ± 7.84 and 11 ± 11.41, respectively. There was 66% score reduction in intervention group. Improvement of DLQI in control and intervention group wasatients with combination therapy may experience higher reduction rate of itch, number of urticaria and total UAS7 score that is clinically of great value and is really practical by itself. Patients with combination therapy experienced more improvement of quality of life (DLQI). Patients show varied results to allergen immunotherapy (AIT. The reason for this variability is unclear. To describe the relationship between AIT efficacy and demographic characteristics, as well as pre-treatment plasma levels of specific IgE-antibodies to grass and birch pollen. A retrospective study was performed based on medical records of 128 patients who received AIT. The patients completed a questionnaire and pre-AIT plasma levels of allergen-specific IgE to grass and birch pollen were measured using EUROLINE DPA-Dx pollen 1 method. Results. Seventy percent of patients classified their allergic symptoms as less severe after AIT. Twenty-seven percent had received AIT targeting only grass pollen, 19% targeting only birch pollen, and 55% targeting both grass and birch. A total of 35 different IgE profiles were found across our study population. On comparison of the demographic characteristics and concentration of allergen-specific IgE-antibodies, no statistically significant differences could be fT targeting only grass pollen, 19% targeting only birch pollen, and 55% targeting both grass and birch. A total of 35 different IgE profiles were found across our study population. On comparison of the demographic characteristics and concentration of allergen-specific IgE-antibodies, no statistically significant differences could be found.Conclusions. The majority of patients rated their allergic symptoms as less severe after AIT. No clear relationship could be demonstrated between pre-treatment allergen-specific IgE concentration, or demographic characteristics, and effect of AIT. There may be other factors underlying the different responses to AIT. Anaphylaxis is the most severe systemic hypersensitivity reaction, it can be caused by a number of well identified triggers such as foods, drugs, stinging insects and facilitated by predisposing clinical conditions. However, sometimes anaphylaxis shows up with uncommon or peculiar characteristics which could delay diagnosis and therapeutic treatment. In this report we aimed to describe less accounted / difficult-to-approach shapes of anaphylaxis to facilitate clinicians to suspect these severe reactions even in uncommon conditions. We choose to present data on anaphylaxis regarding simulation, mode of exposure to sensitizing agents, pregnancy, exposure to animals, intimate behaviour, psychological stress and other situations. Anaphylaxis is the most severe systemic hypersensitivity reaction, it can be caused by a number of well identified triggers such as foods, drugs, stinging insects and facilitated by predisposing clinical conditions. However, sometimes anaphylaxis shows up with uncommon or peculiar characteristics which could delay diagnosis and therapeutic treatment. In this report we aimed to describe less accounted / difficult-to-approach shapes of anaphylaxis to facilitate clinicians to suspect these severe reactions even in uncommon conditions. We choose to present data on anaphylaxis regarding simulation, mode of exposure to sensitizing agents, pregnancy, exposure to animals, intimate behaviour, psychological stress and other situations.The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) maintains that it is unethical to intentionally harm an innocent human being even in the absence of the individual's ability to perceive pain. However, in this paper, ACPeds reviews the laboratory and clinical evidence which indicates that as early as 12 weeks gestation (and possibly earlier) exposure to noxious stimuli negatively affects immature human beings. Because of the resulting acute stress responses and subsequent potential long-term negative effects, the ACPeds holds that avoiding, mitigating, and directly treating fetal, neonatal, and pediatric pain is a medical and ethical obligation.