In addition, nanoparticles and CAR T cells were found on consecutive histopathological sections. Moreover, diffusion and perfusion MRI revealed significantly increased water diffusion and decreased vascular permeability on day 3 after treatment, which was simultaneously accompanied by a significant decrease in tumor cell proliferation and increase in intercellular tight junction on immunostaining sections. These results establish an effective imaging technique that can track CAR T cells in GBM models and validate their early therapeutic effects, which may guide the evaluation of CAR T-cell therapies in solid tumors. These results establish an effective imaging technique that can track CAR T cells in GBM models and validate their early therapeutic effects, which may guide the evaluation of CAR T-cell therapies in solid tumors. To determine the relationship of depressive symptoms, sleep hygiene, nutritional status and gait speed with cognitive impairment in people over 60 years. Cross-sectional, correlational design with a non-probability convenience sampling. The population was made up of people over 60 years of age belonging to recreational stays in an urban area of Tamaulipas, Mexico. Criterion measures included three neuropsychological tests (Stroop Test, Trail Making Test and Digit Span Subtest) the Geriatric Depression Scale, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Mini Nutritional Assessment and the Short Physical Performance Battery. The final sample was of 108 participants. Regarding the influence of risk factors to predict cognitive impairment a significant model was observed (F=12.914, gl=4, P≥.001), showing a variance explained of 33.4%, where depressive symptoms (β=.205, P=.048), sleep (β=-.322, P=.001), nutritional status (β=-.336, P=.001) and gait speed (β=.244, P=.004) were associated with cognitive impairment. High levels of depressive symptoms, prolonged sleep duration, a malnutrition status and a slow gait speed predict cognitive impairment of the people over 60 years, this provides knowledge for the implementation of interventions aimed at preventing the risk factors that predict cognitive decline in order to delay its appearance. High levels of depressive symptoms, prolonged sleep duration, a malnutrition status and a slow gait speed predict cognitive impairment of the people over 60 years, this provides knowledge for the implementation of interventions aimed at preventing the risk factors that predict cognitive decline in order to delay its appearance. To evaluate the indicators of quality of care in pressure injuries (PI) before and after 6 months of the implementation of the Good Clinical Practice Guideline of the Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario in the geriatric unit of the Hospital Universitari Santa Maria de Lleida. Longitudinal descriptive observational study throughout the implementation of the Good Clinical Practice Guideline (GCP) "Risk Assessment and Pressure Injury Prevention" carried out by the Ontario Nurses' Professional Association. The main variables - incidence and category of nosocomial pressure injuries, risk assessment of PI during the first 24hours of admission and risk level according to the EMINA scale, continuous assessment according to the risk of PI and special surface for pressure management recorded in the care plan - were extracted from the electronic medical records for subsequent descriptive analysis and hypothesis contrasting for comparison of proportions. A total of 154 subjects were included, most of them being women (57%), average age of 86 years and an average stay of admission of 8 days. With the implementation of the guide it was possible to improve, not always with statistical significance, the quality indicators the incidence of PI decreased by 14.54%, risk assessments of PI 24hours after admission increased by 2.90%, while periodic risk assessments increased by 280.35%, recording 48.19% compared to 12.67% for the baseline situation. In addition, the recording of special surfaces in patients at risk of PI also increased by 13.33%. The implementation of the RNAO GCP improved the results related to the assessment and prevention of PI, with a positive impact on the quality of care indicators. The implementation of the RNAO GCP improved the results related to the assessment and prevention of PI, with a positive impact on the quality of care indicators.Even with early and continuous treatment, individuals with phenylketonuria (PKU) may exhibit abnormalities of cortical white matter (WM). The present study utilizes a new analysis approach called Automated Fiber-Tract Quantification (AFQ) to advance our understanding of the tract-specific patterns of change in WM abnormalities in individuals with early-treated PKU (ETPKU). Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) data from a sample of 22 individuals with ETPKU and a demographically-matched sample of 21 healthy individuals without PKU was analyzed using AFQ. In addition, a subsample of 8 individuals with ETPKU was reevaluated six months later after demonstrating a significant reduction in blood phe levels following initiation of sapropterin treatment. Within-tract AFQ analyses revealed significant location-by-group interactions for several WM tracts throughout the brain. In most cases, ETPKU-related disruptions in mean diffusivity (MD) were more apparent in posterior (as compared to anterior) aspects of a given tract. Reduction in blood phe levels with the aforementioned ETPKU subsample was associated with a similar pattern of improvement (posterior-to-anterior) within most tracts. Taken together, these findings suggest that there is a systematic pattern of change in WM abnormalities in individuals with ETPKU in a posterior-to-anterior manner along individual WM tracts.Opioid overdose deaths and opioid use disorders are a crisis in the United States and other western countries around the globe. Opioid prescriptions more than doubled after the turn of the century, particularly for postoperative patients. Unfortunately, many who have abused opioids were able to obtain those opioids from friends or family who had held on to prescribed, but unused opioids. One method to manage and decrease the opportunity for unused opioids to become black-market opioids is to educate patients and families regarding the safe use, safe storage, and proper disposal of unused prescription opioids. Perianesthesia nurses, particularly those who educate patients before and after surgery, have an excellent opportunity to educate patients and families who are discharged to home after surgery.