Military veterans in the United States face a number of complex issues and barriers to successful civilian reintegration. Dog training programs offered to these individuals are being used as a complementary intervention to support multiple aspects of veteran reintegration. This scoping review explored the existing literature on dog training programs as a support for veteran mental health and well-being. A scoping review was conducted in accordance with PRISMA guidelines to analyze the existing research on this topic. Five overarching themes were identified, including improvements to mental health, social benefits, a developed sense of purpose, differing impacts of training methods, and potential negative outcomes associated with stressful demands of training. The results of this review suggested dog training programs have potentially positive effects on veteran mental health but also revealed a few potential negative impacts and the need for further research on this animal-assisted intervention. The results of this review suggested dog training programs have potentially positive effects on veteran mental health but also revealed a few potential negative impacts and the need for further research on this animal-assisted intervention. Qualitative studies have described the rather unique styles of Balinese people to adjust to adversity. No quantitative research assessing psychopathology among bereaved individuals has been performed yet. This study estimated the prevalence of prolonged grief disorder (PGD), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression among bereaved individuals after traffic deaths in Bali and the relations between subgroups sharing the same symptoms and cultural, socio-demographic characteristics and posttraumatic growth (PTG). In this cross-sectional study, 301 participants participated in questionnaire-interviews assessing PGD, PTSD, depression, PTG and cultural and socio-demographic chara