Non-coding RNAs (ncRNA) are essential for all life, and their functions often depend on their secondary (2D) and tertiary structure. Despite the abundance of software for the visualisation of ncRNAs, few automatically generate consistent and recognisable 2D layouts, which makes it challenging for users to construct, compare and analyse structures. Here, we present R2DT, a method for predicting and visualising a wide range of RNA structures in standardised layouts. R2DT is based on a library of 3,647 templates representing the majority of known structured RNAs. R2DT has been applied to ncRNA sequences from the RNAcentral database and produced >13 million diagrams, creating the world's largest RNA 2D structure dataset. The software is amenable to community expansion, and is freely available at https// and a web server is found at https// .Materials combining semiconductor functionalities with spin control are desired for the advancement of quantum technologies. Here, we study the magneto-optical properties of novel paramagnetic Ruddlesden-Popper hybrid perovskites Mn(PEA)2PbI4 (PEA = phenethylammonium) and report magnetically brightened excitonic luminescence with strong circular polarization from the interaction with isolated Mn2+ ions. Using a combination of superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometry, magneto-absorption and transient optical spectroscopy, we find that a dark exciton population is brightened by state mixing with the bright excitons in the presence of a magnetic field. Unexpectedly, the circular polarization of the dark exciton luminescence follows the Brillouin-shaped magnetization with a saturation polarization of 13% at 4 K and 6 T. From high-field transient magneto-luminescence we attribute our observations to spin-dependent exciton dynamics at early times after excitation, with first indications for a Mn-mediated spin-flip process. Our findings demonstrate manganese doping as a powerful approach to control excitonic spin physics in Ruddlesden-Popper perovskites, which will stimulate research on this highly tuneable material platform with promise for tailored interactions between magnetic moments and excitonic states.Fusicoccadiene synthase from Phomopsis amygdali (PaFS) is a unique bifunctional terpenoid synthase that catalyzes the first two steps in the biosynthesis of the diterpene glycoside Fusicoccin A, a mediator of 14-3-3 protein interactions. The prenyltransferase domain of PaFS generates geranylgeranyl diphosphate, which the cyclase domain then utilizes to generate fusicoccadiene, the tricyclic hydrocarbon skeleton of Fusicoccin A. Here, we use cryo-electron microscopy to show that the structure of full-length PaFS consists of a central octameric core of prenyltransferase domains, with the eight cyclase domains radiating outward via flexible linker segments in variable splayed-out positions. Cryo-electron microscopy and chemical crosslinking experiments additionally show that compact conformations can be achieved in which cyclase domains are more closely associated with the prenyltransferase core. This structural analysis provides a framework for understanding substrate channeling, since most of the geranylgeranyl diphosphate generated by the prenyltransferase domains remains on the enzyme for cyclization to form fusicoccadiene.In brown adipose tissue, thermogenesis is suppressed by thioesterase superfamily member 1 (Them1), a long chain fatty acyl-CoA thioesterase. Them1 is highly upregulated by cold ambient temperature, where it reduces fatty acid availability and limits thermogenesis. Here, we show that Them1 regulates metabolism by undergoing conformational changes in response to β-adrenergic stimulation that alter Them1 intracellular distribution. Them1 forms metabolically active puncta near lipid droplets and mitochondria. Upon stimulation, Them1 is phosphorylated at the N-terminus, inhibiting puncta formation and activity and resulting in a diffuse intracellular localization. We show by correlative light and electron microscopy that Them1 puncta are biomolecular condensates that are inhibited by phosphorylation. Thus, Them1 forms intracellular biomolecular condensates that limit fatty acid oxidation and suppress thermogenesis. During a period of energy demand, the condensates are disrupted by phosphorylation to allow for maximal thermogenesis. The stimulus-coupled reorganization of Them1 provides fine-tuning of thermogenesis and energy expenditure.Three-dimensional bicontinuous porous materials formed by dealloying contribute significantly to various applications including catalysis, sensor development and energy storage. This work studies a method of molten salt dealloying via real-time in situ synchrotron three-dimensional X-ray nano-tomography. Quantification of morphological parameters determined that long-range diffusion is the rate-determining step for the dealloying process. The subsequent coarsening rate was primarily surface diffusion controlled, with Rayleigh instability leading to ligament pinch-off and creating isolated bubbles in ligaments, while bulk diffusion leads to a slight densification. Chemical environments characterized by X-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopic imaging show that molten salt dealloying prevents surface oxidation of the metal. In this work, gaining a fundamental mechanistic understanding of the molten salt dealloying process in forming porous structures provides a nontoxic, tunable dealloying technique and has important implications for molten salt corrosion processes, which is one of the major challenges in molten salt reactors and concentrated solar power plants.The characteristics of COVID-19 patients with persistent SARS-CoV-2 infection are not yet well described. Here, we compare the clinical and molecular features of patients with long duration of viral shedding (LDs) with those from patients with short duration patients (SDs), and healthy donors (HDs). We find that several cytokines and chemokines, such as interleukin (IL)-2, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and lymphotoxin α (LT-α) are present at lower levels in LDs than SDs. Single-cell RNA sequencing shows that natural killer (NK) cells and CD14+ monocytes are reduced, while regulatory T cells are increased in LDs; moreover, T and NK cells in LDs are less activated than in SDs. Importantly, most cells in LDs show reduced expression of ribosomal protein (RP) genes and related pathways, with this inversed correlation between RP levels and infection duration further validated in 103 independent patients. Our results thus indicate that immunosuppression and low RP expression may be related to the persistence of the viral infection in COVID-19 patients.