01), the Barthel Index (p less then 0.01), the Barthel Index (p less then 0.01), the Barthel Index (p less then 0.01), the Barthel Index (. Conclusion A protocol of semi-immersive video-game based therapy, combined with conventional therapy, may be effective for improving balance, functionality, quality of life, and motivation in patients with subacute stroke. This trial is registered with NCT03528395. Copyright © 2020 María José Cano-Mañas et al.Frequent outbreaks of drug safety incidents pose a massive threat to public health and safety, while the transparency of security risk information in medical enterprises is not optimistic. Therefore, this study uses the analytic network process (Dempster-Shafer method) to construct a transparent comprehensive evaluation model for security risk information in listed pharmaceutical enterprises from the perspective of government supervision and listed pharmaceutical enterprises. On the basis of 59,305 data obtained by 303 enterprises listed in the Chinese biomedical sector, this research conducted an empirical study on the transparency of safety risk information in Chinese listed pharmaceutical enterprises. The current study found that the transparency of security risk information in Chinese listed pharmaceutical enterprises is generally between "general" and "relatively good" and tends to be "relatively good." However, administrative punishment information, adverse drug reaction reporting systems, and production processes need continuous improvement. Copyright © 2020 Jining Wang et al.In the last few years, the importance of measuring gait characteristics has increased tenfold due to their direct relationship with various neurological diseases. As patients suffering from Parkinson's disease (PD) are more prone to a movement disorder, the quantification of gait characteristics helps in personalizing the treatment. The wearable sensors make the measurement process more convenient as well as feasible in a practical environment. However, the question remains to be answered about the validation of the wearable sensor-based measurement system in a real-world scenario. This paper proposes a study that includes an algorithmic approach based on collected data from the wearable accelerometers for the estimation of the gait characteristics and its validation using the Tinetti mobility test and 3D motion capture system. It also proposes a machine learning-based approach to classify the PD patients from the healthy older group (HOG) based on the estimated gait characteristics. The results show a good correlation between the proposed approach, the Tinetti mobility test, and the 3D motion capture system. It was found that decision tree classifiers outperformed other classifiers with a classification accuracy of 88.46%. The obtained results showed enough evidence about the proposed approach that could be suitable for assessing PD in a home-based free-living real-time environment. Copyright © 2020 Satyabrata Aich et al.Using adherence to diabetes management guidelines as a case study, this paper applied a novel geospatial hot-spot and cold-spot methodology to identify priority counties to target interventions. Data for this study were obtained from the Dartmouth Atlas of Healthcare, the United States Census Bureau's American Community Survey and the University of Wisconsin County Health Rankings. A geospatial approach was used to identify four tiers of priority counties for diabetes preventive and management services diabetes management cold-spots, clusters of counties with low rates of adherence to diabetes preventive and management services (Tier D); Medicare spending hot-spots, clusters of counties with high rates of spending and were diabetes management cold-spots (Tier C); preventable hospitalisation hot-spots, clusters of counties with high rates of spending and are diabetes management cold-spots (Tier B); and counties that were located in a diabetes management cold-spot cluster, preventable hospitalisation hot-spot cluster and Medicare spending hot-spot cluster (Tier A). The four tiers of priority counties were geographically concentrated in Texas and Oklahoma, the Southeast and central Appalachia. Of these tiers, there were 62 Tier A counties. Rates of preventable hospitalisations and Medicare spending were higher in Tier A counties compared with national averages. These same counties had much lower rates of adherence to diabetes preventive and management services. The novel geospatial mapping approach used in this study may allow practitioners and policy makers to target interventions in areas that have the highest need. Further refinement of this approach is necessary before making policy recommendations. © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.Clinical prediction models are used frequently in clinical practice to identify patients who are at risk of developing an adverse outcome so that preventive measures can be initiated. A prediction model can be developed in a number of ways; however, an appropriate variable selection strategy needs to be followed in all cases. Our purpose is to introduce readers to the concept of variable selection in prediction modelling, including the importance of variable selection and variable reduction strategies. We will discuss the various variable selection techniques that can be applied during prediction model building (backward elimination, forward selection, stepwise selection and all possible subset selection), and the stopping rule/selection criteria in variable selection (p values, Akaike information criterion, Bayesian information criterion and Mallows' Cp statistic). This paper focuses on the importance of including appropriate variables, following the proper steps, and adopting the proper methods when selecting variables for prediction models. © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.Patients with stable chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension can be safely managed at the primary care level. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/p22077.html Yet many such patients continue to follow-up with specialists at a higher expense with no added benefit. We introduce a new term to describe this phenomenon scope inversion, defined as the provision of primary care by specialist physicians. We aimed to quantify the extent of scope inversion by conducting a systematic review. MEDLINE and five other databases were searched using the keywords 'specialist AND (routine OR primary) AND provi*' as well as other variations. The search was limited to human research without restrictions on language or date of publication. The inclusion criterion was studies on rates of the provision of routine primary care by specialist physicians. Thirteen observational studies met the inclusion criteria. A wide range of primary care involvement was observed among specialists, from 2.6% to 65% of clinic visits. Among children, 41.3% of visits with specialists were routine follow-ups for conditions such as allergic rhinitis and seborrhoeic dermatitis which could be managed in primary care.