Parents' reports are further supported by the assessments of professionals. Most parents think THR is responsible for the noticeable improvements in their children's quality of life.The distribution and abundance of microplastics into the world are so extensive that many scientists use them as key indicators of the recent and contemporary period defining a new historical epoch The Plasticene. However, the implications of microplastics are not yet thoroughly understood. There is considerable complexity involved to understand their impact due to different physical-chemical properties that make microplastics multifaceted stressors. If, on the one hand, microplastics carry toxic chemicals in the ecosystems, thus serving as vectors of transport, they are themselves, on the other hand, a cocktail of hazardous chemicals that are added voluntarily during their production as additives to increase polymer properties and prolong their life. To date, there is a considerable lack of knowledge on the major additives of concern that are used in the plastic industry, on their fate once microplastics dispose into the environment, and on their consequent effects on human health when associated with micro and nanoplastics. The present study emphasizes the most toxic and dangerous chemical substances that are contained in all plastic products to describe the effects and implications of these hazardous chemicals on human health, providing a detailed overview of studies that have investigated their abundance on microplastics. In the present work, we conducted a capillary review of the literature on micro and nanoplastic exposure pathways and their potential risk to human health to summarize current knowledge with the intention of better focus future research in this area and fill knowledge gaps.The competition for land resources created by the need for food security and ecological security is intensifying globally. To resolve the issue of land scarcity in agriculture following rapid urbanization, China implemented its requisition-compensation balance policy of cultivated lands in 1997, the introduction of which consumed numerous areas of land, such as river shoal and bare land, through reclamation. Moreover, these reclaimed and newly cultivated lands were mainly distributed in the northern part of China. Most previous studies of this subject have only examined the overall balance of cultivated lands in well-developed regions, and there is a lack of knowledge about the indigenous gains and losses before and after reclamation in important areas such as northeast China. Therefore, this study selected two representative county-level units in northeast China as the study area to analyze the conversion of cultivated land reserves during 1996-2015, evaluate the performance of reclaimed cultivated lands in introduce practical measures to protect indigenous ecosystems, in order to better serve the local residents and ensure prolonged food security with sustainability.In order to clarify the level transboundary air pollution caused by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and genotoxic substances, aerosols were collected from forest and suburban sites in Nagasaki, west Japan, for 6 years. The PAH concentration was measured, and the genotoxicity of the substances were evaluated using the umu test. The results showed no notable trends in the concentration or toxicity of either sites throughout the study period. The suburban and forest sites shared similar seasonal fluctuation patterns and quantitative values, suggesting that the western end of Japan might be affected by long-range transported pollutants, especially in winter. PAH concentration and genotoxicity showed the same seasonal patterns of increased levels in winter and lower levels in summer. This suggests that PAHs and genotoxic substances were correlated and share common sources. Back trajectory and source analyses were conducted using the diagnostic ratios of PAHs. It was predicted that air pollution by PAHs at the forest site arise predominantly as a result of biomass or coal combustion in continental regions, such as northern parts of China and the Korean Peninsula. This is particularly expected in winter. Therefore, genotoxic substances would also be strongly influenced by transboundary pollution from the continental region. In addition, it was estimated that the contribution of transboundary PAH pollution could reach 70% at the suburban site in winter.The correct management of diseases that are transmitted between wildlife and livestock requires a reliable estimate of the pathogen transmission rate. The calculation of this parameter is a challenge for epidemiologists, since transmission can occur through multiple pathways. The social network analysis is a widely used tool in epidemiology due to its capacity to identify individuals and communities with relevant roles for pathogen transmission. In the present work, we studied the dynamic network of interactions in a complex epidemiological scenario using information from different methodologies. In 2015, nine red deer, seven fallow deer, six wild boar and nine cattle were simultaneously monitored using GPS-GSM-Proximity collars in DoƱana National Park. In addition, 16 proximity loggers were set in aggregation points. Using the social network analysis, we studied the dynamic network of interactions, including direct and indirect interactions, between individuals of different species and the potential transmission of pathogens within this network. The results show a high connection between species through indirect interactions, with a marked seasonality in the conformation of new interactions. Within the network, we differentiated four communities that included individuals of all the species. Regarding the transmission of pathogens, we observed the important role that fallow deer could be playing in the maintenance and transmission of pathogens to livestock. The present work shows the need to consider different types of methodologies in order to understand the complete functioning of the network of interactions at the wildlife/livestock interface. It also provides a methodological approach applicable to the management of shared diseases.