PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS One-on-one health literacy education tailored to inhaler type and patient age shows promise for chronic disease interventions provided by nurses, physicians, and pharmacists--all the parties involved in patient care. V.OBJECTIVE The study aim was to investigate how the integrated experiential training programme with coaching could motivate children undergoing cancer treatment to adopt and maintain physical activity. METHODS A descriptive phenomenological approach was used. A purposive sample of 23 children and their parents participated in one-to-one 25-30-minute semistructured interviews. Interviews were tape-recorded and transcribed. Colaizzi's method of descriptive phenomenological data analysis was used. RESULTS The integrated programme motivated children with cancer by increasing children's and parents' knowledge of physical activity, enhancing confidence in physical activity and improving physical and psychological well-being. Moreover, the programme provided children with encouragement and psychological support through coach companionship. The programme also facilitated children's participation in physical activity and modified perceptions of physical activity. CONCLUSION This study addressed a gap in the literature by exploring how an integrated programme promoted and maintained physical activity in childhood cancer patients. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS The integrated experiential training programme is feasible and can be easily sustained. Future studies could extend the programme beyond aspects of physical activity to help people change their health practices and maintain a healthy lifestyle. OBJECTIVE Although peer coaching can help patients manage chronic conditions, few studies have evaluated the effects of peer coaching on coaches, and no studies have systematically examined these effects in the context of chronic pain coaching. METHODS Peer coach outcomes were assessed as part of a randomized trial of peer coaching for chronic pain. In this exploratory analysis, linear mixed models were used to evaluate changes in peer coaches' pain and related outcomes from baseline to 6 and 9 months. The Šidák method was used to account for multiple comparisons. RESULTS Peer coaches (N = 55) experienced statistically significant increases in anxiety and pain catastrophizing from baseline to 6 months, which were no longer significant after adjustment. All other changes were not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS Despite prior studies suggesting that peer coaches benefit from serving as a coach, the current study failed to support that conclusion. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS Peer coaching remains a promising model, with high potential for implementation, for a number of chronic conditions requiring self-management. However, to maximize the benefits of such interventions, it is essential to monitor both those being coached and the coaches themselves, and not to assume that serving as a coach is inherently beneficial. Published by Elsevier B.V.OBJECTIVE To obtain a hierarchy of the main factors that predict the decision to go to the doctor when symptoms are not yet linked to a specific disease. METHOD 64 representative vignettes, combinations of nine factors, were presented to 168 adults between 28-60 years of age. RESULTS Multilevel multiple regression models were used to rank the main factors predicting urgency to see a doctor in order of importance the interference of symptoms in daily activities (B = -1.29; p less then .001), fear (B = -0.96; p less then .001), pain (B = -0.90; p less then .001), access to medical care (B = -0.64; p less then .001) and confidence in the doctor (B = -0.27; less then .05). Moreover, gender (B = 0.56; p less then .05) and educational level (B =-0.31; p less then .05) explained part of the interindividual variation in the daily symptoms' interference. CONCLUSION When a specific disease has not yet been diagnosed, daily symptoms' interference is the factor that most strongly increases the urgency to visit a doctor, especially among men and among people with a higher level of education. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS To reduce delay, generic health prevention campaigns should place more emphasis on possible interference in daily activities than on the meaning of symptoms for health. Routine identification of carbapenemase-producing bacterial isolates is a lengthy process often taking up to 72 h to generate results with standard culture-based tests. Here we describe a rapid test based on the hydrolysis of nitrocefin to identify isolates producing β-lactamase enzymes. A cocktail of inhibitors has been optimized in the reaction mix to provide specificity for carbapenemase enzymes. The developed assay has also been translated to a microfluidic platform with an optical readout (optofluidic chip). The chip has a long absorbance path (25 mm) to provide high sensitivity. A sample-to-answer has been achieved in under 30 min on these chips using colonies from culture plates. The test on this platform has the potential to provide a rapid indicative (presumptive positive) test for carbapenemase producers direct from bacteria isolated from patient samples, to rapidly trigger infection control measures and identify samples that should be prioritized for more specialized carbapenemase diagnostic assays. Crown All rights reserved.This article introduces a modified surgical approach combining condylotomy with posterior disc attachment release for the resection of large non-malignant masses located in the infratemporal fossa and involving the skull base. This retrospective study included 14 patients treated at Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University between January 2010 and December 2016. Clinical evaluations (visual analogue scale (VAS) for pain, maximum inter-incisal opening (MIO), and complications) and radiological findings (magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT)) were collected pre- and postoperatively. All patients had satisfactory surgical exposure and complete resection of the neoplasms. During an average follow-up of 54.8 months, no clinical or radiographic signs of recurrence were reported. MIO increased from 28mm preoperatively to 35.4mm postoperatively (P less then 0.001). The pain VAS score changed from 5.4 preoperatively to 0.7 postoperatively (P less then 0.001). Neural function was normal for all patients.