35T scanner. The sCTs were dosimetrically compared using clinical VMAT plans for all test patients. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/CP-673451.html RESULTS For the same scanner (0.35T), the results from the different models were comparable on the test set, with only minor differences in the MAE (35-51HU body). Similar results were obtained for conversions of 3T GE Signa and the 3T GE Discovery images (40-62HU MAE) for three of the models. However, larger differences were observed for the 1.5T images (48-65HU MAE). The overall best model was found to be the ensemble model. All dose differences were below 1%. CONCLUSION This study shows that it is possible to generalize models trained on images of one scanner to other scanners and different field strengths. Best metric results were achieved by the combination of all networks. Creative Commons Attribution license.PURPOSE Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are considered to maintain the vitality of tumor cell populations through self-renewal and infinite proliferation, but their accessibility still under investigation. In addition, cancer stem cells are more resistant to chemotherapy and radiotherapy compared with common tumor cells. This study aimed to develop a kind of novel and feasible nanomaterials for targeted photothermal ablation of osteosarcoma stem cells, which could be a promising anticancer strategy. METHODS The osteosarcoma stem cells were extracted by serum-free culture and further verified the stem cell properties. We evaluated the expression of CD271 by flow cytometry. PEGylated multifunctional hollow gold nanospheres (HGNs) were prepared based on CD271 monoclonal antibody. Bifunctional SH-PEG-COOH was used to facilitate the covalent linkage between HGNs and antibody. The efficient uptake and distribution of the functionalized HGNs were investigated using ICP-MS and TEM. Morphological studies and quantitative apoy for osteosarcoma treatment. © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd.OBJECTIVE Storage at temperatures as low as -80°C and below (cryopreservation) is considered as a method for long-term preservation of cells and tissues, and especially blood vessel segments, which are to be used for clinical operations such as transplantation. However, the freezing and thawing processes themselves can induce injuries to the cells and tissue by damaging the structure and consequently functionality of the cryopreserved tissue. In addition, the level of damage is dependent on the rate of cooling and warming used during the freezing-thawing process. Current methods used for monitoring the viability and integrity of the cells and tissues after going through the freezing-thawing cycle, are usually invasive and destructive to the cells and tissues. Therefore, employing monitoring methods, which are not destructive to the cryopreserved tissues such as bioimpedance measurement techniques, is necessary. In this study, we aimed to design a bioimpedance measurement setup to detect changes in the venous segments after freezing-thawing cycles in a noninvasive manner. APPROACH Bioimpedance spectroscopy measurement technique with a two-electrode setup was employed to monitor ovine jugular vein segments after each cycle during a process of seven freezing-thawing cycles. MAIN RESULTS The results demonstrated changes in the impedance spectra of the measured venous segments after each freezing-thawing cycle. SIGNIFICANCE This indicates that the bioimpedance spectroscopy has the potential to be developed into a novel method for non-invasive and nondestructive monitoring of the viability of complex tissue after cryopreservation. Creative Commons Attribution license.From its seemingly non-intuitive and puzzling nature, most evident in numerous EPR-like gedankenexperiments to its almost ubiquitous presence in quantum technologies, entanglement is at the heart of modern quantum physics. First introduced by Erwin Schrödinger nearly a century ago, entanglement has remained one of the most fascinating ideas that came out of quantum mechanics. Here, we attempt to explain what makes entanglement fundamentally different from any classical phenomenon. To this end, we start with a historical overview of entanglement and discuss several hidden variables models that were conceived to provide a classical explanation and demystify quantum entanglement. We discuss some inequalities and bounds that are violated by quantum states thereby falsifying the existence of some of the classical hidden variables theories. We also discuss some exciting manifestations of entanglement, such as N00N states and the non-separable single particle states. We conclude by discussing some contemporary results regarding quantum correlations and present a future outlook for the research of quantum entanglement. © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd.In several cellular systems, the phasor FLIM approach has shown the existence of more than 2 components in the same pixel, a typical example being free and bound NADH. In order to properly quantify the concentrations and the spatial distributions of fluorescence components associated with different molecular species we developed a general method to resolve 3 and 4 components in the same pixel using the phasor approach. The method is based on the law of linear combination of components valid after transformation of the decay curves to phasors for each pixel in the image. In principle, the linear combination rule is valid for an arbitrary number of components. For 3 components we use only the phasor position for the first harmonic, which has a small error, while for 4 components we need the phasor location at higher harmonics that have intrinsically more noise. As a result of the noise in the higher harmonics, caused by limited photon statistics, we are able to use linear algebra to resolve 4 components given the position of the phasors of 4 independent components in mixtures of dyes and 3 components for dyes in cellular systems.Superconductor-plasma based hyperbolic material (SPHM) and Metamaterial-plasma based hyperbolic materials (MPHM) are the plasma based composite hyperbolic materials. Using the effective medium theory, the permittivity of SPHM and MPHM has been investigated. Perpendicular and parallel permittivities, real and imaginary part, versus normalized frequency have been analyzed with variation of filling fraction of composite hyperbolic material. The optical properties of one-dimensional ternary periodic structure (1DTPS) containing Si, SiO2 and SPHM or MPHM have been studied using the well-known simple transfer matrix method (TMM) and Bloch's function. The absorption spectra of 1DTPS containing plasma based hyperbolic material have been analyzed with the variation of incident angle, electron collision frequency of plasma and filling fraction of the composite materials. By studying absorption property of 1DTPS, the absorption spectra of MPHM were found better results compared to the absorption spectra of SPHM. The calculations reveal that meta-material-plasma based hyperbolic material (MPHM) may be used to design the sensor, detector and switching applications at microwave region.