The analysis of the seasonal dynamics of HEV seroprevalence in pregnant women in the period from February to September 2019 showed a tendency towards an increase in the values of the positivity coefficient of specific IgM antibodies by the beginning of the autumn. Antibodies to HEV were detected with highest frequency in women from Osh region. A high risk of HEV infection for pregnant women in the surveyed region had been shown. A high risk of HEV infection for pregnant women in the surveyed region had been shown. The only currently available live vaccine against yellow fever (YF) based on chicken embryos infected with an attenuated 17D strain of the YF virus is one of the most effective vaccine preparations. However, the live vaccine is associated with "viscerotropic syndrome" (approximately 0.4 cases per 100 000 vaccinated). Therefore, the development and introduction of highly purified inactivated vaccine against YF is intended to ensure the maximum safety of vaccination against one of the most common human viral diseases.Goals and objectives. Development and evaluation of immunogenicity of the cultural inactivated vaccine against YF at the laboratory model level. Adaptation of 17D strain of YF virus to Vero cell culture, cultivation, removal of cellular DNA, inactivation with β-propiolactone, concentration, chromatographic purification, determination of protein and antigen of YF virus, assessment of immunogenicity in mice in parallel with commercial live vaccine. Immunogenicity the determination of specific antibodies of class G (IgG) and virus neutralizing antibodies in the sera of immunized mice showed high level of antibodies exceeding that of immunized with commercial live vaccine. The optimal dose of antigen in the vaccine (total protein) was 50 μg/ml (5 μg/0.1 ml -dose and volume per 1 vaccination of mice). Thus, the laboratory version of cultural inactivated vaccine against YF is as effective (and even sup