It is further hypothesized that the rhythmic movement and sensory input simultaneously generated by and processed in the right and left hemispheres, entrains the hemispheres toward greater sympathetic/parasympathetic balance.The use of hypnotic ego-strengthening techniques in psychological and medical treatment has been widespread in the fields of psychotherapy, nursing, dentistry, medicine, psychiatry, and related fields. The term "ego-strengthening" became part of the clinical hypnosis literature with the publication of John Hartland's ego-strengthening script in the 1960's. Since then numerous clinicians have utilized and modified Hartland's script, and developed other ego-strengthening scripts as well. Research has demonstrated that ego-strengthening suggestions and scripts can enhance treatment effects. Early versions of ego-strengthening suggestions tended to be verbal and authoritarian in nature while later developments added imagery and emphasized projective/evocative scripts with the purpose of accessing internal resources. Currently, in most hypnosis case studies and research articles, some form of ego-strengthening is an important aspect of the treatment plan.Post-traumatic stress disorder is a debilitating condition that can develop after exposure to any potentially traumatic event (natural disaster, physical assault, and car accident). This study focused on four pediatric patients presenting with an early stress response after a motor vehicle accident who were offered early therapeutic and a preventive management by hypnotherapy shortly after exposure to the traumatic event. All patients improved after one or several sessions of hypnosis. The results indicate that hypnotherapy can immediately help patients during the early period following a traumatic event.Despite ongoing efforts by clinicians, researchers, and theorists to resolve fundamental disagreements about what hypnosis is and how it works, a diversity of theories and approaches remains. For example, experts still disagree about whether hypnosis constitutes a special or altered state, whether hypnotizability is best conceived of as a stable trait, and whether the clinical application of hypnosis is appropriately conceptualized as hypnotherapy. Drawing on the ideas of Gregory Bateson, Daniel Siegel, and others, the author articulates a relational characterization of mind and self as a vantage from which to reexamine common assumptions about hypnosis and to reconsider several questions still animating the field.Multiple sclerosis is a chronic, demyelinating disease of the central nervous system mainly affecting young adults. In addition to physical problems, the patients suffer from many psychological problems affecting their psychological well-being. The aim of the present study was to determine the effectiveness of group-based cognitive hypnotherapy on the psychological well-being of patients suffering from multiple sclerosis. This study was designed as a clinical trial with a pretest-posttest control group. From 60 patients diagnosed with multiple sclerosis referred to Beheshti hospital in Yasuj, Iran, 45 patients who met the inclusion criteria were selected by the convenience sampling method. The patients were randomly assigned to intervention (23 individuals) and control (22 individuals) groups through stratified random allocation. After completing the Ryff Scales of Psychological Well-Being, the intervention group attended eight sessions of group-based cognitive hypnotherapy on a weekly basis. The control group did not attend any intervention sessions. At the end of the eight intervention sessions, both groups completed the Ryff's Scale of Psychological Well-being again. The collected data were analyzed using the SPSS software (Version 23). Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) and two-way Analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests were used in order to compare the groups. The results indicated that cognitive hypnotherapy had a significant effect on the total score of psychological well-being (F (45, 1) = 6.07, p = .018, η2 = 0.12) and the dimension of environmental mastery (p less then  .05). Therefore, it is recommended to use hypnotherapy to promote the psychological well-being of patients suffering from multiple sclerosis.Increasingly, electric motors are being incorporated into wheeled walkers to implement various smart features to better assist their users physically. These modified walkers, known as Smart Walkers, use their electric motors to generate horizontal forces that can be used to reduce the physical load for walking, prevent falls and provide navigation support. However, these forces can also alter gait and may inadvertently increase the exertion of the users. This study aims to describe the effects of assistive and resistive horizontal forces (from -18.47 N to 27.70 N) from a Smart Walker on gait and perceived exertion of its users during steady-state walking. Self-selected comfortable walking speed, cadence, stride length, double support phase and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were significantly affected and different effects were found for resistive force, relatively low assistive force and high assistive force. With increasing force from -18.47 N to 0 N, RPE decreased and the users walked with lower double support time. From 0 N to 9.23 N, RPE continued to decrease to its lowest point while gait parameters remained constant. Further increasing force up to 27.70 N increased RPE and led to the users to choose to walk at higher speeds. This study demonstrates that users adapt their gait significantly to the forces applied and relatively high constant forces, whether assistive or resistive, will increase perceived exertion. Hence, these need to be carefully considered when developing Smart Walkers in order to provide safe and effective support to its users.Salicornia spp. are traditionally used in Asia as food, forage and medicine. In the West, its popularity has been increasing as an alternative to salt. Nevertheless, the potential presence of contaminants needs to be considered. Hence this study, which aimed to investigate the presence of potentially mycotoxigenic fungi and the occurrence of aflatoxins and ochratoxin A in Salicornia sampled in Portugal. Fungi isolation was performed by the direct plating technique in selective media. The mycotoxins contamination levels were determined by an Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled with Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (UHPLC-ToF-MS). The results suggest that Salicornia is highly susceptible to fungi infestation, e.g. by Aspergillus and Penicillium species. Relevant levels of AFB1 > 5 µg/Kg and total aflatoxins (sum of AFB1, AFB2, AFG1 and AFG2) > 10 µg/Kg were found in various samples.