In the functional analysis, we show that bigger transcripts are often associated with neuronal development, while smaller transcripts tend to play roles in skin development and in the immune system. Furthermore, pathways related to cancer, neurons, and heart diseases tend to have genes with longer transcripts, with smaller transcripts being present in pathways related to immune responses and neurodegenerative diseases. Based on our results, we hypothesize that longer genes tend to be associated with functions that are important in the early development stages, while smaller genes tend to play a role in functions that are important throughout the whole life, like the immune system, which requires fast responses.[This corrects the article DOI 10.3389/fgene.2020.00995.].Defined as chronic excessive accumulation of adiposity, obesity results from long-term imbalance between energy intake and expenditure. The mechanisms behind how caloric imbalance occurs are complex and influenced by numerous biological and environmental factors, especially genetics, and diet. Population-based diet recommendations have had limited success partly due to the wide variation in physiological responses across individuals when they consume the same diet. Thus, it is necessary to broaden our understanding of how individual genetics and diet interact relative to the development of obesity for improving weight loss treatment. To determine how consumption of diets with different macronutrient composition alter adiposity and other obesity-related traits in a genetically diverse population, we analyzed body composition, metabolic rate, clinical blood chemistries, and circulating metabolites in 22 strains of mice from the Collaborative Cross (CC), a highly diverse recombinant inbred mouse population, before and after 8 weeks of feeding either a high protein or high fat high sucrose diet. At both baseline and post-diet, adiposity and other obesity-related traits exhibited a broad range of phenotypic variation based on CC strain; diet-induced changes in adiposity and other traits also depended largely on CC strain. In addition to estimating heritability at baseline, we also quantified the effect size of diet for each trait, which varied by trait and experimental diet. Our findings identified CC strains prone to developing obesity, demonstrate the genotypic and phenotypic diversity of the CC for studying complex traits, and highlight the importance of accounting for genetic differences when making dietary recommendations.The mangrove oysters (Crassostrea gasar) are molluscs native to the Amazonia region and their exploration and farming has increased considerably in recent years. These animals are farmed on beds built in the rivers of the Amazonia estuaries and, therefore, the composition of their microbiome should be directly influenced by environmental conditions. Our work aimed to evaluate the changes in bacterial composition of oyster's microbiota at two different seasons (rainy and dry). For this purpose, we amplified and sequenced the V3-V4 regions of the 16S rRNA gene. Sequencing was performed on the Illumina MiSeq platform. According to the rarefaction curve, the sampling effort was sufficient to describe the bacterial diversity in the samples. Alpha-diversity indexes showed that the bacterial microbiota of oysters is richer during the rainy season. This richness is possibly associated with the diversity at lower taxonomic levels, since the relative abundance of bacterial phyla in the two seasons remained relatively constant. The main phyla found include Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria, and Proteobacteria. Similar results were found for the species Crassostrea gigas, Crassostrea sikamea, and Crassostrea corteziensis. Beta-diversity analysis showed that the bacterial composition of oyster's gut microbiota was quite different in the two seasons. Our data demonstrate the close relationship between the environment and the microbiome of these molluscs, reinforcing the need for conservation and sustainable management of estuaries in the Amazonia.The correct development of a diploid sporophyte body and a haploid gametophyte relies on a strict coordination between cell divisions in space and time. During plant reproduction, these divisions have to be temporally and spatially coordinated with cell differentiation processes, to ensure a successful fertilization. Armadillo BTB Arabidopsis protein 1 (ABAP1) is a plant exclusive protein that has been previously reported to control proliferative cell divisions during leaf growth in Arabidopsis. Here, we show that ABAP1 binds to different transcription factors that regulate male and female gametophyte differentiation, repressing their target genes expression. During male gametogenesis, the ABAP1-TCP16 complex represses CDT1b transcription, and consequently regulates microspore first asymmetric mitosis. In the female gametogenesis, the ABAP1-ADAP complex represses EDA24-like transcription, regulating polar nuclei fusion to form the central cell. Therefore, besides its function during vegetative development, this work shows that ABAP1 is also involved in differentiation processes during plant reproduction, by having a dual role in regulating both the first asymmetric cell division of male gametophyte and the cell differentiation (or cell fusion) of female gametophyte.One of the greatest inputs of available nitrogen into the biosphere occurs through the biological N2-fixation to ammonium as result of the symbiosis between rhizobia and leguminous plants. These interactions allow increased crop yields on nitrogen-poor soils. Exopolysaccharides (EPS) are key components for the establishment of an effective symbiosis between alfalfa and Ensifer meliloti, as bacteria that lack EPS are unable to infect the host plants. Rhizobium favelukesii LPU83 is an acid-tolerant rhizobia strain capable of nodulating alfalfa but inefficient to fix nitrogen. Aiming to identify the molecular determinants that allow R. favelukesii to infect plants, we studied its EPS biosynthesis. LPU83 produces an EPS I identical to the one present in E. meliloti, but the organization of the genes involved in its synthesis is different. The main gene cluster needed for the synthesis of EPS I in E. meliloti, is split into three different sections in R. favelukesii, which probably arose by a recent event of horizontal gene transfer.