Finally, we show that both the polymorphs support spectrally overlapping PBGs. Importantly, randomly stacked hybrids of these polymorphs also display PBGs, thus circumventing the requirement of polymorph selection in a scalable fabrication method.A new syndrome of diabetes, short stature, microcephaly and intellectual disability has been described in association with mutations in the tRNA methyltransferase 10 homologue A (TRMT10A) gene. We report a patient who presented with fasting hyperglycemia, a raised HbA1C and positive islet cell autoantibodies. Additional clinical features included intellectual disability, hypoplastic kidneys and short stature. In view of syndromic features alongside diabetes, genetic evaluation was carried out revealing a homozygous mutation in the TRMT10A gene (c.616G>A, p.G206R). The case highlights the importance of genetic evaluation of patients with diabetes with atypical features that can further progress our understanding of the pathophysiology of the rarer subtypes of diabetes.Papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) is extremely rare in children. Herein, we present a case diagnosed with PTC at 15 months of age. We conducted a literature review of the published cases with PTC under five years of age. A 13/12 -year-old male patient had initially presented with a complaint of progressively enlarging cervical mass that appeared four months ago. On physical examination, a mass located on the anterior cervical with the largest measuring 3x3cm was detected. Cervical and thyroid ultrasonography showed a 50x27 mm in size solid mass in the right lateral neck. Excisional biopsy revealed a follicular variant of PTC with capsular invasion. Subsequently, he underwent a complementary total thyroidectomy. He was diagnosed with intermediate-risk (T3N0M0) PTC. He developed permanent hypoparathyroidism. At the first year of the operation, he was treated with radioiodine ablation (RAI) since basal and stimulated thyroglobulin (Tg) levels tended to increase. Whole body scintigraphy was normal in the first year of RAI ablation. On LT4 treatment, levels of TSH and Tg were adequately suppressed. He is now 86/12-year-old and disease-free on LT4 suppression therapy for seven years and three months. PTC has different biological behavior and a great prognosis compared to adults. The optimal treatment strategy for pediatric TC is total thyroidectomy, followed by RAI ablation. A regular follow-up with TSH suppression by thyroxin, serial thyroglobulin evaluation, and radioiodine scanning, when indicated, are the necessary follow-up procedures. To review the effect of obesity on the effectiveness of posterior lumbar fusion in patients with lumbar degenerative diseases (LDD). The related literature at home and abroad was extensively reviewed. And the difficulty of operation, risk of complications, and long-term effectiveness of posterior lumbar fusion for obese patients with LDD were summarized. Although some relevant literature suggest that the posterior lumbar fusion for obese patients is difficult and the risk of postoperative complications is high, the overall research results do not suggest that obesity is a risk factor for the implementation of posterior lumbar fusion. By assessing the physical condition of patients and strictly grasping the surgical indications, obese patients can obtain good surgical efficacy. Posterior lumbar fusion is an effective method for the treatment of LDD in obese patients. However, relevant studies need to be completed to further evaluate the safety and efficacy of posterior lumbar fusion for obese patients. Posterior lumbar fusion is an effective method for the treatment of LDD in obese patients. However, relevant studies need to be completed to further evaluate the safety and efficacy of posterior lumbar fusion for obese patients. To summarize research progress of change in bone mineral density (BMD) after knee arthroplasty and its diagnostic methods, influencing factors, and drug prevention and treatment. The relevant literature at home and abroad was reviewed and summarized from research status of the advantages and disadvantages of BMD assessment methods, the trend of changes in BMD after knee arthroplasty and its influencing factors, and the differences in effectiveness of drugs. The central BMD and mean BMD around the prosthesis decrease after knee arthroplasty, which is closely associated with body position, age, weight, daily activities, and the fixation methods, design, and material of prosthesis. Denosumab, bisphosphonates, and teriparatide can decrease BMD loss after knee arthroplasty. BMD after knee arthroplasty decreases, which is related to various factors, but the mechanism is unclear. At present, some inhibitors of bone resorption can decrease BMD loss after knee arthroplasty. However, its long-term efficacy remains to be further explored. BMD after knee arthroplasty decreases, which is related to various factors, but the mechanism is unclear. At present, some inhibitors of bone resorption can decrease BMD loss after knee arthroplasty. However, its long-term efficacy remains to be further explored. To systematically review the progress of different methods for femoral tunnel positioning in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction and provide a clinical reference for treatment of ACL rupture. The literature about the femoral tunnel positioning in ACL reconstruction was widely reviewed. The advantages and disadvantages and the clinical results of each method were summarized. Currently in ACL reconstruction, methods for femoral tunnel positioning include transtibial technique (TT), anteromedial technique (AM), outside-in (OI), modified TT (mTT), and computer assisted surgery. There is no significant difference in the postoperative effectiveness between TT technique and AM technique. Compared with the TT technique, the OI technique has higher rotational stability of knee, but there is no significant difference in clinical results. The femoral tunnel located by mTT technique is closer to the anatomical placement than that of TT technique, but mTT technique is not effective for systematically anatomic femoral tunnel positioning, and further research is needed to prove its advantages.