The available data indicate that nCounter system represents a solid approach for the research of relevant diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in thyroid pathology.We aimed to evaluate the role of a natural sesquiterpene lactone, eupatolide, in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and further explore its underlying mechanism on regulating the activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3), which is thought to have carcinogenic function in a variety of malignancies including lung cancer. Cell survival was measured by Cell Counting Kit-8 assay. in vivo experiments were performed by inoculating NSCLC cells into nude mice. Western blot and qRT-PCR were applied to detect the activation level of STAT3 and the mRNA levels of anti-apoptotic markers. The cell apoptosis was measured by Annexin V-FITC/PI Apoptosis Detection Kit. Our results showed that eupatolide suppressed the survival of NSCLC cells in a dose and time dependent manner. Furthermore, eupatolide increased the anti-tumor activity of the chemotherapeutic drugs cisplatin and 5-Fluoracil (5-FU). The xenograft study revealed that eupatolide suppressed tumor growth of NSCLC cells in vivo. Furthermore, eupatolide induced apoptosis by suppressing the activation of STAT3 in NSCLC cells. Sustained activation or knockdown of STAT3 suppressed and enhanced the activity of eupatolide, respectively. This paper is the first to report that eupatolide could effectively inhibit NSCLC progression, suggesting that eupatolide might be utilized as a novel STAT3 inhibitor for treating NSCLC.Epigenetic modification of chromatin, including histone methylation and acetylation, plays critical roles in eukaryotic cells and has a significant impact on chromatin structure/accessibility, gene regulation and, susceptibility to aging, neurodegenerative disease, cancer, and other age-related diseases. This article reviews the current advances on TIP60/KAT5, a major histone acetyltransferase with diverse functions in eukaryotes, with emphasis on its regulation of autophagy, proteasome-dependent protein turnover, RNA transcription, DNA repair, circadian rhythms, learning and memory, and other neurological functions implicated in aging and neurodegeneration. Moreover, the promising therapeutic potential of TIP60 is discussed to target Alzheimer's disease and other neurological diseases.The progressive increase in lifespan over the past century carries with it some adversity related to the accompanying burden of debilitating diseases prevalent in the older population. This review focuses on oxidative stress as a major mechanism limiting longevity in general, and healthful aging, in particular. Accordingly, the first goal of this review is to discuss the role of oxidative stress in limiting longevity, and compare healthful aging and its mechanisms in different longevity models. Secondly, we discuss common signaling pathways involved in protection against oxidative stress in aging and in the associated diseases of aging, e.g., neurological, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, and cancer. Much of the literature has focused on murine models of longevity, which will be discussed first, followed by a comparison with human models of longevity and their relationship to oxidative stress protection. Finally, we discuss the extent to which the different longevity models exhibit the healthful aging features through physiological protective mechanisms related to exercise tolerance and increased β-adrenergic signaling and also protection against diabetes and other metabolic diseases, obesity, cancer, neurological diseases, aging-induced cardiomyopathy, cardiac stress and osteoporosis.Porcine pancreatic stem cells (pPSCs) can be induced to differentiate into insulin-producing cells in vitro and thus serve as a major cells source for β-cell regeneration. However, this application is limited by the weak cell proliferation ability and low insulin induction efficiency. In this study, we explored the role of folic acid in the proliferation of pPSCs and the formation of insulin-secreting cells. We found that FA-treated pPSCs cells had a high EDU positive rate, and the proliferation marker molecules PCNA, CyclinD1 and c-Myc were up-regulated, while the expression of folate receptor α (FOLRα) was up-regulated. In further research, interference FOLRα or adding canonical Wnt signaling pathway or ERK signaling pathway inhibitors could significantly inhibit the effect of FA on pPSCs proliferation. Meanwhile, during the differentiation of pPSCs into insulin-secreting cells, we found that the maturation marker genes Insulin, NKX6.1, MafA, and NeuroD1 was upregulated in insulin-secreting cell masses differentiationed from pPSCs after FA treatment, and the functional molecules Insulin and C-peptide were increased, the ability to secrete insulin in response to high glucose was also increased. With the addition of Wnt and ERK signaling pathway inhibitors, the pro-differentiation effect of FA was weakened. In conclusion, FA promotes the proliferation of pPSCs by binding to folate receptor α (FOLRα) and increase the efficiency of directed differentiation of pPSCs into insulin-producing cells by regulating canonical Wnt and ERK signaling pathway. This study lays theoretical foundation for solving the bottleneck in the treatment of diabetes with stem cell transplantation in future.Hirame novirhabdovirus (HIRRV), as a highly pathogenic fish virus, is frequently prevalent in a variety of aquaculture fish in recent years, which seriously threatens the healthy development of aquaculture industry. Epidemiological studies show that the outbreak of HIRRV is obviously temperature dependent. Virus proliferation experiments in vitro and in vivo at different temperatures indicate the antiviral response of flounder is a main reason affect the replication of HIRRV. The RNA-Seq was used to analyze the different antiviral response in flounder which infected with HIRRV at different temperatures, the experiment set two temperatures of 10 °C and 20 °C. The flounder infected with HIRRV by artificial injection, and the spleens were collected at 24 h after infection. Meanwhile, the fish injected with EPC supernatant at different temperatures were set as control groups. It can obtain four pairwise comparison groups if determine a single variable, and the differentially expressed genes were further selected.