approach required two HPLC instruments and two analysts for parallel analysis that takes 2 days using volatile and flammable solvents for extraction and chemical derivatization. This rapid NMR method can analyze the sample "as is" with results obtained in less than 4 h, and is efficient, safe, and environmentally friendly. The initial higher NMR instrument investment versus two HPLC instruments is rewarded with high returns for continued quality control tests.The interest in polyphenols from vegetable sources has been progressively increased because of the demonstrated correlation between their abundance in certain foods or food preparations of traditional importance and heritage, and the answer of anti-inflammatory strategies in hospitalized patients in the presence of polypehnol-rich foods (as a complementary therapy). Consequently, research involving the accessory role of polyphenols as anti-tumoral aids have been carried out with the aim of finding new additional strategies. The purpose of this paper to evaluate the role of phenolic compounds in foods with reference to health effects for human beings. The importance of these molecules has been evaluated by the health and safety perspectives in terms of fight to cardiovascular diseases; prevention of chronic-degenerative disorders; general antioxidant properties; and anticarcinogenic features. Moreover, the role of polyphenols-rich foods as anticancer agents has been discussed with relation to two distinct "action plans" on the public hygiene level the promotion of human health on the one side (for non-hospitalized and normal subjects), and reliable contrasting strategies in cancer patients. Aminexil, a new compound patented by L'Oreal, has a stimulating effect on human keratin fibers. Pyridoxine HCl and niacinamide are added to boost the hair tonic effect of aminexil. Two novel chromatographic methods were developed for the determination of aminexil (AX), niacinamide (NA) and pyridoxine HCl (PD) in the novel hair tonic preparation. The developed methods were high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and thin layer chromatography (TLC) with densitometric determination. Different experimental parameters were investigated and optimized to achieve complete baseline separation and well resolved peaks. The RP-HPLC separation was achieved using a Thermoscientific BDS hypersil C18 (250 × 4.6 mm, 5 µm) column using 0.005 M hexane sulfonic acid methanol (80 20, v/v) as a mobile phase. For the TLC method, the three analytes were partitioned between propanol toluene ammonia solution (40602, v/v/v) and fluorescent silica plates. The two methods were validated in compliance with International Confer of medicated hair preparation. Allergies represent an important health problem in industrialized countries. Allergen sensitization is an important risk factor for the development of allergic diseases; thus, the identification of an individual's allergen sensitization is essential for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. This review compares different modern methods applied for the analysis of allergens in various matrices (from 2015 to the end of September 2019). Immunological methods are still most frequently used for detection of allergens. These methods are sensitive, but the lack of specificity and cross-reaction of some antibodies can still be a relevant source of errors. DNA-based methods are fast and reliable for determination of protein allergens, but the epitopes of protein allergens with posttranslational modifications and their changes, originated during various processing, cannot be identified through the use of this method. Methods based on application of biosensors are very rapid and easy to use, and can be readily l modifications and their changes, originated during various processing, cannot be identified through the use of this method. Methods based on application of biosensors are very rapid and easy to use, and can be readily implemented as screening methods to monitor allergens. Recent developments of new high-resolution MS instruments are encouraging and enable development in the analysis of allergens. Fast, very sensitive, reliable, and accurate detection and quantification of allergens in complex samples can be used in the near future. Mass spectrometry coupled with LC, GC, or electrophoretic methods bring additional advances in allergen analysis. The use of LC-MS or LC-MS/MS for the quantitative detection of allergens in various matrices is at present gaining acceptance as a protein-based confirmatory technique over the routinely performed enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. A multi-laboratory study was completed for AOAC First Action Method 2015.14. Ten laboratories from eight countries participated. Each laboratory analyzed (in duplicate) a placebo and 14 fortified nutritionals. Product matrices analyzed included milk, soy, partially hydrolyzed milk, partially hydrolyzed soy, and elemental-based infant formula powders, milk based infant formula ready-to-feed liquids, adult low-fat powders, and adult high fat and high protein ready-to-drink nutritionals. Data was then compared to standard method performance requirements (SMPR). Samples were prepared by enzymatic digestion with papain, α-amylase, and phosphatase to hydrolyze protein and complex carbohydrate and to free phosphorylated vitamin forms respectively. Stable-isotope labeled internal standards were incorporated into the sample preparation to correct for variability in both the sample preparation and instrument response. Prepared samples and working standard solutions were injected onto an ultra-high-pressure liquid c3/56 and 50/56 fortified-product/analyte pairs analyzed, respectively. Imidocarb dipropionate (IMD) is an immunomodulator agent commonly used for treatment of anaplasmosis in cattle. Thus, two sensitive, specific, and precise stability-indicating chromatographic methods have been developed, optimized, and validated for its determination in presence of its acid, alkaline, and oxidative stressed degradation products. The first method is based on separation of IMD and its forced induced degradation products on reversed phase cyano column using isocratic elution system consisted of sodium acetate buffer-methanol-acetonitrile (55 3015, v/v/v), pH 4.6 at a flow rate of 1.2 mL/min, and UV detection at 254 nm. The second method utilized TLC combined with densitometric determination of the separated bands at 254 nm. The separation was achieved using silica gel 60 F254 TLC plates with a mixture of ethyl acetate-methanol-ammonia-water (8.510.50.2, v/v/v/v) as a developing system. HPLC analysis was applied in range of 0.25-40 µg/mL with LOD of 0.073 µg/mL. While densitometric measurements showed linearity in the range of 0.