Additionally, the harmony of incorporating power electronic devices for reactive power compensation is tested. This work can be stated as a reference model for utility provider in other countries having similar network and grid configuration. © 2020 The Authors. Published by WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.Preparation of superhydrophobic carbon materials from lignocellulosic biomass waste via one-step carbonization is very difficult due to the existences of polar functional groups and ashes, which are extremely hydrophilic. Herein, superhydrophobic carbon materials can be facilely synthesized by catalytic pyrolysis of biomass waste using FeCl3 as catalyst. The results show that the surface energy of lignin-derived char (CharL) is significantly reduced to 19.25 mN m-1 from 73.29 mN m-1, and the water contact angle increased from 0 to 151.5°, by interaction with FeCl3. Multiple characterizations and control experiments demonstrate that FeCl3 can catalyze the pyrolytic volatiles to form a rough graphite and diamond-like carbon layer that isolates the polar functional groups and ashes on CharL, contributing to the superhydrophobicity of the CharL. The one-step catalytic pyrolysis is able to convert different natural biomass waste (e.g., lignin, cellulose, sawdust, rice husk, maize straw, and pomelo peel) into superhydrophobic carbon materials. This study contributes new information related to the interfacial chemistry during the sustainable utilization of biomass waste. © 2020 The Authors. Published by WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.Use of plastics faces much criticism because of its shocking and increasing impact on the environment. But banning plastic will not help the environment. Only appropriate recycling of plastic waste can give satisfying solution. A lab-scale chemical recycling method, in which a mixture of plastic wastes and plant oil is continuously cracked into ethylene, propylene, and other useful chemicals by using microwave-assisted high-temperature pyrolysis, is developed. The method has delivered interesting leads that provide the basis for setting up a new process. Based on the encouraging results, a "drop-in" method for a renewable and circular polymer industry is also proposed. If it is commercially realized, plastic waste and plant oils will be the feedstock for the polymer industry and this industry will become renewable and circular. © 2020 The Authors. Published by WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.Relative of Early Flowing 6 (REF6) is a DNA-sequence-specific H3K27me3/2 demethylase that contains four zinc finger (ZnF) domains and targets several thousand genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. The ZnF domains are essential for binding target genes, but the structural basis remains unclear. Here, we determined crystal structures of the ZnF domains and REF6-DNA complex, revealing a unique REF6-family-specific half-cross-braced ZnF (RCZ) domain and two C2H2-type ZnFs. DNA-binding induces a profound conformational change in the hinge region of REF6. Each REF6 recognizes six bases and DNA methylation reduces the binding affinity. Both the acidic region and basic region are important for the self-association of REF6. The REF6 DNA-binding affinity is determined by the sequence-dependent conformations of DNA and also the cooperativity in different target motifs. The conformational plasticity enables REF6 to function as a global transcriptional regulator that directly binds to many diverse genes, revealing the structural basis for the epigenetic modification recognition. © The Author(s) 2020.Background Renal artery stenosis is a notorious cause of secondary hypertension which classically presents as chronic refractory hypertension, recurrent flash pulmonary edema or renal insufficiency after initiation of an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor. Rarely, there have been reported cases of pregnant patients presenting with new onset or superimposed preeclampsia secondary to renovascular hypertension. In this subset of patients, renovascular hypertension carries significantly higher risks including obstetric, fetal and medical emergencies and death. Prompt treatment is required. However, the teratogenic risks of radiological investigations and antihypertensive medications limit diagnostic and management options thus posing quite a dilemma. Case presentation A 38-year-old female, at 33 weeks of gestation, was hospitalized for preeclampsia with severe features. A viable neonate had been expeditiously delivered yet the patient's post-partum blood pressures remained severely elevated despite multi-class anti-hypertensive therapy. Renal artery dopplers revealed greater than 60% stenosis of the proximal left renal artery and at least 60% stenosis of the right renal artery. Renal angiography showed 50% stenosis of the left proximal renal artery for which balloon angioplasty and stenting was performed. The right renal artery demonstrated less than 50% stenosis with an insignificant hemodynamic gradient, thus was not stented. Following revascularization, the patient's blood pressure improved within 48 h, on dual oral antihypertensive therapy. Conclusions Preeclampsia that is refractory to multi-drug antihypertensive therapy should raise suspicion for renal artery stenosis. Suspected patients can be screened safely with Doppler ultrasonography which can be then followed by angiography. Even if renal artery stenosis does not seem severe, early renal revascularization may be considered in patients with severe preeclampsia who do not respond to antihypertensive management. © The Author(s) 2020.A growing body of evidence indicates that exosomes play a critical role in the cell-cell communication process. Exosomes are biological nanoparticles with an average diameter of 30-100 nm in size and are produced by almost all cell types in the human body; however, cancer cells contain higher concentrations of exosomes than healthy cells. They are released into all body fluids and contain double-stranded DNA (originated from nucleus and mitochondria), a variety of RNA species, and specific protein biomarkers that can be utilized as cancer biomarkers and therapeutic targets, and lipids. Therefore, the specific exosomes secreted by tumor cells could be used to predict the existence of the presence of a tumor in cancer patients. This review summarizes the role of exosomes in cancer development and their potential utility in the clinic. © 2020 Nihat Dilsiz.