and increase identification of TGD adolescents and the delivery of gender-affirming care for adolescents and families in need. To evaluate whether engagement and affective communication among adolescents and young adults (AYAs) with chronic kidney disease (CKD), caregivers, and pediatric nephrology providers during outpatient clinic visits predicts antihypertensive medication adherence. AYAs (n = 60, M age = 15.4 years, SD = 2.7, 40% female, 43% African American/Black) and caregivers (n = 60, 73% female) attended audio-recorded clinic visits with pediatric nephrologists (n = 12, 75% female). Recordings were analyzed using global affect ratings of the Roter Interactional Analysis System. Antihypertensive medication adherence was monitored electronically before and after clinic visits. A linear regression model evaluated associations between affect ratings and post-visit adherence. AYAs took 84% of doses (SD = 20%) pre-visit and 82% of doses (SD = 24%) post-visit. Higher AYA engagement (β = 0.03, p = .01) and the absence of provider negative affect (β=-0.15, p = .04) were associated with higher post-visit adherence, controlling for pre-visit adherence, AYA sex, age, and race, and clustered by provider. Post-visit adherence was higher when AYAs were rated as more engaged and providers as less negative. AYAs with lower engagement may benefit from further adherence assessment. Communication strategies designed to more actively engage AYAs in their care and diminish provider conveyance of negative affect during clinic visits may positively influence adherence among AYAs with CKD. AYAs with lower engagement may benefit from further adherence assessment. Communication strategies designed to more actively engage AYAs in their care and diminish provider conveyance of negative affect during clinic visits may positively influence adherence among AYAs with CKD. This study describes the development of the Health Coaching Index (HCI), an observational tool for assessing fidelity to implementing health coaching practical skills. Initial HCI items were developed, adapted following cognitive interviews, and refined during coding training. Participants (n = 42) were trainees who completed a National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC)-approved training program and coached a standardized patient. Interrater reliability for the HCI was determined by calculating interclass correlations from ten videos coded by three raters. Construct validity was evaluated from 42 recordings using Spearman's Rho between HCI and Roter Interaction Analysis System (RIAS) codes. The interclass correlation (ICC) for HCI total score was 0.81, considered an excellent level of inter-rater agreement. Some significant correlations between HCI and RIAS codes supported construct validity (e.g., patient activation Rho = 0.32; empathy Rho = 0.36). The HCI total score can reliably be used to assess fidelity to health coaching skills, and the HCI has construct validity similar to the RIAS as a measure of patient activation. Adoption and further study of the HCI tool will allow for a more consistent implementation of health coaching skills, and may facilitate more robust training of health coaches for clinical practice and research. Adoption and further study of the HCI tool will allow for a more consistent implementation of health coaching skills, and may facilitate more robust training of health coaches for clinical practice and research. To assess whether participation in Stanford Youth Coaches Programs (SYCP) increases patient activation scores and patient activation levels for vulnerable youth from low income communities. From 2016 to 18, seven high schools and four residency programs in California, Alabama, Kansas and Missouri participated in SYCPs. Enrolled youth participants completed online pre and post-participation surveys including the Patient Activation Measure (PAM®10). We used paired T-tests, chi square tests, and linear multivariate models to compare pre-and post-scores and levels. 143 participants completed pre- and post-participation surveys. The PAM®10 mean pre-test score was 64.5 and post-test was 69.37, with mean difference 4.89 (p=.002). Participants showed significant improvement in patient activation levels after participation. 60 % participants in lowest activation Level 1; 63 % in Level 2; and 32 % in Level 3 moved to a higher level of activation after participation; 46 % who started in Level 4 moved down to Level 3 after participation. Participation in SYCPs has potential to significantly increase patient activation for vulnerable youth which could lead to lifelong improvements in health outcomes and decrease in healthcare costs. Participation in SYCPs has potential to significantly increase patient activation for vulnerable youth which could lead to lifelong improvements in health outcomes and decrease in healthcare costs.Diabetic gastroparesis is defined as delayed gastric emptying without mechanical obstruction in the setting of diabetes. Symptoms range from mild bloating to severe vomiting episodes and can result in frequent hospitalizations and poor quality of life. It is suspected that diabetic gastroparesis is underdiagnosed due to its similar presentation to other conditions such as gastroesophageal reflux disease. The pathogenesis of diabetic gastroparesis remains unclear, but proposed mechanisms include vagal dysfunction, hyperglycemia, interstitial cells of Cajal network disturbances, loss of neural nitric oxide synthase expression in the myenteric plexus, and oxidative stress. Current management for diabetic gastroparesis focuses on dietary and lifestyle changes as well as improved glycemic control. Limited options for medical therapies are available that include prokinetic and antiemetic medications. Metoclopramide is the only FDA-approved medication for the treatment of gastroparesis. Metoclopramide improves symptoms of gastroparesis although extended treatment presents challenges such as decreased efficacy over time and increased risks for adverse events. We summarize the current knowledge of the pathophysiology of diabetic gastroparesis and review current and investigational treatments for diabetes gastroparesis.