Understanding how tumors grow and evolve over time is crucial to help shed light on the underlying reasons why treatments fail and tumors metastasize. This SnapShot provides a brief introduction into the main concepts of tumor evolution. To view this SnapShot, open or download the PDF.The use of opioid drugs and related overdose deaths, which rose to epidemic proportions over the past decade, have been exacerbated by the COVID pandemic, a time of great uncertainty and isolation. Much is known about opioid pharmacology and related neural circuits that, combined with novel emerging neurobiological insights, can help guide new treatment strategies. To view this SnapShot, open or download the PDF.Historically, emerging viruses appear constantly and have cost millions of human lives. Currently, climate change and intense globalization have created favorable conditions for viral transmission. Therefore, effective antivirals, especially those targeting the conserved protein in multiple unrelated viruses, such as the compounds targeting RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, are urgently needed to combat more emerging and re-emerging viruses in the future. Here we reviewed the development of antivirals with common targets, including those against the same protein across viruses, or the same viral function, to provide clues for development of antivirals for future epidemics.Vaccines are critical tools for maintaining global health. Traditional vaccine technologies have been used across a wide range of bacterial and viral pathogens, yet there are a number of examples where they have not been successful, such as for persistent infections, rapidly evolving pathogens with high sequence variability, complex viral antigens, and emerging pathogens. Novel technologies such as nucleic acid and viral vector vaccines offer the potential to revolutionize vaccine development as they are well-suited to address existing technology limitations. In th