The health risk assessment results showed that the non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risks of workers exposed to PCDD/Fs, PCBs, and PCNs in the surrounding soil were within acceptable levels, and that oral ingestion was the main exposure route. Although the health risk assessment only considered the exposure of workers to these pollutants in an outdoor environment during working hours, the carcinogenic risk values of the two soil samples had reached 0.47×10-6 and 0.15×10-6 (threshold value 10-6), so they should attract our attention. PCDD/Fs had the highest contribution rate (96%) to the total carcinogenic risk (PCDD/Fs+PCBs+PCNs), and they were the dioxins that need to be the primary concern and control in the study area.Short-chain chlorinated paraffins are persistent organic pollutants, and chlorinated paraffins were widely used as sizing agent in the paper industry. In order to investigate the levels and risk assessment of short-chain and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins in the paper mill plant, the surface soil and soil of different depths were collected.The concentrations, congener group profiles of short-chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs) and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins (MCCPs) in soil were determined by two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled with electron capture-negative ion mass spectrometry. The SCCPs and MCCPs concentrations were 42-3853 ng·g-1 and 34-2091 ng·g-1. The chlorine contents were 59.9%-61.9% and 48.7%-52.8%. The concentrations of SCCPs and MCCPs were different in the soil collected in different sampling site. The concentration of SCCPs and MCCPs were relatively higher in soil of sewage treatment area and coating area. The CP levels in soil from the paper mill plant were at a high level compared with those in other regions. C10Cl6-7 and C14-15Cl5 were the main congener groups in most soil samples. The results of principal component analysis showed that the CP52 commercial products may be sources of SCCPs and MCCPs in the soil. The risk quotient (RQ) for SCCPs and MCCPs were assessed in soil of paper mill plant. The results showed that the RQ values for SCCPs in soil ranged from 0.01 to 0.73 which are the medium risk, and the RQ values for MCCPs in soil ranged from 0 to 0.07, which are the low risk. The human exposure values of children and adults are lower than TDI[10 μg·(kg·d)-1] in both cases. The health risks caused by non-dietary exposure under paper mill area are low.A life cycle conceptual site model (LC-CSM) can represent the actual spatial distribution and migration of pollution of a site very accurately and be beneficial in supporting decisions for accurate site remediation or risk management. A volatile chlorinated hydrocarbon contaminated site in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region was chosen as the study case. LC-CSMs were established following the site assessment, preliminary investigation, detailed investigation, and supplementary investigation of each stage. The application of field screening tests such as a membrane interface probe and the multi-electrode resistivity method assisted in identifying potential pollution sources and hot points. Concurrently, a large amount of vinyl chloride, the end product of chlorinated hydrocarbon degradation, was detected in some boreholes, indicating that pollutant biodegradation had occurred at this site. Some typical boreholes and cross-sections were chosen to analyze the biodegradation indicators and chemical fingerprints, combining the results of the comprehensive score of chlorinated hydrocarbon anaerobic biodegradability in groundwater reaching 22. It is judged that the site has strong anaerobic biodegradability. This step-by-step optimization forms an LC-CSM for site investigation, which provides scientific support for accurate site characterization.Bedrock and soil samples from different soil profile layers were collected in an iron and manganese ore area of Longyan City and total amounts of Pb, Cd, and As were determined. The geochemical patterns of three heavy metal elements in the soil were studied using ordinary Kriging interpolation and their sources were also analyzed. High concentrations of Pb and As were found near the mining area to the west, at the intersection of two rivers in the middle, and near the waste rock heap in the east of the study area, while the main area of Cd contamination is located near to the mining areas and ore dressing plant. Based on a horizontal section, the content of Pb, Cd, and As in soils from the high-value region of each layer decreased with horizontal distance from the mining area. Vertically, the concentrations of heavy metals in different soil layers were significantly correlated. Near the mining area, Pb, Cd, and As concentrations first increased and then decreased with depth. In other high-value regions, the concentrations of these three heavy metals decreased with soil profile depth. These heavy metals inherit the characteristics of the deposit and bedrock during the weathering process, and the content of Pb and As in the soil at different depths was significantly positively correlated with granite and diorite content. Although As has been artificially influenced by mining, this influence does not appear to be strong; parent rock in the study area shows higher concentrations of heavy metals, while at the same time, the Pb and Cd content of soil is significantly higher than in the rock indicating the influence of human activities including mining, transportation, and agricultural production. Further attention should now be paid to the quality and safety of agricultural products, crop growth, and possible environmental risks in the study area.A multifunctional industrial park can perform both producing and living functions. The smelting and processing of non-ferrous metals may lead to soil pollution, posing risks to human beings. In this study, an industrial park located in central Anhui Province, China, with copper (Cu) processing and mechanical components as the main industries, was selected as the study object. By collecting and testing soil and dust samples, the horizontal and vertical distribution characteristics of heavy metals in soil and dust in the park were analyzed. The ecological risk index is used to identify areas with higher risks and correlation and principal component analysis are used to disclose the potential source of heavy metals. Results showed that the contents of Cu, Zn, As, Pb, and Cd in the soil were 2.65, 1.76, 1.56, 2.14, and 3.87 times that of the background value, respectively. The heavy metal content of dust was significantly higher than that of soil, with contents of Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Hg, As, Pb, and Cd of 1.93, 1.05, 7.