The thresholds for clinical importance for the QLQ-C15-PAL scales showed a median sensitivity of 0.88 (range 0.82 for sleep disturbances to 1.00 for dyspnea) and a median specificity of 0.74 (range 0.54 for dyspnea to 0.89 for constipation). Conclusion The thresholds for clinical importance showed high sensitivity and mostly high specificity in identifying clinically important symptoms and functional health impairments as assessed by the QLQ-C15-PAL. These thresholds will facilitate interpretation of EORTC QLQ-C15-PAL scores in daily clinical practice and clinical research.Burkholderia pseudomallei is the etiological agent of the disease melioidosis and is a Tier 1 select agent. It survives and replicates inside phagocytic cells by escaping from the endocytic vacuole, replicating in the cytosol, spreading to other cells via actin polymerization and promoting the fusion of infected and uninfected host cells to form multinucleated giant cells. In this study, we utilized a proteomics approach to identify bacterial proteins produced inside RAW264.7 murine macrophages and host proteins produced in response to B. pseudomallei infection. Cells infected with B. pseudomallei strain K96243 were lysed and the lysate proteins digested and analyzed using nanoflow reversed-phase liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry. Approximately 160 bacterial proteins were identified in the infected macrophages, including BimA, TssA, TssB, Hcp1 and TssM. Several previously uncharacterized B. pseudomallei proteins were also identified, including BPSS1996 and BPSL2748. Mutations were constructed in the genes encoding these novel proteins and their relative virulence was assessed in BALB/c mice. The 50% lethal dose for the BPSS1996 mutant was approximately 55-fold higher than that of the wild type, suggesting that BPSS1996 is required for full virulence. Sera from B. pseudomallei-infected animals reacted with BPSS1996 and it was found to localize to the bacterial surface using indirect immunofluorescence. Finally, we identified 274 host proteins that were exclusively present or absent in infected RAW264.7 cells, including chemokines and cytokines involved in controlling the initial stages of infection.The gaseous phytohormone ethylene influences many aspects of plant life, including germination, fruit ripening, senescence, and stress responses. These diverse roles of ethylene occur in part through crosstalk with other phytohormones, which affects ethylene biosynthesis and signaling pathways. We have recently shown that the phytohormones, including gibberellic acid, abscisic acid, auxin, methyl jasmonate, and salicylic acid, regulate the stability of ACC synthases (ACSs), the rate-limiting enzymes in ethylene biosynthesis. Here, we report that treatment of etiolated Arabidopsis seedlings with strigolactone (SL) increases ethylene biosynthesis. SL does not influence ACS stability or ACS gene expression, but it increases the transcript levels of a subset of ACC oxidase (ACO) genes, thereby enhancing ethylene biosynthesis. Taken together with the results of our previous study, these findings demonstrate that most phytohormones differentially regulate ethylene biosynthesis in dark-grown Arabidopsis seedlings by affecting ACS stability and/or the transcript levels of ethylene biosynthesis genes.Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is caused by prions, infectious proteinaceous particles, PrPCWD. We sequenced the PRNP gene of 2,899 white-tailed deer (WTD) from Illinois and southern Wisconsin, finding 38 haplotypes. Haplotypes A, B, D, E, G and 9 others encoded Q95G96S100N103A123Q226, designated 'PrP variant A.' Haplotype C and 4 other haplotypes encoded PrP 'variant C' (Q95S96S100N103A123Q226). Haplotype F and two other haplotypes encoded PrP 'variant F' (H95G96S100N103A123Q226). The association of CWD with encoded PrP variants was examined in 2,537 tested WTD from counties with CWD. Relative to PrP variant A, CWD susceptibility was lower in deer with PrP variant C (OR = 0.26, p less then 0.001), and even lower in deer with PrP variant F (OR = 0.10, p less then 0.0001). Susceptibility to CWD was highest in deer with both chromosomes encoding PrP variant A, lower with one copy encoding PrP variant A (OR = 0.25, p less then 0.0001) and lowest in deer without PrP variant A (OR = 0.07, p less then 0.0001). There appeared to be incomplete dominance for haplotypes encoding PrP variant C in reducing CWD susceptibility. Deer with both chromosomes encoding PrP variant F (FF) or one encoding PrP variant C and the other F (CF) were all CWD negative. Our results suggest that an increased population frequency of PrP variants C or F and a reduced frequency of PrP variant A may reduce the risk of CWD infection. Understanding the population and geographic distribution of PRNP polymorphisms may be a useful tool in CWD management.Perfectionistic cognitions are thinking patterns that reflect excessive striving and are associated with emotional disorders in nonclinical samples. Despite literature connecting trait perfectionism with psychological disorders, much remains unknown about how perfectionistic cognitions relate to anxiety disorder symptoms in clinical populations. This is the first study to our knowledge that investigates how symptoms of anxiety and related symptoms are influenced by the frequency of perfectionistic cognitions when controlling for well documented correlates of anxiety. Perfectionistic cognitions, depressive symptoms, emotion regulation, anxiety sensitivity, and anxiety symptom severity were assessed prior to starting treatment in 356 treatment-seeking patients diagnosed with an anxiety or anxiety-related disorder at a specialty anxiety clinic. Perfectionistic cognitions were significantly correlated with all anxiety symptom measures as well as measures of depression, emotion regulation and anxiety sensitivity (range of rs =.22-.68). Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that when controlling for depressive symptoms, anxiety sensitivity, and emotion regulation, perfectionistic cognitions significantly and uniquely contribute to the variance of GAD (p .05). Regardless of specific diagnoses, treatment-seeking individuals reporting frequent perfectionistic thoughts are more likely to report more severe symptoms of PTSD and GAD.