Our investigation will facilitate the understanding of the current prevalent status of dengue fever in Guangdong and contribute to designing more effective preventive and control strategies for dengue infection.BACKGROUND Globally, international migration is increasing. Population growth, along with other demographic changes, may be expected to put new pressures on healthcare systems. Some studies across Europe suggest that emergency departments (EDs) are used more, and differently, by migrants compared to non-migrant populations, which may be a result of unfamiliarity with the healthcare systems and difficulties accessing primary healthcare. However, little evidence exists to understand how migrant parents, who are typically young and of childbearing age, utilise EDs for their children. This study aimed to examine the association between paediatric ED utilisation in the first 5 years of life and maternal migration status in the Born in Bradford (BiB) cohort study. METHODS AND FINDINGS We analysed linked data from the BiB study-an ongoing, multi-ethnic prospective birth cohort study in Bradford. Bradford is a large, ethnically diverse city in the north of England. In 2017, more than a third of births in Bradford wer71 [95% CI 1.07 to 2.71], p = 0.024) and established migrants (≥5 years living in UK) (IRR 1.24 [95% CI 1.02 to 1.51], p = 0.032) compared to UK/Irish-born mothers. Important limitations include being unable to measure children's underlying health status and the urgency of ED attendance, as well as the analysis being limited by missing data. CONCLUSIONS In this study we observed that there is no higher likelihood of first paediatric ED attendance in the first 5 years of life for children in the BiB cohort for migrant mothers. However, among ED users, children of migrant mothers attend the service more frequently than children of UK/Irish-born mothers. Our findings show that patterns of ED utilisation differ by mother's region of origin and time since arrival in the UK.BACKGROUND Leishmaniasis is a vector-borne neglected disease. Inside the natural sand fly vector, the promastigote forms of Leishmania undergo a series of extracellular developmental stages to reach the infectious stage, the metacyclic promastigote. There is limited information regarding the expression profile of L. infantum developmental stages inside the sand fly vector, and molecular markers that can distinguish the different parasite stages are lacking. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS We performed RNAseq on unaltered midguts of the sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis after infection with L. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/2-nbdg.html infantum parasites. RNAseq was carried out at various time points throughout parasite development. Principal component analysis separated the transcripts corresponding to the different Leishmania promastigote stages, the procyclic, nectomonad, leptomonad and metacyclics. Importantly, there were a significant number of differentially expressed genes when comparing the sequential development of the various Leishmania stages in the sand fly. There were 836 differentially expressed (DE) genes between procyclic and long nectomonad promastigotes; 113 DE genes between nectomonad and leptomonad promastigotes; and 302 DE genes between leptomonad and metacyclic promastigotes. Most of the DE genes do not overlap across stages, highlighting the uniqueness of each Leishmania stage. Furthermore, the different stages of Leishmania parasites exhibited specific transcriptional enrichment across chromosomes. Using the transcriptional signatures exhibited by distinct Leishmania stages during their development in the sand fly midgut, we determined the genes predominantly enriched in each stage, identifying multiple potential stage-specific markers for L. infantum. CONCLUSIONS Overall, these findings demonstrate the transcriptional plasticity of the Leishmania parasite inside the sand fly vector and provide a repertoire of potential stage-specific markers for further development as molecular tools for epidemiological studies.Mosaic analysis provides a means to probe developmental processes in situ by generating loss-of-function mutants within otherwise wildtype tissues. Combining these techniques with quantitative microscopy enables researchers to rigorously compare RNA or protein expression across the resultant clones. However, visual inspection of mosaic tissues remains common in the literature because quantification demands considerable labor and computational expertise. Practitioners must segment cell membranes or cell nuclei from a tissue and annotate the clones before their data are suitable for analysis. Here, we introduce Fly-QMA, a computational framework that automates each of these tasks for confocal microscopy images of Drosophila imaginal discs. The framework includes an unsupervised annotation algorithm that incorporates spatial context to inform the genetic identity of each cell. We use a combination of real and synthetic validation data to survey the performance of the annotation algorithm across a broad range of conditions. By contributing our framework to the open-source software ecosystem, we aim to contribute to the current move toward automated quantitative analysis among developmental biologists.BACKGROUND Despite recognition that palliative care is an essential component of any humanitarian response, serious illness-related suffering continues to be pervasive in these settings. There is very limited evidence about the need for palliative care and symptom relief to guide the implementation of programs to alleviate the burden of serious illness-related suffering in these settings. A basic package of essential medications and supplies can provide pain relief and palliative care; however, the practical availability of these items has not been assessed. This study aimed to describe the illness-related suffering and need for palliative care in Rohingya refugees and caregivers in Bangladesh. METHODS AND FINDINGS Between November 20 and 24, 2017, we conducted a cross-sectional study of individuals with serious health problems (n = 156, 53% male) and caregivers (n = 155, 69% female) living in Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh, using convenience sampling to recruit participants at the community level (i.e.