Teaching point Splenosis must be considered in patients with history of splenectomy or splenic trauma, later presenting with multiple peritoneal nodules. Copyright © 2020 The Author(s).Despite the fact that multiple items can be held in working memory (WM), it is often the case that only one of these is relevant for guiding in-the-moment behavior. Therefore, understanding how priority is established and controlled in WM is an important problem. Data from Rose et al. (2016) have provided evidence that although neuroimaging evidence for an active trace of an "unprioritized memory item" (UMI) held in WM drops to baseline levels, evidence for its retention in WM can be "reactivated" by a single pulse of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Critically, this TMS-reactivation effect was specific to the first delay period of a dual serial retrocue (DSR) task, when the UMI could be needed for the trial's second memory probe, and was not observed during the second delay period, when the uncued item was no longer needed (i.e., when it is an "irrelevant memory item" [IMI]). A problem for the interpretation of these results, however, is that the status of the UMI/IMI was confounded with time spent in WM, as well as with the number of intervening cognitive operations. Here, we report data from a follow-up study designed to replicate the findings Rose et al. (2016) and to add a condition that unconfounds time-since-sample-presentation and UMI/IMI status. The results indicate that the TMS-reactivation effect is, indeed, an index of status in WM (UMI vs. IMI), and not a mere consequence of time elapsed since sample presentation. Copyright © 2020 The Author(s).Based on the official data modeling, this paper studies the transmission process of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). The error between the model and the official data curve is quite small. At the same time, it realized forward prediction and backward inference of the epidemic situation, and the relevant analysis help relevant countries to make decisions. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/CP-673451.html © 2020 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd.The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), also known as coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a major pandemic challenging health care systems around the world. The optimal management of COVID-19 infected patients is still unclear, although the consensus is moving towards the need of a biphasic approach. During the first phase of the disease (from onset of the symptoms up to 7-10 days) viral-induced effects are prominent with the opportunity to institute antiviral therapy. In the second inflammatory phase of the disease, immunosuppressive strategies (for example with glucocorticoids or anti-cytokines drugs)may be considered. This latter stage is characterized by the development of progressive lung involvement with increasing oxygen requirements and occasionally signs of the haemophagocitic syndrome. The management of the disease in patients with kidney disease is even more challenging, especially in those who are immunosuppressed or with severe comorbidities. Here we present the therapeutic approach employed in Brescia (Italy) for managing kidney transplant and hemodialysis patients with COVID-19. Furthermore, we provide some clinical and physiopathological background, as well as preliminary outcome data of our cohort, in order to better clarify the pathogenesis of the disease and clinical management. © 2020 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the International Society of Nephrology.A 2-year-old female patient with a recent history of head trauma was admitted to the Ophthalmology Clinic with left exophthalmos. A differential diagnosis between traumatic and tumoral etiology was made. The orbitocranial MRI and fine needle ganglion biopsy settled the malignant etiology of the exophthalmia. Further investigations at the Pediatric Oncology Clinic decided on the diagnosis of orbital metastatic neuroblastoma. This case report presented an unusual association orbital metastatic neuroblastoma becoming clinically positive soon after a head trauma. ©Romanian Society of Ophthalmology.A 39-year-old man presented to the ophthalmology emergency room complaining of decreased visual acuity and metamorphopsia on his left eye after undergoing NdYAG facial hair epilation without wearing proper eye protection. Fluorescein angiography showed a foveal staining initially, with an increase in foveal leakage over late phases. On optical coherence tomography, a subfoveal retinal pigment epithelial detachment with associated subretinal fluid and no signs of choroidal neovascularization or cystoid macular edema was observed. Observation with monthly follow-ups was adopted. By the fourth month, the subretinal fluid had already disappeared and visual acuity had returned to 20/20. Over one-year follow-up, the retinal pigment epithelial detachment experienced a decrease in its size. Conservative management may be a valid option in assessing accidental foveal photocoagulation when choroidal neovascularization or cystoid macular edema is absent. The use of wavelength specific goggles is mandatory for the patient and the aesthetician operating the cosmetic laser, especially when operating on the face or around the eyes. Abbreviations NdYAG = neodymium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet, OCT = optical coherence tomography, PED = pigment epithelial detachment, CME = cystoid macular edema. ©Romanian Society of Ophthalmology.We report a case of an asymptomatic Caucasian male who attended our clinic for a routine check-up and macular heterotopia associated with lesions compatible with ocular toxocariasis were found. ©Romanian Society of Ophthalmology.A 54-year-old patient presented with a large, fleshy conjunctival lesion in the right eye that had been previously surgically removed in another centre. Diagnosis of Conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) was confirmed by conjunctival impression cytology. The tumor was treated with topical IFN-α-2β (1,000,000 IU/ (ml) adjuvant to surgery for chemoreduction purposes. One month after treatment, the lesion showed almost complete involution, therefore the treatment was continued up to 6 months, and the lesion showed full regression. The patient is currently under periodical follow-up by conjunctival impression cytology. We consider that topical IFN-α-2β can be used in CIN for chemoreduction and/ or curative purposes. We believe that conjunctival impression cytology is a useful and non-invasive method for diagnosis and follow-up in this condition. ©Romanian Society of Ophthalmology.