This paper examines trends in mental health among adults in England during the period of economic recovery and austerity following the 2008 'great recession'. We report analysis of data on 17,212 individuals living in England, from the longitudinal Understanding Society Survey (USS). We examined how individual's self-reported mental health over time (2011-2017), related to their changing socio-geographical status. Self-reported mental health is reported in the USS using version 2 of the SF12 Mental Component Summary. Trends in this score (across 5 observations per subject) were categorised into Mental Health Trajectory Groups (MHTGs) using Group Based Trajectory Modelling. We used maximum-likelihood multinomial logit models to estimate for individuals the relative likelihood of belonging to different Mental Health Trajectory categories as compared with a 'base' category, for whom mental health was good and stable throughout the period. We focus on likelihood of belonging to a group showing 'declining' mental effects of governmental austerity programmes on welfare benefits.Attempts to control hospital expenditure by managing down General Practitioner (GP) referrals are reoccurring features of UK health policy. However, despite the best efforts of GPs to benchmark referral criteria, patient health may be damaged and other costs created by constraining referrals to targets. This paper adopts an indirect method to indicate whether rationing practice referrals may damage population health by distorting the use of health resources away from patients' interests. We utilise a comprehensive database at practice level that allows us to explore the relationship between referrals and emergency admissions, using a panel fixed effects model of admissions that allows for the endogeneity of referrals. We find that practice referrals are positively and partially correlated with emergency admissions, which is consistent with time-varying practice-level sickness shocks driving the relationship between referrals and emergency care, rather than shocks to the practice willingness to refer, or to system reforms. In this environment, government policy to constrain referrals may make the elective care less responsive to practice-level variations in illness, and thereby lower health.This study examined changes in the reported prevalence of adult and child sexual abuse over the last century and explored how changes in social and political circumstances may have affected rates. Data from two population-based face-to-face surveys conducted in New Zealand (samples of 2855 women in 2003 and 1464 women in 2019) were used to produce birth cohort prevalence estimates of three forms of sexual abuse including by an intimate partner (lifetime and 12-month), by non-partners, and child sexual abuse. A timeline of major population influences that might be associated with violence occurrence was developed. There were no changes in reported lifetime intimate partner sexual abuse prevalence estimates found over the past century. The most recent birth cohort reported the lowest rates of 12-month prevalence estimates for intimate partner sexual abuse, lifetime rates of non-partner sexual abuse, and also suggest lower reported rates of child sexual abuse. Macro-social events including feminist movements, changes in legislation, and an increase in public awareness might have contributed to women's awareness about the non-acceptability of violent behaviour, and their ability to leave relationships after violence has occurred. This may have contributed to the small recent decreases in reported 12-month rate of sexual IPV and CSA, as women's ability to leave relationships may be protective for their children. The recent decrease in reported non-partner sexual violence may also be attributed to women's greater awareness of, and agency to avoid sexual abuse. The lack of change for the lifetime prevalence of sexual IPV over the past century highlights the need for ongoing prevention efforts. While recent reductions in reported rates of child and adult sexual abuse are encouraging, even reduced rates are high and warrant sustained implementation of prevention policies and programs.RNA undergoes extensive biochemical modification following transcription. In addition to RNA splicing, transcripts are processed by a suite of enzymes that alter the chemical structure of different nucleobases. Broadly termed as 'RNA editing,' these modifications impart significant functional changes to translation, localization, and stability of individual transcripts within the cell. These changes are dynamic and required for a number of critical cellular processes, and dysregulation of these pathways is responsible for several disease states. Accurately detecting, measuring, and mapping different RNA modifications across the transcriptome is vital to understanding their broader functions as well as leveraging these events as diagnostic biomarkers. Here, we review recent advances in profiling several types of RNA modifications, with particular emphasis on adenosine-to-inosine (A-to-I) and N6-methyladenosine (m6A) RNA editing. We especially highlight approaches that utilize proteins to detect or enrich modified RNA transcripts before sequencing, and we summarize recent insights yielded from these techniques.Municipal solid waste incineration fly ash (MSWI-FA) has been regulated as a hazardous waste that needs to treat with stabilization, solidification and landfill due to its amount of heavy metals, chlorides, sulfates and dioxin. While the proper treated MSWI-FA can be utilized as pozzolanic material to reduce the usage of Portland cement. The present article aims to develop an integrated wet-extraction and carbonation process for MSWI-FA stabilization, solidification and utilization via the high-gravity technology. A benchtop experiment demonstrated the dechlorination and CO2 sequestration of MSWI-FA and the carbonated product was applied as a supplementary cementitious material (SCM) in the cement mortar. Physical, chemical and thermal characteristics of raw, wet-extracted, and carbonated MSWI-FA were addressed in terms of the mean diameter, micropore area, micropore volume, chemical compositions, mineralogy and morphology. The effects of the liquid-to-solid ratio and high gravity factor were evaluated. Overall, a chloride extraction ratio of 36.