The FnBPA and FnBPB A domains engage in homophilic cell-cell interactions and promote biofilm formation and enhance platelet aggregation. In this review we update the current understanding of the structure and functional properties of FnBPs and emphasize the role they may have in the staphylococcal infections.Candida albicans is the most common cause of fungal infection. The emergence of drug resistance leads to the need for novel antifungal agents. We aimed to design naphthofuranquinone analogs to treat drug-resistant C. albicans for topical application on cutaneous candidiasis. The time-killing response, agar diffusion, and live/dead assay of the antifungal activity were estimated against 5-fluorocytosine (5-FC)- or fluconazole-resistant strains. A total of 14 naphthofuranquinones were compared for their antifungal potency. The lead compounds with hydroxyimino (TCH-1140) or O-acetyl oxime (TCH-1142) moieties were the most active agents identified, showing a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 1.5 and 1.2 μM, respectively. Both compounds were superior to 5-FC and fluconazole for killing planktonic fungi. Naphthofuranquinones efficiently diminished the microbes inside and outside the biofilm. TCH-1140 and TCH-1142 were delivered into C. albicans-infected keratinocytes to eradicate intracellular fungi. The compounds did not reduce the C. albicans burden inside the macrophages, but the naphthofuranquinones promoted the transition of fungi from the virulent hypha form to the yeast form. In the in vivo skin mycosis mouse model, topically applied 5-FC and TCH-1140 reduced the C. albicans load from 1.5 × 106 to 5.4 × 105 and 1.4 × 105 CFU, respectively. The infected abscess diameter was significantly decreased by TCH-1140 (3-4 mm) as compared to the control (8 mm). The disintegrated skin-barrier function induced by the fungi was recovered to the baseline by the compound. The data support the potential of TCH-1140 as a topical agent for treating drug-resistant C. albicans infection without causing skin irritation.Olive knot (OK) is a widespread bacterial disease, caused by Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi (Pss), which currently has not effective control methods. The use of naturally occurring microbial antagonists, such as bacteria, as biocontrol agents could be a strategy to manage this disease. The objective of this work was to select bacteria from olive tree phyllosphere able to antagonize Pss using in vitro and in planta experiments. The elucidation of their modes of action and the potential relationship between antagonism and bacteria origin has been investigated, as well. To this end, 60 bacterial isolates obtained from the surface and inner tissues of different organs (leaves, twigs, and knots), from two olive cultivars of varying susceptibilities to OK, were screened for their in vitro antagonistic effect against Pss. A total of 27 bacterial strains were able to significantly inhibit Pss growth, being this effect linked to bacteria origin. Strains from OK-susceptible cultivar and colonizing the surface of plant tissues showed the strongest antagonistic potential. The antagonistic activity was potentially due to the production of volatile compounds, siderophores and lytic enzymes. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens P41 was the most effective antagonistic strain and their capacity to control OK disease was subsequently assayed using in planta experiments. This strain significantly reduces OK disease severity (43.7%), knots weight (55.4%) and population size of Pss (26.8%), while increasing the shoot dry weight (55.0%) and root water content (39.6%) of Pss-infected olive plantlets. Bacterial isolates characterized in this study, in particular B. amyloliquefaciens P41, may be considered as promising biocontrol candidates for controlling OK disease.The hypothesis called "panspermia" proposes an interplanetary transfer of life. Experiments have exposed extremophilic organisms to outer space to test microbe survivability and the panspermia hypothesis. Microbes inside shielding material with sufficient thickness to protect them from UV-irradiation can survive in space. This process has been called "lithopanspermia," meaning rocky panspermia. We previously proposed sub-millimeter cell pellets (aggregates) could survive in the harsh space environment based on an on-ground laboratory experiment. To test our hypothesis, we placed dried cell pellets of the radioresistant bacteria Deinococcus spp. in aluminum plate wells in exposure panels attached to the outside of the International Space Station (ISS). We exposed microbial cell pellets with different thickness to space environments. The results indicated the importance of the aggregated form of cells for surviving in harsh space environment. We also analyzed the samples exposed to space from 1 to 3 years. The experimental design enabled us to get and extrapolate the survival time course to predict the survival time of Deinococcus radiodurans. Dried deinococcal cell pellets of 500 μm thickness were alive after 3 years of space exposure and repaired DNA damage at cultivation. Thus, cell pellets 1 mm in diameter have sufficient protection from UV and are estimated to endure the space environment for 2-8 years, extrapolating the survival curve and considering the illumination efficiency of the space experiment. Comparison of the survival of different DNA repair-deficient mutants suggested that cell aggregates exposed in space for 3 years suffered DNA damage, which is most efficiently repaired by the uvrA gene and uvdE gene products, which are responsible for nucleotide excision repair and UV-damage excision repair. Collectively, these results support the possibility of microbial cell aggregates (pellets) as an ark for interplanetary transfer of microbes within several years.Genomic data for psychrophilic bacteria causing blown pack spoilage (BPS) are limited. This study characterizes the genome of a novel Clostridium gasigenes strain CGAS001 isolated from meat juice sample (MJS) of vacuum-packed lamb meat by comparing it with the type strain C. gasigenes DSM 12272 and five strains representing four other BPS-causing Clostridium sensu stricto species. Phenotypic characteristics of the strain, which include biochemical characteristics, antimicrobial resistance and production of putative polyketide, have been determined. The size of its draft genome is 4.1 Mb with 3,845 coding sequences, 28.7% GC content and 95 RNA genes that include 75 tRNAs, 17 rRNAs, and 3 ncRNAs. Average Nucleotide Identity (ANI) and digital DNA-DNA Hybridization (dDDH) predict that C. gasigenes CGAS001 and DSM 12272 constitute a single species (ANI and dDDH = 98.3% for speciation) but two distinct subspecies (dDDH = 73.3% for subspeciation). The genome is characterized by saccharolytic, lipolytic and proteolytic genes as well as hemolysins and phospholipases, which are consistent with its phenotype.