PTSD at a diagnostic level due to STS was common in all respondents, occurring in 36% based on experiences from the prior 30 days and in 32% based on experiences from the prior 12 months. CONCLUSIONS No difference in PTSD at a diagnostic level due to STS was noted between RTs caring for neonatal/pediatric versus adult patients or between RTs based on years of work experience or based on work environment. STS and PTSD at a diagnostic level due to STS was common in RTs. Copyright © 2020 by Daedalus Enterprises.BACKGROUND Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) can be tolerated in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), unless bulbar impairment becomes severe. Excessive oral secretions may result in NIV intolerance and insufficient ventilation. OBJECTIVE To assess the reliability of the Oral Secretion Scale (OSS) for predicting the tolerance of NIV, when to initiate hospice or transition to tracheostomy, and prognostic factors for survival of users of NIV. METHODS A validated OSS was developed to measure oral secretions in correlation with the ability to swallow saliva and clear the upper airway OSS score of 4 = normal (automatic swallow); OSS score of 3 = infrequent secretions (automatic swallow decreased); OSS score of 2 = occasional drooling and/or pooling (conscious swallow required); OSS score of 1 = severe, frequent drooling and/or pooling (conscious swallow difficult); OSS score of 0 = most severe, constant drooling/pooling (conscious swallow impossible). A total of 137 subjects were followed up prospectivel .001, and hazard ratio 4.60, 95% CI 2.66-7.96, P less then .001), respectively, showed hours per day of NIV use was a significant factor associated with survival. CONCLUSIONS The subjects with an OSS score of 4 tolerated NIV and survived significantly longer than subjects with an OSS score of less then 4. An OSS score of 1 signaled NIV intolerance and the need for hospice or transition to planned tracheostomy. Use of OSS can help guide NIV management decisions. Copyright © 2020 by Daedalus Enterprises.BACKGROUND Individuals who share the same comorbidity profile are usually similar with regard to their disease severity, use of health care, and clinical outcomes. The identification of comorbidity clusters therefore bears prognostic information. The objective of this study was to identify and characterize comorbidity clusters in individuals with COPD in Denmark. METHODS Data from the Danish national registers were used. The study population included all individuals ≥16 y old who lived in the Danish Capital Region on January 1, 2012, and were diagnosed with COPD (N = 70,274). Comorbid chronic conditions were identified using diagnostic algorithms. A 2-step cluster analysis was performed. RESULTS 81% of subjects with COPD had chronic comorbidities; the most common was hypertension (47.6%), and the least common was anxiety (0.1%). Three comorbidity clusters were identified. Cluster 1 contained 16% of the studied individuals with COPD, with all having heart disease in addition to the remaining comorbidities. Cluster 2 contained 30% of the studied individuals with COPD, of whom approximately 1 in 3 suffered from allergies, while the rest had no comorbidities. Cluster 3 contained 54% of the studied individuals with COPD, where all comorbidities but heart disease were represented. Cluster 1 contained the highest proportion of individuals over the age of 65 y, as well as the individuals with the lowest education. After adjusting for sociodemographic characteristics, individuals in Cluster 1 had the highest rates of hospitalizations and bed days. CONCLUSIONS The presence of heart disease in individuals with COPD is a strong prognostic factor for socioeconomic and health vulnerability. Copyright © 2020 by Daedalus Enterprises.BACKGROUND There are many proven benefits of the use of conditioned gases in mechanically ventilated patients. In spite of this, its use in the delivery room is limited, perhaps because of known difficulties with heated humidifiers (HH); moreover, there is no evidence regarding the use of heat-and-moisture exchangers (HME) in a delivery room setting. We sought to asess the airway's absolute humidity level using three diferents strategies HH, HME and unconditioned gases. METHODS We conducted an experimental study in 12 intubated rabbits ventilated with a T-piece resuscitator. Absolute humidity levels in inspired gases were measured at baseline and at 5, 10, 15, and 20 min while using HH, HME, or no conditioning method (ie, unconditioned). The animals were initially randomized to one of the 3 interventions, and each animal underwent the other methods with at least 24 h between each test. RESULTS There were no differences in vital signs at baseline or at the end of the procedures. Mean absolute humidity at the end of the tests was 38.2 ± 1.7 g/m3 for HH, 28.9 ± 4.7 g/m3 for HME, and 13.9 ± 5.1 g/m3 for unconditioned gas (P = .003). CONCLUSIONS During ventilation with a T-piece resuscitator, the absolute humidity was the highest with HH. The absolute humidity with HME was lower, but it was still significantly more than that with unconditioned gas. Therefore, the use of a T-piece resuscitator with HME could be a good alternative to HH given that positive-pressure ventilation is used ideally for short periods of time in the delivery room. Copyright © 2020 by Daedalus Enterprises.BACKGROUND Cytosine methylation is an epigenetic mark that dictates cell fate and response to stimuli. The timing and establishment of methylation logic during kidney development remains unknown. DNA methyltransferase 3a and 3b are the enzymes capable of establishing de novo methylation. METHODS We generated mice with genetic deletion of Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b in nephron progenitor cells (Six2 Cre Dnmt3a/3b) and kidney tubule cells (Ksp Cre Dnmt3a/3b). We characterized Ksp Cre Dnmt3a/3b mice at baseline and after injury. Unbiased omics profiling, such as whole genome bisulfite sequencing, reduced representation bisulfite sequencing and RNA sequencing were performed on whole-kidney samples and isolated renal tubule cells. RESULTS Ksp Cre Dnmt3a/3b mice showed no obvious morphologic and functional alterations at baseline. Knockout animals exhibited increased resistance to cisplatin-induced kidney injury, but not to folic acid-induced fibrosis. Whole-genome bisulfite sequencing indicated that Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b play an important role in methylation of gene regulatory regions that act as fetal-specific enhancers in the developing kidney but are decommissioned in the mature kidney.