Allantoin was observed to exhibit curative effects in terms of function, although stereological tests revealed no morphological differences. The i.p. administration of allantoin may have a beneficial effect on nerve healing. The i.p. administration of allantoin may have a beneficial effect on nerve healing.Capacity of conscious agents to perform genuine choices among future alternatives is a prerequisite for moral responsibility. Determinism that pervades classical physics, however, forbids free will, undermines the foundations of ethics, and precludes meaningful quantification of personal biases. To resolve that impasse, we utilize the characteristic indeterminism of quantum physics and derive a quantitative measure for the amount of free will manifested by the brain cortical network. The interaction between the central nervous system and the surrounding environment is shown to perform a quantum measurement upon the neural constituents, which actualize a single measurement outcome selected from the resulting quantum probability distribution. Inherent biases in the quantum propensities for alternative physical outcomes provide varying amounts of free will, which can be quantified with the expected information gain from learning the actual course of action chosen by the nervous system. For example, neuronal electric spikes evoke deterministic synaptic vesicle release in the synapses of sensory or somatomotor pathways, with no free will manifested. In cortical synapses, however, vesicle release is triggered indeterministically with probability of 0.35 per spike. This grants the brain cortex, with its over 100 trillion synapses, an amount of free will exceeding 96 terabytes per second. Although reliable deterministic transmission of sensory or somatomotor information ensures robust adaptation of animals to their physical environment, unpredictability of behavioral responses initiated by decisions made by the brain cortex is evolutionary advantageous for avoiding predators. Thus, free will may have a survival value and could be optimized through natural selection.The 17th St Gallen International Breast Cancer Consensus Conference in 2021 was held virtually, owing to the global COVID-19 pandemic. More than 3300 participants took part in this important bi-annual critical review of the 'state of the art' in the multidisciplinary care of early-stage breast cancer. Seventy-four expert panelists (see Appendix 1) from all continents discussed and commented on the previously elaborated consensus questions, as well as many key questions on early breast cancer diagnosis and treatment asked by the audience. The theme of this year's conference was 'Customizing local and systemic therapies.' A well-organized program of pre-recorded symposia, live panel discussions and real-time panel voting results drew a worldwide audience of thousands, reflecting the far-reaching impact of breast cancer on every continent. The interactive technology platform allowed, for the first time, audience members to ask direct questions to panelists, and to weigh in with their own vote on several key panel questions. A hallmark of this meeting was to focus on customized recommendations for treatment of early-stage breast cancer. There is increasing recognition that the care of a breast cancer patient depends on highly individualized clinical features, including the stage at presentation, the biological subset of breast cancer, the genetic factors that may underlie breast cancer risk, the genomic signatures that inform treatment recommendations, the extent of response before surgery in patients who receive neoadjuvant therapy, and patient preferences. This customized approach to treatment requires integration of clinical care between patients and radiology, pathology, genetics, and surgical, medical and radiation oncology providers. It also requires a dynamic response from clinicians as they encounter accumulating clinical information at the time of diagnosis and then serially with each step in the treatment plan and follow-up, reflecting patient experiences and treatment response.Lung cancer has the second highest incidence and highest mortality compared to all other cancers. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) molecules belong to a class of compounds that are present in tobacco smoke, diesel exhausts, smoked foods, as well as particulate matter (PM). PAH-derived reactive metabolites are significant contributors to lung cancer development. The formation of these reactive metabolites entails metabolism of the parent PAHs by cytochrome P4501A1/1B1 (CYP1A1/1B1) and epoxide hydrolase enzymes. These reactive metabolites then react with DNA to form DNA adducts, which contribute to key gene mutations, such as the tumor suppressor gene, p53 and are linked to pulmonary carcinogenesis. PAH exposure also leads to upregulation of CYP1A1 transcription by binding to the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) and eliciting transcription of the CYP1A1 promoter, which comprises specific xenobiotic-responsive element (XREs). While hepatic and pulmonary CYP1A1/1B1 metabolize PAHs to DNA-reactive metabolites,evelopment of effective targeted therapies and early diagnostic tools.TRAP1, the mitochondrial component of the Hsp90 family of molecular chaperones, displays important bioenergetic and proteostatic functions. In tumor cells, TRAP1 contributes to shape metabolism, dynamically tuning it with the changing environmental conditions, and to shield from noxious insults. Hence, TRAP1 activity has profound effects on the capability of neoplastic cells to evolve towards more malignant phenotypes. Here, we discuss our knowledge on the biochemical functions of TRAP1 in the context of a growing tumor mass, and we analyze the possibility of targeting its chaperone functions for developing novel anti-neoplastic approaches. Exposure to childhood trauma (CT) is associated with cognitive impairment in schizophrenia, and deficits in social cognition in particular. Here, we sought to test whether IL-6 mediated the association between CT and social cognition both directly, and sequentially via altered default mode network (DMN) connectivity. Three-hundred-and-eleven participants (104 patients and 207 healthy participants) were included, with MRI data acquired in a subset of n=147. IL-6 was measured in both plasma and in toll like receptor (TLR) stimulated whole blood. The CANTAB emotion recognition task (ERT) was administered to assess social cognition, and cortical connectivity was assessed based on resting default mode network connectivity. Higher IL-6 levels, measured both in plasma and in TLR-2 stimulated blood, was significantly correlated with higher CTQ scores and lower cognitive and social cognitive function. Plasma IL-6 was further observed to partly mediate the association between higher CT scores and lower emotion recognition performance (CTQ total β -.