Four NLRC4 inflammasomopathy phenotypes have been described, with severe inflammatory diseases including macrophage activation syndrome, enterocolitis and NOMID in patients with mutations in the NBD and HD1 domains, whereas a mild clinical phenotype was associated with two mutations in the WHD domain of NLRC4. We identified a novel mutation in the NBD domain, and the patients just presented with a mild inflammatory phenotype. Thus, our findings reinforce the diversity of mutations and expand the clinical spectrum of associated diseases. We identified a novel mutation in the NBD domain, and the patients just presented with a mild inflammatory phenotype. Thus, our findings reinforce the diversity of NLRC4 mutations and expand the clinical spectrum of associated diseases.At homeostasis the vast majority of neutrophils in the circulation expresses CD16 and CD62L within a narrow expression range, but this quickly changes in disease. Little is known regarding the changes in kinetics of neutrophils phenotypes in inflammatory conditions. During acute inflammation more heterogeneity was found, characterized by an increase in CD16dim banded neutrophils. These cells were probably released from the bone marrow (left shift). Acute inflammation induced by human experimental endotoxemia (LPS model) was additionally accompanied by an immediate increase in a CD62Llow neutrophil population, which was not as explicit after injury/trauma induced acute inflammation. The situation in sub-acute inflammation was more complex. CD62Llow neutrophils appeared in the peripheral blood several days (>3 days) after trauma with a peak after 10 days. A similar situation was found in the blood of COVID-19 patients returning from the ICU. Sorted CD16low and CD62Llow subsets from trauma and COVID-19 patients displayed the same nuclear characteristics as found after experimental endotoxemia. In diseases associated with chronic inflammation (stable COPD and treatment naive HIV) no increases in CD16low or CD62Llow neutrophils were found in the peripheral blood. All neutrophil subsets were present in the bone marrow during homeostasis. After LPS rechallenge, these subsets failed to appear in the circulation, but continued to be present in the bone marrow, suggesting the absence of recruitment signals. Because the subsets were reported to have different functionalities, these results on the kinetics of neutrophil subsets in a range of inflammatory conditions contribute to our understanding on the role of neutrophils in health and disease.Through the release of hormones, the neuro-endocrine system regulates the immune system function promoting adaptation of the organism to the external environment and to intrinsic physiological changes. Glucocorticoids (GCs) and sex hormones not only regulate immune responses, but also control the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) differentiation and subsequent maturation of immune cell subsets. During the development of an organism, this regulation has long-term consequences. Indeed, the effects of GC exposure during the perinatal period become evident in the adulthood. Analogously, in the context of HSC transplantation (HSCT), the immune system development starts de novo from the donor HSCs. In this review, we summarize the effects of GCs and sex hormones on the regulation of HSC, as well as of adaptive and innate immune cells. Moreover, we discuss the short and long-term implications on hematopoiesis of sex steroid ablation and synthetic GC administration upon HSCT. Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic inflammatory disease associated with psoriasis. Janus Kinase inhibitors (JAKi) have emerged as an encouraging class of drugs for the treatment of PsA. Here, we compare the effect of four JAKi on primary PsA synovial fibroblasts (PsAFLS) activation, metabolic function, and invasive and migratory capacity. Primary PsAFLS were isolated and cultured with JAKi (Peficitinib, Filgotinib, Baricitinib and Upadacitinib) in the presence of Oncostatin M (OSM). pSTAT3 expression in response to OSM was quantified by Western Blot analysis. Pro-inflammatory cytokines/chemokines were quantified by ELISA and cell migration by wound-repair scratch assays. Invasive capacity was examined using Matrigelâ„¢ invasion chambers and MMP multiplex MSD assays. PsAFLS bioenergetics was assessed using the Seahorse XF Extracellular Flux Analyzer, which simultaneously quantifies two energetic pathways- glycolysis (ECAR) and oxidative phosphorylation (OCR). In parallel, inflammatory, invasive, and migf JAKi as a therapeutic target for the treatment of PsA. This study demonstrates that JAK/STAT signalling mediates the complex interplay between inflammation and cellular metabolism in PsA pathogenesis. This inhibition shows effective suppression of inflammatory mechanisms that drive pathogenic functions of PsAFLS, further supporting the role of JAKi as a therapeutic target for the treatment of PsA.The blood-brain barrier (BBB) selectively restricts the entry of molecules from peripheral circulation into the central nervous system (CNS) parenchyma. Despite this protective barrier, bacteria and other pathogens can still invade the CNS, often as a consequence of immune deficiencies or complications following neurosurgical procedures. These infections are difficult to treat since many bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus, encode a repertoire of virulence factors, can acquire antibiotic resistance, and form biofilm. Additionally, pathogens can leverage virulence factor production to polarize host immune cells towards an anti-inflammatory phenotype, leading to chronic infection. The difficulty of pathogen clearance is magnified by the fact that antibiotics and other treatments cannot easily penetrate the BBB, which requires extended regimens to achieve therapeutic concentrations. Nanoparticle systems are rapidly emerging as a promising platform to treat a range of CNS disorders. Nanoparticles have several advantages, as they can be engineered to cross the BBB with specific functionality to increase cellular and molecular targeting, have controlled release of therapeutic agents, and superior bioavailability and circulation compared to traditional therapies. Within the CNS environment, therapeutic actions are not limited to directly targeting the pathogen, but can also be tailored to modulate immune cell activation to promote infection resolution. This perspective highlights the factors leading to infection persistence in the CNS and discusses how novel nanoparticle therapies can be engineered to provide enhanced treatment, specifically through modulation of immune cell polarization.