Importantly, the grafting of pSBMA enables the microspheres with preferable properties (i.e., enhanced lubrication, reduced degradation, and sustained drug release) that are highly desirable for intraarticular treatment of osteoarthritis. In addition, when loaded with diclofenac sodium, the superlubricated microspheres with excellent biocompatibility can inhibit the tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α)-induced chondrocyte degradation in vitro, and further exert a therapeutic effect toward osteoarthritis in vivo. Examination of a blood film is the second most common hematology test, after the complete blood count. Interpretation of a peripheral blood film by trained laboratory professionals provides valuable diagnostic information. The Institute for Quality Management in Healthcare (IQMH) Hematology Scientific Committee developed a questionnaire to gather information regarding current practices for manual blood film review and reporting from laboratories participating in IQMH Morphology proficiency testing (PT) surveys. An online survey was distributed to 174 laboratories, 97% submitted results. Of the respondents, the majority (82%) indicated affiliation with small- or medium-sized hospitals (<500 beds). 80% of respondents had core laboratory technologists performing manual blood film reviews, while only 2% utilized dedicated hematology technologists with morphology expertise. All respondents had a policy for manual blood film review by a technologist, 70% did not have blood films reviewed by a senior/charge technologist prior to review by a physician. The majority (88%) of participants included morphological findings in their critical result list; of these, 98% include malaria and 88% include the first-time finding of blasts as critical results. 59% of participants indicated that they have a procedure in place to ensure that interpretation and confirmation of first-time potentially significant morphological findings are available from a physician at all times. This survey identified significant variation in blood film review and reporting practices across participating laboratories. The IQMH Hematology Scientific Committee will develop best practice recommendations to guide and standardize practice. This survey identified significant variation in blood film review and reporting practices across participating laboratories. The IQMH Hematology Scientific Committee will develop best practice recommendations to guide and standardize practice. Metrics that capture changes in the retinal microvascular structure are relevant in the context of cardiometabolic disease development. The microvascular topology is typically quantified using monofractals, although it obeys more complex multifractal rules. We study mono- and multifractals of the retinal microvasculature in relation to cardiometabolic factors. The cross-sectional retrospective study used data from 3000 Middle Eastern participants in the Qatar Biobank. A total of 2333 fundus images (78%) passed quality control and were used for further analysis. The monofractal (D ) and five multifractal metrics were associated with cardiometabolic factors using multiple linear regression and were studied in clinically relevant subgroups. D and multifractals are lowered in function of age, and D is lower in males compared to females. In models corrected for age and sex, D is significantly associated with BMI, insulin, systolic blood pressure, glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c), albumin, LDL and total cvascular changes in relation to cardiometabolic risk should analyse both monofractal and multifractal metrics for a more comprehensive microvascular picture. Neonatal hypoxia leads to cognitive and movement impairments that might persist throughout life. Hypoxia impairs hippocampal blood circulation and metabolism. The exact mechanisms underlying hypoxia-induced memory impairment are not fully understood. Nitric oxide (NO) is a key neuromodulator that regulates cerebral blood flow. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the possible role of NO on behavioral and histomorphometric changes in the hippocampus following hypoxia in neonate rats. Neonate male rats (n=28) were randomly divided into 4 groups control, hypoxia, hypoxia plus L-NAME (20mg/kg), and hypoxia plus L-arginine (200mg/kg). Drugs were injected intraperitoneally for seven consecutive days. Hypoxia was induced by keeping rats in a hypoxic chamber (7% oxygen and 93% nitrogen intensity). Ten to 14days after hypoxia, behavioral changes were measured using a shuttle box, a rotarod, and an open field test. The histological changes in the hippocampus were measured using H&E and Nissl staining methods. Findings showed that hypoxia caused significant atrophy in the hippocampus. Furthermore, the administration of L-NAME decreased the atrophy of the hippocampus in comparison with the hypoxic group. Behavioral results showed that hypoxia impaired memory performance and motor activity responses. Additionally, the administration of L-NAME improved behavioral performance in a significant manner compared with the hypoxic group. Hypoxia damaged the neurons of hippocampal CA1 region and induced memory impairment. The NOS inhibitor, L-NAME, significantly attenuated the negative effects of hypoxia on behavior and observed changes in the hippocampus. Hypoxia damaged the neurons of hippocampal CA1 region and induced memory impairment. The NOS inhibitor, L-NAME, significantly attenuated the negative effects of hypoxia on behavior and observed changes in the hippocampus.Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) has emerged as a powerful tool for investigating cell states and functions at the single-cell level. It has greatly revolutionized transcriptomic studies in many life science research fields, such as neurobiology, immunology, and developmental biology. With the fast development of both experimental platforms and bioinformatics approaches over the past decade, scRNA-seq is becoming economically feasible and experimentally practical for many biomedical laboratories. Drosophila has served as an excellent model organism for dissecting cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie tissue development, adult cell function, disease, and aging. The recent application of scRNA-seq methods to Drosophila tissues has led to a number of exciting discoveries. In this review, I will provide a summary of recent scRNA-seq studies in Drosophila, focusing on technical approaches and biological applications. I will also discuss current challenges and future opportunities of making new discoveries using scRNA-seq in Drosophila.