Among the full sample, 28% of agencies indicated shortages of morphine; 20% reported shortages of hydromorphone. Nearly half (43%) of hospice representatives reported that missing opioid medications occurred within the last 90 days. 52% of representatives reported employees are not allowed to dispose of medications after a home death; and, among home deaths, unused opioids were left in the home 32% of the time. This suggests opioid medications are frequently left in U.S. households after a hospice home death. Hospices face numerous challenges during the national opioid crisis. Interventions are needed to ensure access to needed treatments, mitigation of diversion, and safe medication disposal. Hospices face numerous challenges during the national opioid crisis. Interventions are needed to ensure access to needed treatments, mitigation of diversion, and safe medication disposal. Binge drinking can increase an individual's risk of developing alcohol use disorder (AUD). Ethanol targets multiple neurotransmitter systems; however, not much is known about its effects on the cholinergic system. Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are ligand-gated ion channels, the heteromeric α β nAChR being a commonly expressed subtype. Desformylflustrabromine (dFBr), a positive allosteric modulator (PAM), increases the efficacy of α β nAChR invitro and has previously been shown to have translational potential. In this study, we investigated whether dFBr modulates the hypnotic response to ethanol. Ethanol-induced loss of righting reflex (LORR) duration was measured in the presence and absence of dFBr. The β nAChR selective antagonist dihydro-β-erythroidine (DHβE) was used to study the involvement of the β subunit. Additionally, we used a crosslinking-based western blot assay to estimate changes in total versus intracellular α nAChR protein in thalamic tissue of rats treated with vehhypnotic response to ethanol via actions on β nAChR. Overall, these results indicate that dFBr represents an option to reverse ethanol intoxication. Our results suggest that thalamic nAChRs containing the α4 subunit are rapidly upregulated by a single intoxicating dose of ethanol. Furthermore, dFBr, an α4β2 nAChR-selective PAM, significantly attenuates the hypnotic response to ethanol via actions on β2 nAChR. Overall, these results indicate that dFBr represents an option to reverse ethanol intoxication. Complementary and Integrative Medicine (CIM) is a group of diverse health care therapies that often serve as adjuncts to conventional medical treatments. Our aim for this study was to evaluate the current knowledge, beliefs and practices of pediatric clinicians regarding CIM. Clinicians from the pediatric unit of a large US based teaching hospital in Connecticut were surveyed, through self-administered questionnaires. We sampled 70 participants with a response rate of 99 %. Of the 70, 32 were Registered Nurses, 9 were Attendings, 7 were Fellows, 15 were Residents and 4 were Nurse Practitioners. Regarding use, 24 % had referred a patient to a CIM practitioner, 43 % reported using CIM while 47 % had a family member who had used CIM in the past year. Respondents were most familiar with massage (70 %) and yoga (69 %) least familiar with Ayurvedic medicine (20 %) and Qi Gong (24 %). Regarding attitude, 67 % believed that some CIM therapies hold promise for the treatment of symptoms while 59 % believed that incorporation of CIM would increase patient satisfaction. Most of the respondents indicated that they did not have easy access to clinical information on many CIM treatment modalities. Nurses were more familiar (p = 0.024), had more positive attitudes and beliefs (p = 0.001) and thought CIM therapies had a higher impact (p = 0.002) on patient care compared to physicians, even when controlled for gender. This study highlights the need to bridge the gap in evidence based medicine and clinician's knowledge with the rise in CIM use. It also stresses the need for standardized learning competencies in the field of PIM. This study highlights the need to bridge the gap in evidence based medicine and clinician's knowledge with the rise in CIM use. It also stresses the need for standardized learning competencies in the field of PIM.Helping Health Professionals (HHP) and HHP students are among the highest risk occupational groups for compromised mental and physical health. There is a paucity of information regarding preventive interventions for mental and physical health in this group of healthcare providers. The objective of this review was to examine the effectiveness of yoga interventions for the prevention and reduction of mental and physical disorders among HHPs and HHP students. An exhaustive systematic search was conducted in May 2020. Databases searched in the OVID interface included MEDLINE(R) and Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations and Daily, Embase, and PsycINFO. EbscoHost databases searched included CINAHL Plus with Full Text, SPORTDiscus with Full Text, Alt HealthWatch, Education Research Complete, SocINDEX with Full Text, ERIC, and Academic Search Complete. Scopus was also searched. The search yielded 4,973 records, and after removal of duplicates 3197 records remained. Using inclusion and and rigour.An overview of research activities of National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) in Klecany, Czech republic. The institute was funded by EU operational project Research and Development for Innovation and started working in 2015. NIMH activities are organized in eight research programs including the neurobiology of the serious mental disorders, social psychiatry, brain imaging and use of information technologies in psychiatric research, epidemiology of addictions, sleep laboratory and chronobiology, electrophysiology, clinical research, and transfer of technologies. The equipment and expertise ranks NIMH Klecany among top neuroscience research institutions in central and eastern Europe.Theta Burst Stimulation (TBS) is a non-invasive neurophysiological technique, able to induce changes in synaptic activity. Research suggests that TBS may induce changes in cerebral oxygenation, cerebral blood flow, blood pressure and heart rate but there are conflicting results across studies. Thus, the objective of our sham-controlled study is to evaluate if TBS applied to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) of healthy volunteers produces changes in cerebral oximetry, heart rate and blood pressure. Forty-nine volunteers of both sexes were randomly allocated to one of five stimulation groups. Before and after real TBS or sham stimulation, blood pressure, heart rate, and cerebral oxygenation of the volunteers were measured. Cerebral oxygenation values were obtained with a near infra-red spectroscopy system. We found a significant reduction in left cortex oximetry after continuous TBS (cTBS) over the left DLPFC (p = 0.039) and a non-significant reduction in right cortex oximetry (p = 0.052). Right hemisphere inhibition (using cTBS) seemed to originate a significant reduction of 8 mmHg in systolic arterial pressure.