This article explores how working with incarcerated female Jewish and Protestant inmates affected correctional chaplains personally, professionally, and in their religious lives. The researcher interviewed a group of 10 correctional chaplains who work with female Jewish inmates, and a comparison group of 10 chaplains who work with female Protestant inmates in the Northeastern and Midwestern United States. The research found significant positive benefits for both groups, including a tendency to be less conservative in their views regarding the criminal justice system and more compassionate views towards inmates and humanity in general. Noted in both study groups was a high prevalence of trauma history prior to their employment as a correctional chaplain.In this article, the author from Rochester General Hospital reflects on COVID impact "Communication has sometimes suffered cold and automated relationship outcomes but there are oases in this dessert." Personal signals in a public world are humanizing artifacts in a new sterile and hypercontrolled virtual reality.As a supervisor-educator for the Canadian Association of Spiritual Care, my primary task is to help developing spiritual care providers and psychospiritual therapists learn how to use psychotherapy within the field of spiritual care. The purpose of this essay is to share a psychospiritual model that I teach my students that helps them see how psychospiritual therapy is a form of spiritual practice that helps their clients experience healing from the sacred.Describing the terms of "shaming, blaming, naming, claiming, and reframing" as the possible changing dynamics in some human relationships to achieve a resolution, is a fairly recent insight. Through analyzing a short section of an ancient text, Biblical Antiquities, we show how those matters, although not named as dynamics, were recognized as stages in human interactions millennia ago. They were played out in the announcement and subsequent birth of the biblical judge Samson.A film review of "Abortion Helpline, This Is Lisa (2019)".The goal of this analysis is to estimate the proportion of COVID-19 deaths attributable to President Donald Trump's early pronouncements about voluntary mask use and his intention not to use masks. Data from available research were used to estimate parameters for the calculation of population attributable risk for COVID-19 deaths reported to date. Assuming Trump's pronouncement to have caused 25%, 50%, and 75% of the non-use of masks, estimates of Trump-attributable COVID-19 deaths to date would be, respectively, 4,244, 8,356, or 12,202. The effects of presidential pronouncements on health-related matters may have large public health consequences. Pronouncements of national leaders should be based on the best available science. The aim of this study was to examine the test-retest reliability, internal consistency, and floor and ceiling effects of a Norwegian version of the Neurological Fatigue Index for Stroke (NFI-Stroke). To evaluate the psychometric properties of the NFI-Stroke, persons with stroke were recruited. Inclusion criteria were ≥18years; a performance of ≥4seconds on the Clock-Drawing Test; and participants had to speak and understand Norwegian. Test-retest reliability, internal consistency, and floor and ceiling effects were evaluated with Spearman's rho, Weighted Kappa, Cronbach's Alpha, corrected total-item correlation, percentage of the total score, and responses to each item. Of 82 eligible, 66 respondents were included in the project. NFI-Stroke has a test-retest reliability of 0.89, 0.89, and 0.87 with Spearman's rho and 0.55-0.78 with Weighted Kappa. For the subgroup chronic stroke, Spearman's rho was 0.89, 0.86, and 0.93, and Weighted Kappa was 0.61-0.91. For the subgroup sub-acute stroke, Spearman's rho was 0.48, 0.55, and 0.51, and Weighted Kappa was 0.02-0.54. Cronbach's Alpha was 0.90. For the physical subscale, alpha was 0.89, and for the cognitive subscale 0.74. Corrected total-item correlation for NFI-Stroke was 0.50-0.78, 0.55-0.79 for the physical subscale, and 0.46-0.60 for the cognitive subscale. None scored the highest nor lowest possible score of the questionnaire. NFI-Stroke has high test-retest reliability, and high internal consistency with neither floor nor ceiling effects for persons with stroke. The questionnaire may be useful both in general rehabilitation in institutions as well as in the municipal health services. NFI-Stroke has high test-retest reliability, and high internal consistency with neither floor nor ceiling effects for persons with stroke. The questionnaire may be useful both in general rehabilitation in institutions as well as in the municipal health services. The arteriovenous fistula is the modality of choice for long-term haemodialysis access. We describe the feasibility of routinely fashioning a brachiocephalic fistula utilising a 3 mm long arteriotomy in an attempt to reduce the incidence of symptomatic steal syndrome yet while maintaining satisfactory clinical outcomes. All patients who underwent brachiocephalic fistula formation using a routine 3 mm long arteriotomy within Hammersmith Hospital between January 2017 and March 2018 were included. Primary outcomes included primary failure, failure of maturation, secondary patency and steal syndrome. Sixty-eight brachiocephalic arteriovenous fistula were fashioned utilising a 3 mm long arteriotomy during the study period. Mean age was 60.5 years with 59% having a history of diabetes mellitus. Mean followup was 368 days. Primary failure occurred in 10 (14.7%) patients. Cannulation was achieved in 67.3% of remaining fistula within 3-months, rising to 87.3% by 6-months. Primary patency at 6 and 12 months was 76% and 69%, respectively. Secondary patency at 6 and 12 months was 94% and 91%, respectively. Dialysis access steal syndrome was clinically apparent in three (4.4%) patients with all cases being managed conservatively. A 3 mm long arteriotomy may be routinely utilised for brachiocephalic fistula creation in an attempt to limit the incidence of steal syndrome yet while maintaining clinical patency outcomes. A 3 mm long arteriotomy may be routinely utilised for brachiocephalic fistula creation in an attempt to limit the incidence of steal syndrome yet while maintaining clinical patency outcomes.