To bridge the gap between experimentation and the court of law, studies in forensic entomology and other forensic sciences have to comply with a set of experimental rules to generate probabilistic inference of quality. These rules are illustrated with successional studies of insects on a decomposing substrate as the main example. The approaches that have been used in the scientific literature to solve the issues associated with successional data are then reviewed. Lastly, some advice to scientific editors, reviewers and academic supervisors is provided to prevent the publication and eventual use in court of forensic studies using poor research methods and abusing statistical procedures.Iron is essential for multiple bacterial processes and is thus required for host colonization and infection. The antimicrobial activity of multiple iron chelators and gallium-based therapies against different bacterial species has been characterized in preclinical studies. In this review, we provide a synthesis of studies characterizing the antimicrobial activity of the major classes of iron chelators (hydroxamates, aminocarboxylates and hydroxypyridinones) and gallium compounds. Special emphasis is placed on recent in-vitro and in-vivo studies with the novel iron chelator DIBI. Limitations associated with iron chelation and gallium-based therapies are presented, with emphasis on limitations of preclinical models, lack of understanding regarding mechanisms of action, and potential host toxicity. Collectively, these studies demonstrate potential for iron chelators and gallium to be used as antimicrobial agents, particularly in combination with existing antibiotics. Additional studies are needed in order to characterize the activity of these compounds under physiologic conditions and address potential limitations associated with their clinical use as antimicrobial agents.C1-inhibitor hereditary angioedema (C1-INH-HAE) is a rare disease characterized by self-limiting edema associated with localized vasodilation due to increased levels of circulating bradykinin. C1-INH-HAE directly influences patients' everyday lives, as attacks are unpredictable in frequency, severity, and the involved anatomical site. The autonomic nervous system could be involved in remission. The cardiac autonomic profile has not yet been evaluated during the attack or prodromal phases. In this study, a multiday continuous electrocardiogram was obtained in four C1-INH-HAE patients until attack occurrence. Power spectral heart rate variability (HRV) indices were computed over the 4 h preceding the attack and during the first 4 h of the attack in three patients. Increased vagal modulation of the sinus node was detected in the prodromal phase. This finding may reflect localized vasodilation mediated by the release of bradykinin. HRV analysis may furnish early markers of an impending angioedema attack, thereby helping to identify patients at higher risk of attack recurrence. In this perspective, it could assist in the timing, titration, and optimization of prophylactic therapy, and thus improve patients' quality of life.This paper studies the forces acting upon the Intraosseous Transcutaneous Amputation Prosthesis, ITAP, that has been designed for use in a quarter amputated femur. To design in a failure feature, utilising a safety notch, which would stop excessive stress, σ, permeating the bone causing damage to the user. To achieve this, the topology of the ITAP was studied using MATLAB and ANSYS models with a wide range of component volumes. The topology analysis identified critical materials and local maximum stresses when modelling the applied loads. This together with additive layer manufacture allows for bespoke prosthetics that can improve patient outcomes. Further research is needed to design a fully functional, failure feature that is operational when extreme loads are applied from any direction. Physical testing is needed for validation of this study. Further research is also recommended on the design so that the σ within the ITAP is less than the yield stress, σs, of bone when other loads are applied from running and other activities.Energy storage and dissipation by composite materials are important design parameters for sensors and other devices. While polymeric materials can reversibly store energy by decreased chain randomness (entropic loss) they fail to be able to dissipate energy effectively and ultimately fail due to fatigue and molecular chain breakage. In contrast, composite tissues, such as muscle and tendon complexes, store and dissipate energy through entropic changes in collagen (energy storage) and viscous losses (energy dissipation) by muscle fibers or through fluid flow of the interfibrillar matrix. In this paper we review the molecular basis for energy storage and dissipation by natural composite materials in an effort to aid in the development of improved substrates for sensors, implants and other commercial devices. In addition, we introduce vibrational optical coherence tomography, a new technique that can be used to follow energy storage and dissipation by composite materials without physically touching them.This work investigates a new interrogation method of a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensor based on longer and shorter wavelengths to distinguish between transversal forces and temperature variations. Calibration experiments were carried out to examine the sensor's repeatability in response to the transversal forces and temperature changes. An automated calibration system was developed for the sensor's characterization, calibration, and repeatability testing. Experimental results showed that the FBG sensor can provide sensor repeatability of 13.21 pm and 17.015 pm for longer and shorter wavelengths, respectively. The obtained calibration coefficients expressed in the linear model using the matrix enabled the sensor to provide accurate predictions for both measurements. Analysis of the calibration and experiment results implied improvements for future work. Overall, the new interrogation method demonstrated the potential to employ the FBG sensing technique where discrimination between two/three measurands is needed.