The Hippo signaling pathway is a major regulator of organ growth, which controls the activity of the transcription coactivator Yorkie (Yki) in Drosophila and its homolog YAP in mammals. Both Yki and YAP proteins exist as alternatively spliced isoforms containing either one or two WW domains. The biological importance of this conserved alternative splicing event is unknown. Here, we identify the splicing factor B52 as a regulator of yki alternative splicing in Drosophila and show that B52 modulates growth in part through modulation of yki alternative splicing. Yki isoforms differ by their transcriptional activity as well as their ability to bind and bridge PPxY motifs-containing partners, and can compete in vivo. Strikingly, flies in which yki alternative splicing has been abrogated, thus expressing only Yki2 isoform, exhibit fluctuating wing asymmetry, a signal of developmental instability. Our results identify yki alternative splicing as a new level of modulation of the Hippo pathway, that is required for growth equilibration during development. This study provides the first demonstration that the process of alternative splicing contributes to developmental robustness.We studied seasonal variation of the secretory granules in the epithelial cells of the sexual segment of the kidney (SSK) during the annual sexual cycle in the lizard, Eutropis carinata using light and electron microscopy in correlation with measurements of androgen levels. During the breeding phase, the epithelium of the SSK consists of simple columnar cells with basal nuclei. The cytoplasm contains numerous eosinophilic secretory protein and carbohydrate granules, but lacks glycosaminoglycans. These secretory granules develop during the regenerative phase when the circulating testosterone level increase. During the breeding phase, when the circulating testosterone levels are high, three types of secretory granules can be differentiated in the cytoplasm based on size and opacity; electron translucent type I, electron dense type II, and biphasic type III granules. Type II granules are found at various stages of maturity and degeneration/utilization. All types of secretory granules are released through an apocrine process. Microvilli and tight junctions are prominent at the apical portion of the cell. The cytoplasm contains, Golgi complexes, an abundant network of rough endoplasmic reticulum, numerous tubular mitochondria, condensing, mucus filled and empty vacuoles. Intercellular canaliculi are narrow and indistinct during the regenerative and breeding phases, respectively. During the regressed phase, when the circulating testosterone levels are lowest, the cells are found regressed with wide intercellular canaliculi and devoid of secretory granules. Then the cytoplasm contains a few round mitochondria, Golgi and scanty endoplasmic reticulum.Preoperative ultrasound-guided lateral abdominal wall botulinum toxin injection is a promising method for improving patient outcomes and reducing recurrence rates after ventral hernia repair. A review of the literature demonstrates variability in the procedural technique, without current standardization of protocols. As radiologists may be increasingly asked to perform ultrasound-guided botulinum toxin injections of the lateral abdominal wall, familiarity with the procedure and current literature is necessary. To assess the ability of psychotherapists to predict the future outcome for inpatients with anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN). Psychotherapists rated the prognosis of the patient's eating disorder on a five point Likert scale on several dimensions at the end of inpatient treatment. Actual outcome was assessed about 10 years after treatment. The sample comprised 1,065 patients treated for AN, and 1,192 patients treated for BN. Psychotherapists' rating of their patient's prognosis was not better than chance for good outcome in AN and BN and for poor outcome in BN. Prediction of poor outcome in AN was somewhat better with approximately two thirds of correct predictions. In logistic regression analysis, psychotherapists' rating of the patients' prognosis for AN contributed to the explained variance of long-term outcome, increasing the variance explained from 7% (by conventional predictors) to 8% after including psychotherapists' prognosis. In BN, there was no significant contribution of psychotherapists' prognosis to overall prediction. Our current knowledge of risk and protective factors for the course of eating disorders is unsatisfying. More specialized research is urgently needed. Our current knowledge of risk and protective factors for the course of eating disorders is unsatisfying. More specialized research is urgently needed. This study aimed to explore the role and impact of advanced practice nurses (APNs) in care of patients following fragility hip fracture by systematically reviewing the available evidence. Systematic review. A search of the databases Ovid Medline, CINAHL, Embase, Emcare, Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar was conducted from January-February 2019. This systematic review adhered to The PRISMA Statement. Study selection was managed using the Covidence software platform and quality was assessed using JBI Critical appraisal tools. Studies included adults >18years and described the role and impact of APNs in care of patients following fragility hip fracture on clinical and non-clinical outcomes. There were 19 papers identified that met the inclusion/exclusion criteria. Quality was graded as moderate to low risk of bias. Six characteristics of APNs were identified (1) coordination; (2) collaboration; (3) education; (4) assessment, investigation and treatment recommendations; (5) discharge planning, supility hip fracture and the impact of the role on outcomes. Findings from this research could be used to develop service delivery models using APNs to care for patients following fragility hip fracture and to inform practice where APN roles may improve outcomes for other patient cohorts.In this study, a novel purification method using magnetic solid-phase extraction (MSPE) based on magnetic carbon nanotube dummy molecularly imprinted polymer (MCNTMIP) nanocomposite was investigated for separation and enrichment of sulfonamide antibiotics (SAs) in fish and shrimp samples. The MCNTMIP nanocomposite was successfully synthesized by applying carbon nanotubes as supporting template, methacrylic acid as functional monomer, sulfabenzamide as the dummy template for SAs, and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate as crosslinking agent, then was characterized by Fourier-transform infrared spectrometry and vibrating sample magnetometry. The adsorption performance of MCNTMIP was evaluated by binding experiments, including static adsorption, kinetic adsorption, and selectivity recognition study. The results confirmed that an imprinted polymer layer was successfully constructed on the surface of the MCNTMIP and this sorbent has advantages of simple magnetic separation, specific molecular recognition, and high adsorption capacity.