page views with WSAS for which P value was .02). The Thrive intervention was effective at reducing depression and anxiety symptom severity and improving functioning and resilience among a population of adults from mostly rural communities in the United States. These gains were maintained at 1 year. Program adherence, measured by the number of logins and lessons completed, indicates that users who engage more with the program benefit more from the intervention. NCT03244878; https// NCT03244878; https// Young adults with serious mental illness are over twice as likely to have tobacco use disorder than those in the general population and are less likely to utilize proven treatment methods during quit attempts. However, little research has evaluated the efficacy of interventions for this group. Smartphone apps may be an underutilized tool for tobacco use disorder among young adults with serious mental illness. The aim of this study was to explore attitudes toward smoking cessation apps and preferences regarding app design in young adult smokers with serious mental illness. Five focus groups involving 25- to 35-year-old adults with serious mental illness receiving treatment at a community mental health center were conducted between May 2019 and August 2019. Three researchers independently coded transcripts and identified themes using thematic analysis. Participants (n=22) were individuals who smoke daily 10 (46%) self-identified as female, 18 (82%) self-identified as White, and 9 (41%) had psychotic disorders. Key themes that emerged included a general interest in using health apps; a desire for apps to provide ongoing motivation during a quit attempt via social support, progress tracking, and rewards; a desire for apps to provide distraction from smoking; concerns about app effectiveness due to a lack of external accountability; and concerns that apps could trigger cravings or smoking behavior by mentioning cigarettes or the act of smoking. Apps have the potential to support smoking cessation or reduction efforts among young adults with serious mental illness. However, they may require tailoring, optimization, and clinical support to effectively promote cessation in this population. Apps have the potential to support smoking cessation or reduction efforts among young adults with serious mental illness. However, they may require tailoring, optimization, and clinical support to effectively promote cessation in this population. Hand hygiene is one of the most effective ways to remove germs, prevent the spread of infectious pathogens, and avoid getting sick. Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, health authorities have been advocating good hand hygiene practices. The primary aim of this study is to field test a prototype smart handwashing station deployed in a school setting during the COVID-19 pandemic. We deployed a smart handwashing station and examined key technological considerations including connectivity, security, and data management systems, as well as the health and safety of users. The smart handwashing station was deployed for 10 days in a school setting in Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic. The smart handwashing station's electrical components remained operational during field testing and underwent robust cleaning protocols each day. The handwashing station was used 1138 times during the field test and there was no COVID-19 transmission at the school during the testing. This study demonstrates that a personalized feedback approach using technology can successfully be implemented at a school and can provide a platform to improve hand hygiene among school-aged children. This study demonstrates that a personalized feedback approach using technology can successfully be implemented at a school and can provide a platform to improve hand hygiene among school-aged children. In Indonesia, maternal mortality is high and abortion is restricted. Reliable information on induced abortion is needed; however, the difficulty of measuring abortion in settings where it is legally restricted and highly stigmatized calls for innovation in approaches to measuring abortion incidence. The data were from three original surveys conducted in Java among health facilities, knowledgeable informants and women aged 15-49, fielded in April 2018-January 2019. Two methods were used to estimate the one-year induced abortion incidence rate in Java the standard Abortion Incidence Complications Method (AICM) and a modified AICM. Each method was evaluated on the basis of data quality, and what is known about sexual and reproductive health indicators related to abortion rates, to determine which performed best in measuring abortion incidence in Java. Estimates of complications resulting from induced abortion from knowledgeable informants and the women differed substantially. The modified AICM produced an estimate of 42.5 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15-49, while the standard AICM estimate was lower (25.8 per 1,000). A comparison of the distribution of abortion methods used revealed that knowledgeable informants believed abortion was less safe than indicated by women's reports of their own experiences. Therefore, the standard AICM likely underestimates abortion. The modified AICM performed better than the standard AICM and indicates that abortion is common in Java. Increased access to contraceptives and high-quality postabortion care is needed. Future research should investigate the safety of abortion, especially with respect to self-managed abortion. The modified AICM performed better than the standard AICM and indicates that abortion is common in Java. Increased access to contraceptives and high-quality postabortion care is needed. Future research should investigate the safety of abortion, especially with respect to self-managed abortion. Coxiellosis, caused by the bacterium Coxiella burnetii, is a reportable disease in animals and humans in Switzerland. The number of cases in farm animals and humans has risen continuously in recent years. The aim of this work was to investigate abortions and stillbirths in goats with a focus on C. burnetii, to identify excretory routes which pose a zoonotic risk and the excretion time after an acute infection. Besides the submitted fetuses, does were screened with a serological antibody test. In addition, excretion via milk, faeces and vaginal mucus were investigated in dams with fetuses tested positive for C. burnetii at 14-day intervals.C. burnetii were isolated in 8 cases (3× in the placenta, 2× in the abomasum, 3× in the placenta and abomasum) of 13 examined stillbirths/abortions. Ten abomasums of goat kids and 8 placentas were examined using modified Ziehl-Neelsen staining (ZN) according to Stamp simultaneously with a real-time PCR. Four of 18 samples were false negative using modified ZN staining according to Stamp in contrast to real-time PCR.