Although the role of shoe constructions on running injury and performance has been widely investigated, systematic reviews on the shoe construction effects on running biomechanics were rarely reported. Therefore, this review focuses on the relevant research studies examining the biomechanical effect of running shoe constructions on reducing running-related injury and optimising performance. Searches of five databases and Footwear Science from January 1994 to September 2018 for related biomechanical studies which investigated running footwear constructions yielded a total of 1260 articles. After duplications were removed and exclusion criteria applied to the titles, abstracts and full text, 63 studies remained and categorised into following constructions (a) shoe lace, (b) midsole, (c) heel flare, (d) heel-toe drop, (e) minimalist shoes, (f) Masai Barefoot Technologies, (g) heel cup, (h) upper, and (i) bending stiffness. Some running shoe constructions positively affect athletic performance-related and injury- variables and prevent running-related injuries. © Journal of Sports Science and Medicine.The coach-rating scale for Achievement-Motivated Behavior in Individual Sports (AMBIS-I) was constructed to measure achievement motivation, not from athletes' own views but from coaches' perspectives. The tool was already checked for reliability as well as content, factorial, and concurrent criterion validity (Zuber and Conzelmann, 2019). To further establish construct and criterion validity, two different samples were involved. Sample 1 included 67 experienced coaches rating their 278 athletes on the three AMBIS-I dimensions proactivity, ambition and commitment. In sample 2, 157 athletes completed self-report questionnaires measuring motivational and volitional concepts. Congruent and discriminant construct validity were assessed using the QCV-procedure (Westen and Rosenthal, 2003) by comparing experts' predicted and empirically observed correlations between the coaches' ratings on the AMBIS-I with the self-ratings of validated instruments. Consistent with theoretical expectations, achievement goal orientations, self-determination and self-optimization show significant positive relationships to the AMBIS-I scales, the negatively formulated volitional concepts, negative ones. As indicated by the 0.87 ≤ ralerting-CV ≤ 0.95, the general patterns of the expert's predictions triangulate consistently with the observed correlations. The findings concerning absolute agreement were mixed. Even though the ICCs suggest sufficient to good consistency, the values of rcontrast-CV are considerably lower. To indicate criterion validity, AMBIS-I display medium to large correlations with the actual performance level estimated by the coaches and small to medium correlations with the assigned potential for subsequent success one year later. In summary, we found solid indications, that AMBIS-I is a valid measure of achievement-motivated behavior in individual sports from coaches' perspective. © Journal of Sports Science and Medicine.The main aim of this study was to determine the physical demands of different small-sided ball possession games (SSBPGs) according to player field position and compare these demands in relation to the most demanding passages of play (MDP) in competitive matches. Global positioning system data were obtained from 25 football players (20.4 ± 2.1 yrs, 1.78 ± 0.66 m, 69.7 ± 6.1 kg) belonging to the reserve squad of a Spanish La Liga Club. Players were categorized according to positional groups; full back (FB), central defender (CD), midfielder (MF), wide midfielder (WMF) and forwards (FW). The variables analyzed were relativized to metres per minute (m·min-1) total distance covered (TD), TD at high speed (HSR; >19.8 km·h-1), TD at sprint (SPR; >25.2 km·h-1), the number of accelerations (ACC) and decelerations (DEC) at high intensity (> +/-3 m·s-2), the average metabolic power (AMP; W·kg-1) and the high metabolic load distance (HMLD; >25.5 W·kg-1). The MDP were analyzed using a rolling average method, where maximal values were calculated for 3 and 5 minutes to compare with SSBPGs using AMP as a criterion variable. The results were obtained from the SSBPGs relative to the MDP (expressed in %) for each player position. FB showed the greatest magnitude of overload in ACC/DEC according to the MDP in the two smaller SSBPGs formats (201-217%), whereas MF showed lower values (105-140%). The load expressed in relation to the MDP can be different depending on the format of the SSBPGs and the characteristics of playing position. These factors should be considered by the coaches when planning training. © Journal of Sports Science and Medicine.Evidence indicates that substance use and mental health treatment is often associated with reduced criminal activity. The present systematic review examined this association among military veterans, and aimed to provide a comprehensive summary of needed research to further contribute to reduced criminal activity among veterans. This systematic review was derived from a scoping review that mapped existing research on justice-involved veterans' health. For the current systematic review, a subset of 20 publications was selected that addressed the question of whether criminal activity declines among veterans treated for substance use and mental health disorders. Generally, veterans improved on criminal outcomes from pre- to post-treatment for opioid use, other substance use, or mental health conditions, and more sustained treatment was associated with better outcomes. This occurred despite high rates of criminal involvement among veterans prior to entering treatment. Needed are substance use and mental health treatment studies that include women justice-involved veterans, follow criminally-active veterans for longer periods of time, and use validated and reliable measures of criminal activity with fully transparent statistical procedures. Future randomized trials should evaluate new treatments against evidence-based treatments (versus no-treatment control conditions). Subsequent studies should examine how to link veterans to effective treatments, facilitate sustained treatment engagement, and ensure the availability of effective treatments, and examine mechanisms (mediators and moderators) that explain the association of treatment with reduced criminal activity among veterans. Best practices are needed for reducing criminal activity among the minority of justice-involved veterans who do not have diagnosed substance use and/or mental health disorders. © The Author(s) 2020.