Our evaluations are performed in two studies (N = 10, N = 11) involving psychometrically sound, standardized tasks that include physical activity and affect induction. After applying our framework to this data, we conclude that only some commercially available consumer devices for physiological measurement are capable of wirelessly measuring peripheral physiological and physical activity data of sufficient quality for scientific use cases. Thus, the framework appears to be beneficial at suggesting steps for conducting more systematic, transparent, and rigorous evaluations of mobile physiological devices prior to deployment in studies.This study collected age-of-acquisition (AoA) norms for 19,716 simplified Chinese words provided by 1765 native speakers of Mandarin Chinese. Analysis of demographic factors revealed both gender and cohort differences in ratings and thus differences in trajectory of vocabulary development, suggesting the utility of AoA ratings to investigate individual differences and societal changes in levels of academic achievement. Moreover, consistent with past analysis conducted with English words, AoA ratings accounted for an extra portion of variance in lexical processing above and beyond the most prominent predictor, word frequency. Further analysis suggested that AoA ratings might be more predictive of processing low frequency words relative to high frequency words. Cross-language comparison also indicated that future research should explore the unique factors implicated in the processing of Chinese words.Autobiographical memory studies conducted with narrative methods are onerous, requiring significant resources in time and labor. We have created a semi-automated process that allows autobiographical transcribing and scoring methods to be streamlined. Our paper focuses on the Autobiographical Interview (AI; Levine, Svoboda, Hay, Winocur, & Moscovitch, Psychology and Aging, 17, 677-89, 2002), but this method can be adapted for other narrative protocols. Specifically, here we lay out a procedure that guides researchers through the four main phases of the autobiographical narrative pipeline (1) data collection, (2) transcribing, (3) scoring, and (4) analysis. First, we provide recommendations for incorporating transcription software to augment human transcribing. We then introduce an electronic scoring procedure for tagging narratives for scoring that incorporates the traditional AI scoring method with basic keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Word. Finally, we provide a Python script that can be used to automate counting of scored transcripts. This method accelerates the time it takes to conduct a narrative study and reduces the opportunity for error in narrative quantification. Available open access on GitHub ( https//github.com/cMadan/scoreAI ), our pipeline makes narrative methods more accessible for future research.Numerous neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders are associated with deficits in executive functions such as working memory and cognitive flexibility. Progress in developing effective treatments for disorders may benefit from targeting these cognitive impairments, the success of which is predicated on the development of animal models with validated behavioural assays. Zebrafish offer a promising model for studying complex brain disorders, but tasks assessing executive function are lacking. The Free-movement pattern (FMP) Y-maze combines aspects of the common Y-maze assay, which exploits the inherent motivation of an organism to explore an unknown environment, with analysis based on a series of sequential two-choice discriminations. We validate the task as a measure of working memory and executive function by comparing task performance parameters in adult zebrafish treated with a range of glutamatergic, cholinergic and dopaminergic drugs known to impair working memory and cognitive flexibility. We demonstrate the cross-species validity of the task by assessing performance parameters in adapted versions of the task for mice and Drosophila, and finally a virtual version in humans, and identify remarkable commonalities between vertebrate species' navigation of the maze. Together, our results demonstrate that the FMP Y-maze is a sensitive assay for assessing working memory and cognitive flexibility across species from invertebrates to humans, providing a simple and widely applicable behavioural assay with exceptional translational relevance.Eye and head movements are used to scan the environment when driving. In particular, when approaching an intersection, large gaze scans to the left and right, comprising head and multiple eye movements, are made. We detail an algorithm called the gaze scan algorithm that automatically quantifies the magnitude, duration, and composition of such large lateral gaze scans. The algorithm works by first detecting lateral saccades, then merging these lateral saccades into gaze scans, with the start and end points of each gaze scan marked in time and eccentricity. We evaluated the algorithm by comparing gaze scans generated by the algorithm to manually marked "consensus ground truth" gaze scans taken from gaze data collected in a high-fidelity driving simulator. We found that the gaze scan algorithm successfully marked 96% of gaze scans and produced magnitudes and durations close to ground truth. Furthermore, the differences between the algorithm and ground truth were similar to the differences found between expert coders. Therefore, the algorithm may be used in lieu of manual marking of gaze data, significantly accelerating the time-consuming marking of gaze movement data in driving simulator studies. The algorithm also complements existing eye tracking and mobility research by quantifying the number, direction, magnitude, and timing of gaze scans and can be used to better understand how individuals scan their environment. The European Medicines Agency has suspended the use of ulipristal acetate (UPA) in the treatment of uterine fibroids and is reassessing its association with a risk of liver injury. Our objectives were to characterize the post-marketing reporting of drug-induced liver injury (DILI) with UPA and investigate the underlying pharmacological basis. We queried the worldwide FDA Adverse Event Reporting System and performed a disproportionality analysis, selecting only hepatic designated medical events (DMEs) where UPA was reported as suspect. The reporting odds ratios (RORs) were calculated, and we considered a lower limit of the 95% confidence interval (LL95% CI) > 1 as significant. Physiochemical/pharmacokinetic features were extracted to assess the risk of hepatotoxicity by applying predictive DILI risk models. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/DMXAA(ASA404).html Mifepristone and leuprolide were selected as comparators. A significantly higher proportion of liver disorders was reported for UPA than for mifepristone (2.9 vs. 0.8%; p < 0.00001) and leuprolide (2.