Electrode characteristics are crucial in transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) since electrode design and placement determine the cortical area being modulated, current density and spatial resolution of stimulation. Early research on tDCS sought to determine optimal parameters for stimulation by specifying maximum current, duration and sizes of electrodes. Further research focused on determining efficient ways to deliver stimulation to targeted regions on the cortex with minimal discomfort to the user by altering electrode size, placement, shape and material. This review aims to give an insight on the main characteristics of electrodes used in tDCS and on the variability found in electrode parameters and placements from tDCS to high definition tDCS (HD-tDCS) applications and beyond.Surface electromyogram (EMG) has a relatively large detection volume, so that it could include contributions both from the target muscle of interest and from nearby regions (i.e., crosstalk). This interference can prevent a correct interpretation of the activity of the target muscle, limiting the use of surface EMG in many fields. To counteract the problem, selective spatial filters have been proposed, but they reduce the representativeness of the data from the target muscle. A better solution would be to discard only crosstalk from the signal recorded in monopolar configuration (thus, keeping most information on the target muscle). An inverse modelling approach is here proposed to estimate the contributions of different muscles, in order to focus on the one of interest. The method is tested with simulated monopolar EMGs from superficial nearby muscles contracted at different force levels (either including or not model perturbations and noise), showing statistically significant improvements in information extraction from the data. The median over the entire dataset of the mean squared error in representing the EMG of the muscle under the detection electrode was reduced from 11.2% to 4.4% of the signal energy (5.3% if noisy data were processed); the median bias in conduction velocity estimation (from 3 monopolar channels aligned to the muscle fibres) was decreased from 2.12 to 0.72 m/s (1.1 m/s if noisy data were processed); the median absolute error in the estimation of median frequency was reduced from 1.02 to 0.67 Hz in noise free conditions and from 1.52 to 1.45 Hz considering noisy data.Glenoid implant loosening remains a major source of failure and concern after anatomical total shoulder arthroplasty (aTSA). It is assumed to be associated with eccentric loading and excessive bone strain, but direct measurement of bone strain after aTSA is not available yet. Therefore, our objective was to develop an in vitro technique for measuring bone strain around a loaded glenoid implant. A custom loading device (1500 N) was designed to fit within a micro-CT scanner, to use digital volume correlation for measuring displacement and calculating strain. Errors were evaluated with three pairs of unloaded scans. The average displacement random error of three pairs of unloaded scans was 6.1 µm. Corresponding systematic and random errors of strain components were less than 806.0 µε and 2039.9 µε, respectively. The average strain accuracy (MAER) and precision (SDER) were 694.3 µε and 440.3 µε, respectively. The loaded minimum principal strain (8738.9 µε) was 12.6 times higher than the MAER (694.3 µε) on average, and was above the MAER for most of the glenoid bone volume (98.1%). https://www.selleckchem.com/products/Mycophenolic-acid(Mycophenolate).html Therefore, this technique proves to be accurate and precise enough to eventually compare glenoid implant designs, fixation techniques, or to validate numerical models of specimens under similar loading.Treatment design for musculoskeletal disorders using in silico patient-specific dynamic simulations is becoming a clinical possibility. However, these simulations are sensitive to model parameter values that are difficult to measure experimentally, and the influence of uncertainties in these parameter values on the accuracy of estimated knee contact forces remains unknown. This study evaluates which musculoskeletal model parameters have the greatest influence on estimating accurate knee contact forces during walking. We performed the evaluation using a two-level optimization algorithm where musculoskeletal model parameter values were adjusted in the outer level and muscle activations were estimated in the inner level. We tested the algorithm with different sets of design variables (combinations of optimal muscle fiber lengths, tendon slack lengths, and muscle moment arm offsets) resulting in nine different optimization problems. The most accurate lateral knee contact force predictions were obtained when tendon slack lengths and moment arm offsets were adjusted simultaneously, and the most accurate medial knee contact force estimations were obtained when all three types of parameters were adjusted together. Inclusion of moment arm offsets as design variables was more important than including either tendon slack lengths or optimal muscle fiber lengths alone to obtain accurate medial and lateral knee contact force predictions. These results provide guidance on which musculoskeletal model parameter values should be calibrated when seeking to predict in vivo knee contact forces accurately.In synergy with the musculoskeletal system, motor control is responsible of motor performance, determining joint kinematics and kinetics as related to task and environmental constraints. Multiple metrics have been proposed to quantify motor control from kinematic measures of motion, each index quantifying a different specific aspect, but the characterization of motor control as related to a specific subject or population during the execution of a specific task is still missing. In the present work, the performance of a novel approach for quantitative parametrization of motor control is tested over 86 primary school children 36 I grade, 50 II grade; 40 females, 46 males. Children were assessed performing natural and tandem gait using 3 inertial measurement units, and gait variability, regularity, and complexity indexes were calculated from gait temporal parameters and trunk acceleration. Standard Test of Motor Competence and Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire were used to assess reference motor competence.