007, 0.005 and 0.047) in the DOPM. In addition, we found that Cr and Glx correlated positively to the seizure frequency (P = 0.003 and 0.016). Decreased NAA was the prominent abnormality confirmed in MCDs. Spectra of different MCDs subcategories were different the DOM was characterized by decreased NAA, while the DOPM was characterized by increased Ins. Decreased NAA was the prominent abnormality confirmed in MCDs. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/almorexant-hcl.html Spectra of different MCDs subcategories were different the DOM was characterized by decreased NAA, while the DOPM was characterized by increased Ins. To evaluate the learning curve of the simplified fluoroscopic biplanar (0-90º) puncture technique for percutaneous nephrolithotomy. We prospectively evaluated patients with renal stones treated with percutaneous nephrolithotomy by a single institution's fellows employing the simplified bi-planar (0-90º) fluoroscopic puncture technique for renal access. The learning curve was assessed with the fluoroscopic screening time and the percutaneous renal puncture time. Data obtained were compared to a subset of patients operated by a senior surgeon. Eighty-nine patients were included in the study. Forty patients were operated by fellow-1, 39 by fellow-2, and 10 patients by the senior surgeon. Demographic data of all patients between groups were homogeneous, with no difference in gender (p = 0.432), age (p = 0.92), stone volume (p = 0.78), puncture laterality (p = 0.755), and body mass index (p = 0.365). The mean puncture time was 7.5, 4, and 3.1min for fellow-1, fellow-2, and expert, respectively. The mean fluoimple renal stones. To investigate retropulsion forces generated by two laser lithotripsy devices, a standard HoYAG and a new pulsed solid-state Thulium laser device. Two different Dornier laser devices were assessed a Medilas H Solvo 35 and a pulsed solid-state Thulium laser evaluation model (Dornier MedTech Laser GmbH, Wessling, Germany). We used a 37°C water bath; temperature was monitored with a thermocouple/data-logger. Representative sets of settings were examined for both devices, including short and long pulse lengths where applicable. For each setting, ten force values were recorded by a low-force precision piezo sensor whereby the laser fibre was either brought into contact with the sensor or placed at a 3mm distance. The mean retropulsion forces resulting from the new TmYAG device were significantly lower than those of the HoYAG device under all pulse energy and frequency settings, ranging between 0.92 and 19.60N for Thulium and 8.09-39.67N for Holmium. The contact setups yielded lower forces than the distance setups. The forces increased with increasing pulse energy settings while shorter pulse lengths led to 12-44% higher retropulsive force in the 2.0J/5Hz comparisons. The TmYAG device not only significantly generated lower retropulsion forces in all comparisons to Holmium at corresponding settings but also offers adjustment options to achieve lower energy pulses and longer pulse durations to produce even lower retropulsion. These advantages are a promising add-on to laser lithotripsy procedures and may be highly relevant for improving laser lithotripsy performance. The TmYAG device not only significantly generated lower retropulsion forces in all comparisons to Holmium at corresponding settings but also offers adjustment options to achieve lower energy pulses and longer pulse durations to produce even lower retropulsion. These advantages are a promising add-on to laser lithotripsy procedures and may be highly relevant for improving laser lithotripsy performance.The progression of prion diseases is accompanied by the accumulation of prions in the brain. Ablation of microglia enhances prion accumulation and accelerates disease progression, suggesting that microglia play a neuroprotective role by clearing prions. However, the mechanisms underlying the phagocytosis and clearance of prion are largely unknown. The macrophage scavenger receptor 1 (Msr1) is an important phagocytic receptor expressed by microglia in the brain and is involved in the uptake and clearance of soluble amyloid-β. We therefore asked whether Msr1 might play a role in prion clearance and assessed the scavenger function of Msr1 in prion pathogenesis. We found that Msr1 expression was upregulated in prion-infected mouse brains. However, Msr1 deficiency did not change prion disease progression or lesion patterns. Prion deposition in Msr1 deficient mice was similar to their wild-type littermates. In addition, prion-induced neuroinflammation was not affected by Msr1 ablation. We conclude that Msr1 does not play a major role in prion pathogenesis. KEY MESSAGES Msr1 expression is upregulated in prion-infected mouse brains at the terminal stage Msr1 deficiency does not affect prion disease progression Msr1 does not play a major role in prion clearance or prion pathogenesis Microglia-mediated phagocytosis and clearance of Aβ and prion may adopt distinct molecular pathways. This study aimed to apply a radiomics approach to predict poor psychomotor development in preterm neonates using brain MRI. Prospectively enrolled preterm neonates underwent brain MRI near or at term-equivalent age and neurodevelopment was assessed at a corrected age of 12 months. Two radiologists visually assessed the degree of white matter injury. The radiomics analysis on white matter was performed using T1-weighted images (T1WI) and T2-weighted images (T2WI). A total of 1906 features were extracted from the images and the minimum redundancy maximum relevance algorithm was used to select features. A prediction model for the binary classification of the psychomotor developmental index was developed and eightfold cross-validation was performed. The diagnostic performance of the model was evaluated using the AUC with and without including significant clinical and DTI parameters. A total of 46 preterm neonates (median gestational age, 29 weeks; 26 males) underwent brain MRI (median corrected gestational arly brain MRI can help to predict poor neurodevelopmental outcomes in preterm neonates. • Radiomics analysis on T1-weighted images of preterm neonates showed the highest diagnostic performance (AUC, 0.925) for predicting poor psychomotor outcomes. • In spite of 45 of 46 neonates having no significant white matter injury on visual assessment, the radiomics analysis of early brain MRI showed good diagnostic performance (sensitivity, 84.6%; specificity, 78.8%) for predicting poor psychomotor outcomes. • Radiomics analysis on early brain MRI can help to predict poor neurodevelopmental outcomes in preterm neonates.