In these cases, findings from spaceflight research have provided a foundation for enhancing healthcare terrestrially and have increased our knowledge of basic physiological processes. © The Author(s) 2020.Parkinson's disease (PD) has numerous motor and non-motor symptoms. Among non-motor manifestations impulse control disorders (ICDs) stand out. ICDs include compulsions for gambling, shopping, eating, and sexual behavior, and "related disorders" such as hobbyism, simple motor activities, and dopamine dysregulation syndrome. There is no rating scale translated and adapted transculturally into Brazilian Portuguese language. Therefore, we cross-culturally adapted and investigated the measurement properties of the Brazilian version of the Questionnaire for Impulsive-Compulsive Disorders in Parkinson's Disease-Rating Scale (QUIP-RS). Fifty-three patients participated in the study. Inter-evaluator and test-retest (patient and health professional) reliabilities (intraclass correlation coefficient) were all excellent (0.93, 0.93, and 0.99). The internal consistency was high (α = 0.92). The Minimal detectable change (MDC) value was 5.8 (patient) and 2.3 (health professional) points. There was a floor, but no ceiling, effect. In summary, the Brazilian version of the QUIP-RS has high reliability and content validity. © The Author(s) 2020.Reovirus type 3 Dearing (reovirus) is a tumor-selective oncolytic virus currently under evaluation in clinical trials. Here, we report that the therapeutic efficacy of reovirus in head and neck squamous cell cancer can be enhanced by targeting the unfolded protein response (UPR) kinase, protein kinase R (PKR)-like endoplasmic reticulum kinase (PERK). PERK inhibition by GSK2606414 increased reovirus efficacy in both 2D and 3D models in vitro, while perturbing the normal host cell response to reovirus-induced endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. UPR reporter constructs were used for live-cell 3D spheroid imaging. Profiling of eIF2a-ATF4, IRE1a-XBP1, and ATF6 pathway activity revealed a context-dependent increase in eIF2a-ATF4 signaling due to GSK2606414. GSK2606414 blocked eIF2a-ATF4 signaling because of the canonical ER stress agent thapsigargin. In the context of reovirus infection, GSK2606414 induced eIF2a-ATF4 signaling. Knockdown of eIF2a kinases PERK, GCN2, and PKR revealed eIF2a-ATF4 reporter activity was dependent on either PERK or GCN2. Knockdown of ATF4 abrogated the GSK2606414-induced increase in reovirus protein levels, confirming eIF2a-ATF signaling as key to the observed phenotype. Our work identifies a novel approach to enhance the efficacy and replication of reovirus in a therapeutic setting. © 2020 The Authors.Post-traumatic isolated big toe extensor contracture after tibiofibular fracture is uncommon and only a few cases have been reported. Major causes of it include anterior compartment syndrome, direct injury, entrapment or adhesion of the muscle or tendon.We present an uncommon case of isolated extensor hallucis longus (EHL) tendon contracture following a distal tibiofibular shaft fracture without compartment syndrome of the affected leg or foot. The clinical outcome is good after Z-lengthening of the EHL tendon and abductor hallux tendon in 1-year follow-up. Level of clinical evidence 5. © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Traditional treatment failure in recurrent ovarian cancer remains a challenge for clinicians. Tumor genetic testing is a promising tool which has been proved able to identify sensitivity profiles in patients affected by cancers. This may be helpful in choosing targeted systemic treatments, aiming to overcome histology boundaries and to avoid unnecessary toxicity. We describe the case of a patient affected by recurrent high-grade serous ovarian cancer responsive to MEK-inhibitors, who had undergone multiple lines of therapy. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of recurrent high-grade ovarian cancer showing remarkable clinical, radiologic and biochemical response to trametinib. This report suggests that trametinib could be effective in high-grade serous ovarian cancer, although most of promising scientific data on this molecule have focused on low-grade ovarian cancer. Molecular profiling has gradually become part of care for patients affected by recurrent ovarian cancer, however further randomized studies are needed to prove its efficacy in everyday clinical practice. © 2020 The Authors.This paper presented the spatial database collected in 2013 for mitigating the urban carbon emissions of Jinjiang city, China. The database included the high-resolution CO2 emissions gridded maps, urban form fragmentation evaluation maps, and city-scale effect related impact factors distribution maps at 30 m and 500 m. We collected the multi-sources data including statistical, vector, and raster data from open-access websites and local governments. We used a general hybrid approach based on global downscaled and bottom-up elements to produce the CO2 emissions gridded maps. The urban fragmentation was measured by the landscape fragmentation metrics under the feature scale and the accurate identification of the urban functional districts. The percentage of the urban area and the points of interest (POI) density representing the city-scale effect related impact factors were calculated in each grid by the land use and POI data. Our database could be used for the validation of urban CO2 emissions estimation at the city scale. The landscape metrics and city-scale effect related impact factors maps can also be used for evaluating the socio-economic status in order to solve the other urban spatial planning problems. © 2020 The Authors.Introduction Hygienic management is more important in the manufacturing of cell products than in the production of chemical agents, because cell material and final product cannot be decontaminated. On the other hand, especially in the selection of hygienic agent, the adverse effects on the cells must be considered as well as the decontamination effect. ClO2 is a potent disinfectant, which is now expected as a safe and effective hygienic agent in the field of cell production. In this study, we investigated the effects of low dose ClO2 gas in the atmosphere of CO2 incubator on the characteristics of MSCs cultured in it. Methods First, we installed a ClO2 generator to a CO2 incubator for cell culture in which a constant level of ClO2 can be maintained. After culturing human cord derived MSCs in the CO2 incubator, the characteristics of cells were analyzed. Results Continuous exposure to 0.05 ppmv of ClO2 gas did not affect cell proliferation until at least 8th passage. In the FACS analysis, antigens usually expressed on MSCs, CD105, CD90, CD44, CD73 and CD29, were positively observed, but differentiation markers, CD11b and CD34, were little expressed on the MSCs exposed to 0.