The recent discovery of ferromagnetism in two-dimensional van der Waals crystals has provoked a surge of interest in the exploration of fundamental spin interaction in reduced dimensions. However, existing material candidates have several limitations, notably lacking intrinsic room-temperature ferromagnetic order and air stability. Here, motivated by the anomalously high Curie temperature observed in bulk diluted magnetic oxides, we demonstrate room-temperature ferromagnetism in Co-doped graphene-like Zinc Oxide, a chemically stable layered material in air, down to single atom thickness. Through the magneto-optic Kerr effect, superconducting quantum interference device and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements, we observe clear evidences of spontaneous magnetization in such exotic material systems at room temperature and above. Transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy results explicitly exclude the existence of metallic Co or cobalt oxides clusters. X-ray characterizations reveal that the substitutional Co atoms form Co2+ states in the graphitic lattice of ZnO. By varying the Co doping level, we observe transitions between paramagnetic, ferromagnetic and less ordered phases due to the interplay between impurity-band-exchange and super-exchange interactions. Our discovery opens another path to 2D ferromagnetism at room temperature with the advantage of exceptional tunability and robustness.Rab-GTPases and their interacting partners are key regulators of secretory vesicle trafficking, docking, and fusion to the plasma membrane in neurons and neuroendocrine cells. Where and how these proteins are positioned and organized with respect to the vesicle and plasma membrane are unknown. Here, we use correlative super-resolution light and platinum replica electron microscopy to map Rab-GTPases (Rab27a and Rab3a) and their effectors (Granuphilin-a, Rabphilin3a, and Rim2) at the nanoscale in 2D. Next, we apply a targetable genetically-encoded electron microscopy labeling method that uses histidine based affinity-tags and metal-binding gold-nanoparticles to determine the 3D axial location of these exocytic proteins and two SNARE proteins (Syntaxin1A and SNAP25) using electron tomography. Rab proteins are distributed across the entire surface and t-SNARE proteins at the base of docked vesicles. We propose that the circumferential distribution of Rabs and Rab-effectors could aid in the efficient transport, capture, docking, and rapid fusion of calcium-triggered exocytic vesicles in excitable cells.Social transmission of information is taxonomically widespread and could have profound effects on the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of animal communities. Demonstrating this in the wild, however, has been challenging. Here we show by field experiment that social transmission among predators can shape how selection acts on prey defences. Using artificial prey and a novel approach in statistical analyses of social networks, we find that blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) and great tit (Parus major) predators learn about prey defences by watching others. This shifts population preferences rapidly to match changes in prey profitability, and reduces predation pressure from naïve predators. Our results may help resolve how costly prey defences are maintained despite influxes of naïve juvenile predators, and suggest that accounting for social transmission is essential if we are to understand coevolutionary processes.Cancer stem cells (CSCs) play a critical role in invasive growth and metastasis of human head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). Although significant progress has been made in understanding the self-renewal and pro-tumorigenic potentials of CSCs, a key challenge remains on how to eliminate CSCs and halt metastasis effectively. Here we show that super-enhancers (SEs) play a critical role in the transcription of cancer stemness genes as well as pro-metastatic genes, thereby controlling their tumorigenic potential and metastasis. Mechanistically, we find that bromodomain-containing protein 4 (BRD4) recruits Mediators and NF-κB p65 to form SEs at cancer stemness genes such as TP63, MET and FOSL1, in addition to oncogenic transcripts. In vivo lineage tracing reveals that disrupting SEs by BET inhibitors potently inhibited CSC self-renewal and eliminated CSCs in addition to elimination of proliferating non-stem tumor cells in a mouse model of HNSCC. Moreover, disrupting SEs also inhibits the invasive growth and lymph node metastasis of human CSCs isolated from human HNSCC. Taken together, our results suggest that targeting SEs may serve as an effective therapy for HNSCC by eliminating CSCs.Recovery after stroke is thought to be mediated by adaptive circuit plasticity, whereby surviving neurons assume the roles of those that died. However, definitive longitudinal evidence of neurons changing their response selectivity after stroke is lacking. We sought to directly test whether such functional "remapping" occurs within mouse primary somatosensory cortex after a stroke that destroys the C1 barrel. Using in vivo calcium imaging to longitudinally record sensory-evoked activity under light anesthesia, we did not find any increase in the number of C1 whisker-responsive neurons in the adjacent, spared D3 barrel after stroke. To promote plasticity after stroke, we also plucked all whiskers except C1 (forced use therapy). This led to an increase in the reliability of sensory-evoked responses in C1 whisker-responsive neurons but did not increase the number of C1 whisker-responsive neurons in spared surround barrels over baseline levels. Our results argue against remapping of functionality after barrel cortex stroke, but support a circuit-based mechanism for how rehabilitation may improve recovery.Bottom-up and top-down approaches to synthetic biology each employ distinct methodologies with the common aim to harness living systems. Here, we realize a strategic merger of both approaches to convert light into proton gradients for the actuation of synthetic cellular systems. We genetically engineer E. coli to overexpress the light-driven inward-directed proton pump xenorhodopsin and encapsulate them in artificial cell-sized compartments. Exposing the compartments to light-dark cycles, we reversibly switch the pH by almost one pH unit and employ these pH gradients to trigger the attachment of DNA structures to the compartment periphery. For this purpose, a DNA triplex motif serves as a nanomechanical switch responding to the pH-trigger of the E. coli. When DNA origami plates are modified with the pH-sensitive triplex motif, the proton-pumping E. coli can trigger their attachment to giant unilamellar lipid vesicles (GUVs) upon illumination. A DNA cortex is formed upon DNA origami polymerization, which sculpts and deforms the GUVs.