Congenital heart defects (CHD) are malformations present at birth that occur during heart development. Increasing evidence supports a genetic origin of CHD, but in the process important challenges have been identified. This review begins with information about CHD and the importance of detailed phenotyping of study subjects. To facilitate appropriate genetic study design, we review DNA structure, genetic variation in the human genome and tools to identify the genetic variation of interest. Analytic approaches powered for both common and rare variants are assessed. While the ideal outcome of genetic studies is to identify variants that have a causal role, a more realistic goal for genetic analytics is to identify variants in specific genes that influence the occurrence of a phenotype and which provide keys to open biologic doors that inform how the genetic variants modulate heart development. It has never been truer that good genetic studies start with good planning. Continued progress in unraveling the genetic underpinnings of CHD will require multidisciplinary collaboration between geneticists, quantitative scientists, clinicians, and developmental biologists.Pythiosis, whose etiological agent is the oomycete Pythium insidiosum, is a life-threatening disease that occurs mainly in tropical and subtropical countries, affecting several animal species. It is frequently found in horses in Brazil and humans in Thailand. The disease is difficult to diagnose because the pathogen's hyphae are often misdiagnosed as mucoromycete fungi in histological sections. Additionally, there is no specific antigen to use for rapid diagnosis, the availability of which could improve the prognosis in different animal species. In this scenario, we investigated which P. insidiosum antigens are recognized by circulating antibodies in horses and humans with pythiosis from Brazil and Thailand, respectively, using 2D immunoblotting followed by mass spectrometry for the identification of antigens. We identified 23 protein spots, 14 recognized by pooled serum from horses and humans. Seven antigens were commonly recognized by both species, such as the heat-shock cognate 70 KDa protein, the heat-shock 70 KDa protein, glucan 1,3-beta-glucosidase, fructose-bisphosphate aldolase, serine/threonine-protein phosphatase, aconitate hydratase, and 14-3-3 protein epsilon. These results demonstrate that there are common antigens recognized by the immune responses of horses and humans, and these antigens may be studied as biomarkers for improving diagnosis and treatment.Percutaneous acute Achilles tendon rupture suturing has become a leading treatment option in recent years. A common complication after this mini-invasive procedure is sural nerve injury, which can reduce the patients' satisfaction and final outcomes. High-resolution ultrasound is a reliable method for localizing the sural nerve, and it can be performed intra-operatively; however, the long-term results are yet unknown. The aim of the study was to retrospectively evaluate the long-term results of percutaneous Achilles tendon repair supported with real-time ultrasound imaging. We conducted 57 percutaneous sutures of acute Achilles tendon rupture between 2005 and 2015; 30 were sutured under sonographic guidance, while 27 were performed without sonographic assistance. The inclusion criteria were acute (less than 7 days) full tendon rupture, treatment with the percutaneous technique, age between 18 and 65 years, and a body mass index (BMI) below 35. The operative procedure was carried out by two surgeons, according to the surgical technique reported by Maffulli et al. In total, 35 patients were available for this retrospective assessment; 20 (16 men and 4 women) were treated with sonographic guidance, while 15 (12 men and 3 women) underwent the procedure without it. The mean follow-up was 8 years (range, 3-13 years). The sural nerve was localized 10 mm to 20 mm (mean, 15.8; SD, 3.02) laterally from the scar of the Achilles tendon tear. There was no significant difference between groups with respect to the FAOQ score (P less then 0.05). High-resolution ultrasounds performed intra-operatively can minimize the risk of sural nerve injury during percutaneous Achilles tendon repair.Omics have given rise to research on sparsely studied microbial communities such as the landfill, lignocellulolytic microorganisms and enzymes. The bacterial diversity of Municipal Solid Waste sediments was determined using the illumina MiSeq system after DNA extraction and Polymerase chain reactions. Data analysis was used to determine the community's richness, diversity, and correlation with environmental factors. Physicochemical studies revealed sites with mesophilic and thermophilic temperature ranges and a mixture of acidic and alkaline pH values. Temperature and moisture content showed the highest correlation with the bacteria community. The bacterial analysis of the community DNA revealed 357,030 effective sequences and 1891 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) assigned. Forty phyla were found, with the dominant phyla Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, and Bacteroidota, while Aerococcus, Stenotrophomonas, and Sporosarcina were the dominant species. PICRUSt provided insight on community's metabolic function, which was narrowed down to search for lignocellulolytic enzymes' function. Cellulase, xylanase, esterase, and peroxidase were gene functions inferred from the data. This article reports on the first phylogenetic analysis of the Pulau Burung landfill bacterial community. These results will help to improve the understanding of organisms dominant in the landfill and the corresponding enzymes that contribute to lignocellulose breakdown.Introduction We evaluated the effectiveness of an individual, group and community intervention to improve the glycemic control of patients with diabetes mellitus aged 45-75 years with two or three unhealthy life habits. As secondary endpoints, we evaluated the inverventions' effectiveness on adhering to Mediterranean diet, physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, smoking and quality of life. Method A randomized clinical cluster (health centers) trial with two parallel groups in Spain from January 2016 to December 2019 was used. Patients with diabetes mellitus aged 45-75 years with two unhealthy life habits or more (smoking, not adhering to Mediterranean diet or little physical activity) participated. Centers were randomly assigned. The sample size was estimated to be 420 people for the main outcome variable. Educational intervention was done to improve adherence to Mediterranean diet, physical activity and smoking cessation by individual, group and community interventions for 12 months. Controls received the usual health care.