Proteins containing valine-glutamine (VQ) motifs play important roles in plant growth and development as well as in defense responses to both abiotic and biotic stresses. Blackleg disease, which is caused by Leptosphaeria maculans, is the most important disease in canola (Brassica napus) worldwide; however, the identification of Brassica napus VQs and their functions in response to blackleg disease have not yet been reported. In this study, we conducted a genome-wide identification and characterization of the VQ gene family in Brassica napus, including chromosome location, phylogenetic relations, gene structure, motif domain, synteny analysis, and cis-elements categorization of their promoter regions. To understand Brassicanapus VQ gene function in response to blackleg disease, we overexpressed BnVQ7 (BnaA01g36880D, also known as the mitogen-activated protein kinase 4 substrate 1 [MKS1] gene) in a blackleg-susceptible canola variety, Westar. Overexpression of BnMKS1 in canola did not improve its resistance to blackleg disease at the seedling stage; however, transgenic canola plants overexpressing BnMKS1 displayed an enhanced resistance to L. maculans infection at the adult plant stage. Expression levels of downstream and defense marker genes in cotyledons increased significantly at the necrotrophic stage of L. maculans infection in the overexpression line of BnMKS1, suggesting that the salicylic acid- and jasmonic acid-mediated signaling pathways were both involved in the defense responses. Together, these results suggest that BnMKS1 might play an important role in defense against L. maculans.[Formula see text] Copyright © 2021 The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.Aim Precision medicine research recruitment poses challenges. To better understand factors impacting recruitment, this study assessed hypothetical willingness, public opinions of and familiarity with precision medicine research. Materials & methods Adult attendees (n = 942) at the 2017 Minnesota State Fair completed an electronic survey. Results Few respondents had heard of 'precision medicine' (18%), and familiarity came mostly from media (43%). Fifty-six percent expressed hypothetical willingness to participate in precision medicine research. Significant predictors of willingness were comfort with unconditional research; perceiving precision medicine research as beneficial, trustworthy and confidential; having a graduate degree; comfort with self- but not family-participation; and familiarity with precision/personalized medicine. Conclusion This study identified predictors of hypothetical willingness to participate in precision medicine research. Alternative recruitment strategies are needed.Background Substantial uncertainty exists about how providers assess the value of genomic testing. Materials & methods We developed and administered a discrete choice experiment to a national sample of providers. We analyzed responses using an error components mixed logit model. Results We received responses from 356 providers. The attributes important to providers were patient health and function, life expectancy, cost, expert agreement, and biomarker prevalence. Providers significantly valued reducing uncertainty only when it eliminated the possibility of decreased life expectancy. Providers valued improving certainty about life expectancy gains from 12 ± 18 to 12 ± 6 months at US$400 (US$200-600) versus US$200 (-US$60-500) for 4 ± 4 to 4 ± 2 years. Conclusion Providers value resolving uncertainty most when it eliminates the possibility of substantial harm.Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) is an important soft fruit crop in Kazakhstan and is cultivated on more than 1.000 ha each year. Gray mold caused by the fungus Botrytis cinerea is one of the most important fruit rot diseases of cultivated strawberry worldwide. In July 2017, strawberry fruit with gray mold symptoms (approximately 40% incidence) were observed in strawberry fields of Semey province in Kazakhstan. Fruit had light brown lesions that enlarged quickly and were covered with a gray, fuzzy mass of spores and mycelium followed by a soft rot. To isolate the causal agent, sporulating lesions from symptomatic fruit were cut into 3- 5 mm diameter pieces, surface disinfested for 1 min in 2% NaOCI, and plated onto potato dextrose agar (PDA) and incubated at 25°C for 4 to 5 days. Fungal colonies that were consistently isolated were transferred to PDA using single spore isolation. Fungal colonies were colorless at first and became gray to brown when the conidiophores and conidia developed. Conidia measur fruit had been disinfested by spraying fruit with 2% NaOCl and then rinsed two times with sterile distilled water. Noncolonized PDA plugs were used for 20 control fruit. After 2 days of incubation, typical gray mold symptoms were observed on inoculated fruit except controls. The pathogenicity test was repeated twice with identical results. Koch's postulates were fulfilled by the reisolation of B. cinerea from symptomatic fruit. After reisolation on PDA, morphological characteristics were similar to the original isolate. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of B. cinerea causing preharvest fruit rot of strawberry in Kazakhstan. This disease could have a high economic impact as strawberry production increases in Kazakhstan.The adoption of mechanical thinning and pruning in commercial apple orchards has been limited largely by the risk of development and spread of fire blight. This devastating disease, caused by the bacterial pathogen Erwinia amylovora, may be transmitted by mechanical injury such as pruning, especially under warm, moist conditions conducive to bacterial growth, infection, and disease development. However, risk may be mitigated by avoiding highest-risk times and applying a bactericide, such as streptomycin, after mechanical thinning or pruning. In 'Gala' and 'Idared' orchards, we evaluated the risk of fire blight development and spread after mechanical thinning early in bloom (20% bloom), when seasonal temperatures are cooler and there are few open flowers available for infection. In both orchards, we also evaluated the spread and development of fire blight by mechanical pruning in July and in August, before and after terminal bud set, when shoot growth is slowed and the tree is less susceptible to infection. We also assessed the potential efficacy of a streptomycin or Bacillus subtilis biopesticide application after mechanical thinning and pruning to mitigate the spread of fire blight.