of care for all. We were not able to leverage existing, widely used quality measurement tools to create quality domains that were consistently associated with discontinuation in 2 study settings. Given the importance of contraceptive service quality and recent advances in indicator standardization in other areas, we recommend further effort to harmonize and simplify measurement tools to measure and improve contraceptive quality of care for all. Track and trace systems are increasingly being implemented as a technological solution to secure pharmaceutical supply chains. Turkey was the first country to implement a full pharmaceutical track and trace system throughout the entire regulated domestic supply chain. This article explores the emergence and functioning of this system and the consequences for substandard and falsified medicine with a focus on the underlying political and economic factors. This study uses an explanatory case study approach that combined interviews with purposefully selected key informants and document analyses. The main drivers for implementing the pharmaceutical track and trace system in Turkey centered on the elimination of reimbursement fraud and the prevention of falsified medicine in the regulated supply chain. Although stakeholders experienced both physical and software-related problems in implementation, the alignment of incentives of all stakeholders with the power of the state, along with leeway for adaptations, pensing and prescription, and flexibility to adapt the system according to the needs of stakeholders during implementation.Recommendations for antenatal calcium supplementation to prevent preeclampsia could substantially reduce maternal mortality, but adherence to multiple daily doses may constrain effectiveness. World Health Organization guidelines recommend 3 daily calcium supplements (1.5-2 g/d), taken separately from 1 iron-folic acid (IFA) supplement; however, limited data suggest lower calcium doses may also be effective. We conducted mixed-methods household trials to identify strategies for supporting adherence and integrating calcium into antenatal IFA supplementation programming in Ethiopia. Participants were randomly assigned to 3 regimens varying in dose and timing and were later given a choice of regimens. Semistructured interviews conducted over 6 weeks explored acceptability, barriers, and facilitators and offered opportunities to choose calcium pill type. Interviews were transcribed, translated, and analyzed thematically. Calcium adherence was measured using medication event monitoring. All participants (N=48) agree to Ethiopian women, with a 3-event regimen yielding the highest consumption rates. Despite women experiencing challenges with midday dosing and stigma, using simple home-based strategies and being counseled on the purpose of supplementation were more effective than reducing dosage for mitigating barriers and improving adherence.This article assesses the CORE Group Polio Project (CGPP) experience over a 20-year period in 5 countries. It examines how a program designed to provide social mobilization to eradicate one disease, and which did so effectively, functioned within the general framework of community health workers (CHWs). Vertical health programs often have limited impact on broader community health. CGPP has a 20-year history of social mobilization and effective program interventions. This history provided an opportunity to assess how CGPP community mobilizers (CMs) functioned in polio and maternal and child health. The Updated Program Functionality Matrix for Optimizing Community Health Programs tool of the CHW Assessment and Improvement Matrix (AIM) was used to examine CGPP CM roles across different contexts. The analysis determined that CGPP CMs met the basic level of functioning (level 3) for 6 of the 10 components of the AIM tool. This cross-country descriptive analysis of the CGPP demonstrates the importance of embracing the full range of CHW AIM components, even in a vertical program. Use of data, community involvement, local adaptation, and linkage with the health system are especially critical for success. This general lesson could be applied to other community mobilization and disease/epidemic control initiatives, especially as we face the issues of the COVID-19 pandemic. Community health workers (CHWs) play a key role in the health of mothers and newborns in low- and middle-income countries. However, it remains unclear by what actions and messages CHWs enable good outcomes and respectful care. We collected a uniquely linked set of questions on behaviors, beliefs, and care pathways from recently delivered women (n=5,469), their husbands (n=3,064), mothers-in-law (n=3,626), and CHWs (accredited social health activists; n=1,052) in Uttar Pradesh, India. We used logistic regression to study associations between CHW actions and household behaviors during antenatal, delivery, and postnatal periods. Pregnant women who were visited earlier in pregnancy and who received multiple visits were more likely to perform recommended health behaviors including attending multiple checkups, consuming iron and folic acid tablets, and delivering in a health facility (ID), compared to women visited later or receiving fewer visits, respectively. Counseling the woman was associated with higher ain the most from support. Ownership is an important construct of sustainability for community-based health programming, though it is often not clearly defined or measured. We implemented and evaluated a community-driven maternity waiting home (MWH) model in rural Zambia. We engaged stakeholders at all levels and provided intensive mentorship to an MWH governance committee comprised of community-selected members. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/10-dab-10-deacetylbaccatin.html We then examined how different stakeholders perceive community ownership of the MWH. We conducted 42 focus group discussions with community stakeholders (pregnant women, fathers, elders, and community health volunteers) and 161 in-depth interviews with MWH stakeholders (health facility staff, district health officials, and MWH governance committee and management unit members) at multiple time-points over 24 months. We conducted a content analysis and triangulated findings to understand community ownership of the MWH and observe changes in perceptions of ownership over time. Community members' perceptions of ownership were related to their ability to use the MWH and a responsibility toward its success.