Wind energy is important to the transformation and development of global energy, because it is clean and renewable. However, the productivity of wind power is low due to its volatility, randomness, and uncertainty. Therefore, a new hybrid prediction model based on combined Elman-radial basis function (RBF) and Lorenz disturbance is proposed, which can promote the productivity of wind power by better predicting wind speed, firstly, applying the variational mode decomposition (VMD) algorithm to original nonstationary wind speed data to obtain several relatively stationary intrinsic mode functions (IMF), so as to fully exploit its potential characteristics. Meanwhile, the sample entropy is introduced to determine the decomposition number K. Afterwards, different IMF components with different characteristics are used for training and prediction Elman neural network with sensitivity to historical state data is used for wind speed trend components; RBF with strong nonlinear mapping capability is adopted for other srmulate wind farm control strategies, enhance the self-regulation of wind farm, and further promote global energy innovation.Lower happiness caused by environmental pollution has attracted widespread attention, but existing studies have ignored the impact of environmental governance on happiness, and hardly a research has discussed whether environmental regulations will affect happiness. To make up for the above shortfall, based on the micro data come from Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS) in 2015 and the macro data of 28 provinces in China from 2013 to 2015, this study distinguishes three types of environmental regulations which are economical environmental regulation (EER), legal environmental regulation (LER) and supervised environmental regulation (SER), and the econometrical analysis of the linear relationship or potential nonlinear relationship between them and happiness is carried by ordinary least square (OLS) and ordered probit (Oprobit). Considering the time lag of policy implementation, this paper further tests the lagging effects. The results show that EER significantly improves happiness in the long run after implementation, and LER has no significant effect on happiness in the current year and the following year, while the significant nonlinear relationship appear after 2 years, whereas SER has a negative effect on happiness in the year and 2 years later. Therefore, in addition to continuing to increase government investment in environmental administration with adequate budgets, local governments should strengthen the environmental legal system and administrative accountability. And the most important of all, the government should create more avenues for public participation and pay enough attention to the supervision of the public. Finally, this research has great theoretical and realistic significance for the government to control environmental pollution.The ectoparasitoid Tamarixia triozae is a promising biological control agent of the tomato psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli, based on its high parasitism rates on different crops. The parasitism, host feeding, and transgenerational effects (in terms of sex ratio) of T. triozae females exposed to three insecticides (soybean oil, imidacloprid, and abamectin) as eggs, larvae, and pupae were evaluated when a mixture of second, third, fourth, and fifth instars of the host B. cockerelli was offered. The concentrations bioassayed of each insecticide corresponded to the minimum field-registered concentration [MiFRC] and one-half the MiFRC. No parasitism of B. cockerelli second instars was recorded when parasitoid's females were exposed in any of the three immature stages to any of the insecticides. In contrast, in some cases, parasitism of T. triozae females treated as eggs, larvae, or pupae with soybean oil and imidacloprid was reduced in third, fourth, or fifth instar. In most cases, the host feeding was reduced in second and third instar of the host B. cockerelli when T. triozae females were treated as eggs, larvae, or pupae. Any insecticide modified the sex ratio in the F2 generation. In conclusion, both parasitism and host feeding were affected by the insecticides depending on the concentration and on the nymphal instar of the host B. cockerelli offered.Loom-dye effluent discharge has constituted a major environmental threat to the people of Belkuchi Upazila of Sirajganj District. The present study was conducted to characterize loom-dye effluents and investigate their health implications by the growth analysis of rice and red amaranth seedlings along with a survey study among the individuals associated with loom-dyeing, weaving, and crop farming activities. A total of twenty-eight loom-dye effluent samples were collected for physicochemical characterization; among them, only three loom-dye effluents, i.e. pink, violet, and black dyes, at concentrations of 0, 10, 25, 50, 75, and 100% were applied as irrigation water to rice and red amaranth. The plant growth experiment was laid out following a completely randomized design with three replicas. Chemical analyses of loom-dye effluents showed the presence of a significant amount of plant nutrients and heavy metals. The mean concentrations of Pb, Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu were 0.938, 0.046, 0.212, 7.109, 0.609, 0training programs ought to be introduced to educate the individuals involved in the discharge and subsequent use of loom-dye effluents.Based on expectancy valence theory, people's behavior is affected by their self-perception and the external environment. In rural China, policy instruments as robust external environment factors have a strong effect on waste separation behavior (WSB). The purpose of the paper is to explore the influencing mechanism of policy instruments (infrastructure and information) on perceived value (perceived benefit and perceived cost) and waste separation behaviors. The data were collected from 689 rural households of Shaanxi province in China, and analyzed by using structural equation model (SEM). According to the results, the mediation effect proves that policy instruments not only can affect WSB directly but also can affect it indirectly through the perceived value. Specifically, information and infrastructure influence the perceived benefit positively and the perceived cost negatively, and information and infrastructure have an indirect effect on WSB through the mediation effect of the perceived cost. Second, policy instruments have a stronger effect on rural people's waste separation behavior than perceived value.