These findings should be especially important in the context of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on FI. As FI can affect the quality and quantity of food choices it is associated with a poorer health status, which increases the risk of infection, including COVID-19, and worsens recovery prognosis. Planning an efficient response to the pandemic requires a comprehension of the increased risk of exposure experienced by people, especially those who are food insecure.Establishment of presynaptic mechanisms by proteins that regulate neurotransmitter release in the presynaptic active zone is considered a fundamental step in animal evolution. Rab3 interacting molecule-binding proteins (Rimbps) are crucial components of the presynaptic active zone and key players in calcium homeostasis. Although Rimbp involvement in these dynamics has been described in distantly related models such as fly and human, the role of this family in most invertebrates remains obscure. To fill this gap, we defined the evolutionary history of Rimbp family in animals, from sponges to mammals. We report, for the first time, the expression of the two isoforms of the unique Rimbp family member in Ciona robusta in distinct domains of the larval nervous system. We identify intronic enhancers that are able to drive expression in different nervous system territories partially corresponding to Rimbp endogenous expression. The analysis of gene expression patterns and the identification of regulatory elements of Rimbp will positively impact our understanding of this family of genes in the context of Ciona embryogenesis.Although there is an important lack of commercial thermoelectric applications mainly due to their low efficiency, there exist some cases in which thermoelectric generators are the best option thanks to their well-known advantages, such as reliability, lack of maintenance and scalability. In this sense, the present paper develops a novel application in order to supply power to volcanic monitoring stations, making them completely autonomous. These stations become indispensable in any volcano since they are able to predict eruptions. Nevertheless, they present energy supply difficulties due to the absence of the power grid, the remote access, and the climatology. As a solution, this work has designed a new integral system composed of thermoelectric generators with high efficiency heat exchangers, and its associated electronics, developed thanks to Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. Thus, the heat emitted from volcanic fumaroles is transformed directly into electricity with thermoelectric generators with passive heat exchangers based on phase change, leading to a continuous generation without moving parts that powers different sensors, the information of which is emitted via LoRa. The viability of the solution has been demonstrated both at the laboratory and at a real volcano, Teide (Canary Islands, Spain), where a compact prototype has been installed in an 82 °C fumarole. The results obtained during more than five months of operation prove the robustness and durability of the developed generator, which has been in operation without maintenance and under all kinds of meteorological conditions, leading to an average generation of 0.54 W and a continuous emission over more than 14 km.The tripeptide NH2-Gly-His-Lys-COOH (GHK), cis-urocanic acid (cis-UCA) and Cu(II) ions are physiological constituents of the human body and they co-occur (e.g., in the skin and the plasma). While GHK is known as Cu(II)-binding molecule, we found that urocanic acid also coordinates Cu(II) ions. Furthermore, both ligands create ternary Cu(II) complex being probably physiologically functional species. Regarding the natural concentrations of the studied molecules in some human tissues, together with the affinities reported here, we conclude that the ternary complex [GHK][Cu(II)][cis-urocanic acid] may be partly responsible for biological effects of GHK and urocanic acid described in the literature.Soil quality is seriously reduced due to chemical pollution, including heavy metal (HM) pollution. To meet quality standards, polluted soils must be remediated. Soil washing/soil flushing offers efficient removal of heavy metals and decreases environmental risk in polluted areas. These goals can be obtained by using proper washing agents to remove HMs from soil. These washing agents should not pose unacceptable threats to humans and ecosystems, including soil composition. Currently, it is desirable to use more environmentally and economically attractive washing agents instead of synthetic, environmentally problematic chemicals (e.g., ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)). The usefulness of novel washing agents for treatment of heavy metal-contaminated soils is being intensively developed, in terms of the efficiency of HM removal and properties of washed soils. Despite the unquestionable effectiveness of soil washing/flushing, it should be remembered that both methods generate secondary fluid waste (spent washing solution), and the final stage of the process should be treatment of the contaminated spent washing solution. This paper reviews information on soil contamination with heavy metals. This review examines the principles and status of soil washing and soil flushing. The novel contribution of this review is a presentation of the sources and characteristics of novel washing agents and chemical substitutes for EDTA, with their potential for heavy metal removal. Methods for treating spent washing solution are discussed separately.This review paper summarizes various approaches developed in the literature for antenna sensors with an emphasis on flexible solutions. The survey helps to recognize the limitations and advantages of this technology. Furthermore, it offers an overview of the main points for the development and design of flexible antenna sensors from the selection of the materials to the framing of the antenna including the different scenario applications. With regard to wearable antenna sensors deployment, a review of the textile materials that have been employed is also presented. Several examples related to human body applications of flexible antenna sensors such as the detection of NaCl and sugar solutions, blood and bodily variables such as temperature, strain, and finger postures are also presented. Future investigation directions and research challenges are proposed.