After Scopus, Dimensions is fourth largest (54% of all citations), including 84% of Scopus citations and 88% of WoS citations. It found more citations than Scopus in 36 categories, more than WoS in 185, and displays some coverage gaps, especially in the Humanities. Following WoS, COCI is the smallest, with 28% of all citations. Google Scholar is still the most comprehensive source. In many subject categories Microsoft Academic and Dimensions are good alternatives to Scopus and WoS in terms of coverage.In this study, computational fluid dynamics (cfd) software and detached eddy simulation turbulence model were used to simulate butterfly valves with different designs. The effects of shaft diameters on the value and the fluctuation of valve disk torque were studied, and the physical reason was discussed. The simulation results were verified by comparing with the experimental data. The findings revealed that with the closing of the valve, the hydraulic torque of the valve disk first increases and then decreases. Meanwhile, the torque decreases gradually with the increase of the shaft diameter. The variation of torque is caused by the change of pressure on both sides of the valve disk. The result also indicates that the fluctuation of torque is induced by the flow separation phenomenon occurs on the valve disk. The fluctuation is significant for the valve opening from 20% to 60%. The strength of the torque fluctuation is greater for the smaller shaft diameter. This study provides a theoretical basis for the design and optimization of butterfly valves.A numerical investigation is performed on buoyancy-driven homogeneous and heterogeneous bubbly flows to compare the bulk gas-liquid heat transfer effectiveness for Prandtl (Pr) numbers 0.2-20 and void fractions 〈 α g 〉 0.3-0.5. For this purpose, transient two-fluid model simulations of bubbles rising in a stagnant pool of liquid are conducted in a rectangular box by applying periodic boundary conditions to all the sides. The temperature difference ( Δ T ) between gas and liquid phase is averaged over the rectangular box and monitored with respect to time, the heat transfer rate is studied based on the time at which the Δ T tends to zero. The results of numerical study show that at low Pr numbers, faster decay of Δ T is observed for homogeneous flow of bubbles indicating higher heat transfer rate in comparison with the heterogeneous flow of bubbles for the same void fraction. On the contrary, for high Pr numbers, higher heat transfer rate is observed in heterogeneous flow compared to the homogeneous. The comparison of heat transfer behavior between different void fractions for heterogeneous flow show that, for low Pr numbers higher heat transfer rate is achieved for void fraction 0.4 in comparison with void fraction 0.5. And for high Pr numbers, higher heat transfer is observed for void fraction 0.5 in comparison with void fraction 0.4.Previous studies have found impaired affective decision-making, as measured by the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT), in various antisocial populations. This is the first study to compare the IGT in violent and nonviolent incarcerated American youth. The IGT was administered to 185 incarcerated adolescent male offenders charged with either nonviolent (38.4%) or violent (61.6%) crimes. General linear mixed models and t tests were used to assess differences between the groups. The full sample performed worse than if they had selected from the decks at random. The violent offenders performed more poorly than the nonviolent offenders overall, primarily because they preferred "disadvantageous" Deck B to a greater degree; however, they did demonstrate some degree of learning by the final block of the task. Adolescent offenders demonstrate impaired affective decision-making. Behavior suggested preferential attention to frequency of loss and amount of gain and inattention to amount of loss.Global cities boast higher rates of innovation as measured through patent and scientific production. However, the source of the location advantage of innovation hubs is still debated in the literature, with arguments ranging from localized knowledge spillovers to network effects. Thanks to an extensive data set of individual scientist career paths, we shed new light on the role of scientist location choices in determining the superior innovative performance of global cities. We analyze the career paths of around two million researchers over a decade across more than two thousand cities around the globe. First, we show that scientists active in global cities are more productive in terms of citation weighted publications. We then show that this superior performance is in part driven by highly prolific scientists moving and remaining preferentially in global cities, i.e., central cities in the international scientist mobility network. The overall picture that emerges is that global cities are better positioned to attract and retain prolific scientists than more peripheral cities.Algal seaweeds have abundant amounts of active substances and can be used as pharmaceuticals and biomedicals in aquafeeds. In this context, the powder of red macroalgae Gracilaria persica was included in the diets of Persian sturgeon at the rate of 0, 2.5, 5, and 10 g/kg to investigate its role on the growth rate, fillet colouration, haemato-biochemical indices, serum, and skin mucus immunity. The weight gain, SGR, and FCR displayed no significant changes in fish fed varying levels of G. persica (P > 0.05). The level of total carotenoids was significantly higher in the blood and fillet of fish fed 5 and 10 g G. persica/kg diet (P 0.05). Serum Ig, lysozyme, superoxide dismutase, catalase, and respiratory burst activities were increased in fish fed 5, and 10 g/kg than fish fed 0 and 2.5 g/kg diet (P less then 0.05). The level of total protein and lysozyme activity in the skin mucus were significantly higher in the blood and fillet of fish fed 5, and 10 g G. persica/kg diet than fish fed 0 and 2.5 g/kg (P less then 0.05). Based on the obtained results, G. persica can be used as a feasible feed additive in the diets of Persian sturgeon at 5-10 g/kg diet.