Steady-state responses to 40-100 Hz in the ventral hippocampus depress in both layers similarly. High-frequency TA input (40-100 Hz) to the dorsal hippocampus depresses more in proximal than in distal SLM, while low-frequency (1-3 Hz) TA input to the ventral hippocampus facilitates more in distal than in proximal SLM. The present evidence suggests that direct and indirect entorhinal cortical inputs across the septotemporal extent of hippocampal CA1 field display frequency selectivity both in the radial and transverse axes, and that a rapid information processing may take place through direct ventral hippocampal CA1-EC circuit interactions independently of trisynaptic circuit.Chronic pancreatitis (CP) is an inflammatory process characterized by irreversible morphological changes in the pancreas. Pain is the predominant symptom observed during the course of CP. The etiopathogenesis of pain in CP is multifactorial and includes ductal hypertension due to obstruction of the pancreatic duct (PD), neuropathic causes, and extrapancreatic complications of CP like pseudocyst and distal biliary obstruction. A sizeable proportion of patients with CP are amenable to endoscopic treatment. The mainstay of endotherapy includes decompression of PD with one or more plastic stents in those with stricture, and fragmentation of PD calculi using extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. Nearly two-thirds of the patients achieve pain relief in the long term with endotherapy. Upfront assessment for the suitability of endotherapy is paramount to achieve the best outcomes. The predictors of poor response to endotherapy include multifocal disease, like those with multifocal strictures or multiple calculi throughout the pancreas, or a combination of both PD strictures and stones. With the emerging use of covered metal stents, the outcomes are likely to improve in cases with refractory PD strictures as well as CP-related distal biliary obstruction. The optimum stent design and indwell time of metal stents in cases with refractory PD strictures need further evaluation. Endoscopic ultrasonography has emerged as a complementary endoscopic modality in the management of CP as well as associated complications like pseudocysts, refractory pain, and vascular complications.Developmental brain injury describes a spectrum of neurological pathologies resulting from either antenatal or perinatal injury. This includes both cognitive and motor defects that affect patients for their entire lives. Developmental brain injury can be caused by a spectrum of conditions including stroke, perinatal hypoxia-ischemia, and intracranial hemorrhage. Additional risk factors have been identified including very low birth weight, mechanical ventilation, and oxygen (O2 ) supplementation. In fact, infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia, an inflammatory disease associated with disrupted lung development, have been shown to have decreased cerebral white matter and decreased intracranial volumes. Thus, there appears to be a developmental link between the lung, O2 , and the brain that leads to proper myelination. Here, we will discuss what is currently known about the link between O2 and myelination and how scientists are exploring mechanisms through which supplemental O2 and/or lung injury can affect brain development. Consideration of a link between the diseased lung and developing brain will allow clinicians to fine tune their approaches in managing preterm lung disease in order to optimize brain health.The Chinese white wax scale insect, Ericerus pela, is an important resource insect in China. The rapid response of E. pela to decreasing temperatures plays key roles in the population distribution. In this study, we analyzed the gene expression of E. pela treated with low temperature using transcriptome analyses and weighted gene coexpression network analysis (WGCNA). The results showed that the cold resistance of E. pela involved changes in the expression of many genes. The genes were mainly involved in alcohol formation activity, lipid metabolism, membrane and structure, and oxidoreductase activity. According to the WGCNA results, some pathways related to cold resistance were found in the genes in the modules, such as cytoskeleton proteins, cytoskeleton protein pathway, biosynthesis of unsaturated fatty acids, glycerophospholipid metabolism, ether lipid metabolism, and thermogenesis. Some of the hub genes were nonspecific lipid-transfer proteins, DnaJ homolog subfamily C member 13, paramyosin, tropomodulin, and tubulin beta chain. In particular, the hub genes of the tan module included the heat shock protein (hsp) 10, hsp 60, hsp 70, and hsp 90 genes. Thirty-five antifreeze protein (afp) genes were identified according to the annotation results. Three afp genes were further identified among the hub genes. Six of these genes were selected for heterogeneous protein expression. One of them was expressed successfully. The thermal hysteresis activity (THA) analyses showed that the THA was 1.73°C. These results showed that the cytoskeleton, lipid metabolism, thermogenesis, HSPs and AFPs may play important roles in the cold resistance of E. pela.This paper demonstrates the utility of latent classes in evaluating the effect of an intervention on an outcome through multiple indicators of mediation. These indicators are observed intermediate variables that identify an underlying latent class mediator, with each class representing a different mediating pathway. The use of a latent class mediator allows us to avoid modeling the complex interactions between the multiple indicators and ensures the decomposition of the total mediating effects into additive effects from individual mediating pathways, a desirable feature for evaluating multiple indicators of mediation. This method is suitable when the goal is to estimate the total mediating effects that can be decomposed into the additive effects of distinct mediating pathways. Each indicator may be involved in multiple mediation pathways and at the same time multiple indicators may contribute to a single mediating pathway. The relative importance of each pathway may vary across subjects. We applied this method to the analysis of the first 6 months of data from a 2-year clustered randomized trial for adults in their first episode of schizophrenia.