The RNA World theory encompasses the hypothesis that sophisticated ribozymes and riboswitches were the primary drivers of metabolic processes in ancient organisms. Several types of catalytic RNAs and many classes of ligand-sensing RNA switches still exist in modern cells. Curiously, allosteric ribozymes formed by the merger of RNA enzyme and RNA switch components are largely absent in today's biological systems. This is true despite the striking abundances of various classes of both self-cleaving ribozymes and riboswitch aptamers. Here we present the known types of ligand-controlled ribozymes and riboswitches and discuss the possible reasons why fused ribozyme-aptamer constructs have been disfavored through evolution.Laboratory mice have provided invaluable insight into mammalian immune systems. Yet the immune phenotypes of mice bred and maintained in conventional laboratory conditions often differ from the immune phenotypes of wild mammals. Recent work to naturalize the environmental experience of inbred laboratory mice-to take them where the wild things are (to borrow a phrase from Maurice Sendak), via approaches such as construction of exposure histories, provision of fecal transplants or surrogate mothering by wild mice, and rewilding-is poised to expand understanding, complementing genetic and phylogenetic research on how natural selection has shaped mammalian immune systems while improving the translational potential of mouse research.Base editors are RNA-programmable deaminases that enable precise single-base conversions in genomic DNA. However, off-target activity is a concern in the potential use of base editors to treat genetic diseases. Here, we report unbiased analyses of transcriptome-wide and genome-wide off-target modifications effected by cytidine base editors in the liver of mice with phenylketonuria. The intravenous delivery of intein-split cytidine base editors by dual adeno-associated viruses led to the repair of the disease-causing mutation without generating off-target mutations in the RNA and DNA of the hepatocytes. Moreover, the transient expression of a cytidine base editor mRNA and a relevant single-guide RNA intravenously delivered by lipid nanoparticles led to ~21% on-target editing and to the reversal of the disease phenotype; there were also no detectable transcriptome-wide and genome-wide off-target edits. Our findings support the feasibility of therapeutic cytidine base editing to treat genetic liver diseases.During extracorporeal blood purification, anticoagulants are administered to prevent thrombogenesis. However, haemorrhagic complications owing to near-complete inactivation of blood coagulation and delayed recovery of haemostasis pose serious risks to patients. Here, we show in vitro and in beagle dogs that hydrogel microspheres that adsorb the coagulation factors VIII, IX and XI provide transient blood thinning when placed in the extracorporeal circuit before blood purification. The microspheres inhibited the activities of the coagulation factors by levels (~8-30%) similar to those occurring in mild haemophilia. On its reintroduction into the animal, the purified pseudo-haemophilic blood favoured faster recovery of haemostasis. The transient blood-thinning strategy may increase the safety of clinical blood-purification procedures.Short-term memory is associated with persistent neural activity that is maintained by positive feedback between neurons. To explore the neural circuit motifs that produce memory-related persistent activity, we measured coupling between functionally characterized motor cortex neurons in mice performing a memory-guided response task. Targeted two-photon photostimulation of small ( less then 10) groups of neurons produced sparse calcium responses in coupled neurons over approximately 100 μm. Neurons with similar task-related selectivity were preferentially coupled. Photostimulation of different groups of neurons modulated activity in different subpopulations of coupled neurons. Responses of stimulated and coupled neurons persisted for seconds, far outlasting the duration of the photostimuli. Photostimuli produced behavioral biases that were predictable based on the selectivity of the perturbed neuronal population, even though photostimulation preceded the behavioral response by seconds. Our results suggest that memory-related neural circuits contain intercalated, recurrently connected modules, which can independently maintain selective persistent activity.Cortical pathology contributes to chronic cognitive impairment of patients suffering from the neuroinflammatory disease multiple sclerosis (MS). How such gray matter inflammation affects neuronal structure and function is not well understood. In the present study, we use functional and structural in vivo imaging in a mouse model of cortical MS to demonstrate that bouts of cortical inflammation disrupt cortical circuit activity coincident with a widespread, but transient, loss of dendritic spines. Spines destined for removal show local calcium accumulations and are subsequently removed by invading macrophages or activated microglia. Targeting phagocyte activation with a new antagonist of the colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor prevents cortical synapse loss. Overall, our study identifies synapse loss as a key pathological feature of inflammatory gray matter lesions that is amenable to immunomodulatory therapy.The nucleus accumbens shell (NAcSh) and the ventral pallidum (VP) are critical for reward processing, although the question of how coordinated activity within these nuclei orchestrates reward valuation and consumption remains unclear. Inhibition of NAcSh firing is necessary for reward consumption, but the source of this inhibition remains unknown. Here, we report that a subpopulation of VP neurons, the ventral arkypallidal (vArky) neurons, project back to the NAcSh, where they inhibit NAcSh neurons in vivo in mice. Consistent with this pathway driving reward consumption via inhibition of the NAcSh, calcium activity of vArky neurons scaled with reward palatability (which was dissociable from reward seeking) and predicted the subsequent drinking behavior during a free-access paradigm. Activation of the VP-NAcSh pathway increased ongoing reward consumption while amplifying hedonic reactions to reward. These results establish a pivotal role for vArky neurons in the promotion of reward consumption through modulation of NAcSh firing in a value-dependent manner.